英语人>词典>汉英 : 守候室 的英文翻译,例句
守候室 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与守候室相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Than we talked about the things that happened this morning, and, no surprisely, we brought Sergeant Wren up, and then, we start to talk about Pogue, and suddenly, my roomate got something pop up in his mind, he told me that the from now on the QRF gonna stay out of the gate for 24 hours, not like before, just stay in the dayroom and wait for the call.


A country squire and his fat wife occupied the tapestried chamber; merry girls scampered up and down the long passages, and young men stared out of the latticed windows watching for southerly winds and cloudy skies; there was not an empty stall in the roomy old stables; an extempore forge had been set up in the yard for the shoeing of hunters; yelping dogs made the place noisy with their perpetual clamour; strange servants horded together on the garret story; and every little casement hidden away under some pointed gable, and every dormer window in the quaint old roof, glimmered upon the winter's night with its separate taper, till, coming suddenly upon Audley Court, the benighted stranger, misled by the light and noise, and bustle of the place, might have easily fallen into young Marlowe's error, and have mistaken the hospitable mansion for a good, old-fashioned inn, such as have faded from this earth since the last mail coach and prancing tits took their last melancholy journey to the knacker's yard.


更多网络解释与守候室相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


guardianship 保护 | guardrail 栏杆 | guardroom 守候室


guardrail 护轨 | guardroom 守候室 | guardroom 守卫室


guardroom 守候室 | guardroom 守卫室 | guardroom 卫兵室


guardroom 守候室 | guardship 警戒船 | guardsman 卫兵