英语人>词典>汉英 : 宁愿...不愿... 的英文翻译,例句
宁愿...不愿... 的英文翻译、例句


had rather...than
更多网络例句与宁愿...不愿...相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So we put the sheet back on the line that night, and stole one out of her closet; and kept on putting it back and stealing it again for a couple of days till she didn't know how many sheets she had any more, and she didn't CARE, and warn't a-going to bullyrag the rest of her soul out about it, and wouldn't count them again not to save her life; she druther die first.


I want to take the calculated risk, to dream and to build, to fail or succeed.


So full-time stationmaster misses the work, because want to cast off such circumstance, aux would rather also be not hoped by the canal by social abandon, aux would rather income also thinks bit lesser more stable, aux would rather everyday keep early hours runs public transportation, also do not wish again lethargy is in the home.


To trust in spite of the look of being forsaken; to keep crying out into the vast, whence comes no returning voice, and where seems no hearing; to see the machinery of the world pauselessly grinding on as if self-moved, caring for no life, nor shifting a hair-breadth for all entreaty, and yet believe that God is awake and utterly loving; to desire nothing but what comes meant for us from His hand; to wait patiently, ready to die of hunger, fearing only lest faith should fail-such is the victory that overcometh the world, such is faith indeed.


I prefer waling to rid ing .


I prefer waling to riding.


I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state look after me.


But you kept silent about most of my arguments for preferring love to wedlock and freedom to chains.


I would rather die with my head high, with indestructible faith and profound belief in the destiny of our country, than live in humility and renounce the principles which are sacred to me.

宁愿 宁愿昂着头,怀着不动摇的信念,抱着对祖国前途的真切信心而死,也不愿也不愿在屈从之译文:我宁愿也不愿下背弃神圣的原则而生。

Most IS managers would rather tangle with backend databases than backhoes, hard-drive controllers than city controllers.


更多网络解释与宁愿...不愿...相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He will die of hunger before he will steal:他宁愿饿死,也不愿去偷

10. You evidently think otherwise.你显然有不同的看法 | 11. He will die of hunger before he will steal. 他宁愿饿死,也不愿去偷. | 12. That little bridge is anything but safe.那座桥一点也不安全.

had rather do sth than do sth:宁愿...也(不愿),与其...不如

26.get along well with...与...相处很融洽 | =had rather do sth than do sth宁愿...也(不愿),与其...不如... | 29.prefer doing sth to doing sth 喜欢做某事而不喜欢做另一事

I had rather do and not promise, than promise and not do:宁愿多做事少许诺,不愿多许诺而不做事

2704 I have yet to be bored by someone paying me ... | 2705 I had rather do and not promise, than promise and not do. 宁愿多做事少许诺,不愿多许诺而不做事. | 2706 Courage and resolution are the spirit a...

had rather...than:宁愿...而不愿

had rather宁愿 | had rather ... than宁愿...而不愿... | have an advantage over胜过,优于

rather than: in preference to: instead of:宁愿;不愿;不要

We should attach primary importance to the development of econom... | 5. rather than: in preference to: instead of 宁愿;不愿;不要 | He resigned rather than take part in such a dishonest transaction . 他...

would rather do ...... than do:宁愿...也不愿..., 宁可...也不

would rather do宁愿做...,宁可 | would rather do ...than do ... 宁愿...也不愿..., 宁可...也不... | would/will you be kind enough to do 劳驾...好吗? 请你...好吗?

would rather do ...... than do:宁愿...而不愿

43. talk to one or two people rather than a group (宁愿)与一两个人说话而不愿与一群人说... | 44. would rather do... than do...宁愿. . . 而不愿. . . | 45. have a small circle of good friends 朋友圈儿很小

He would sooner play than work:他宁愿玩也不愿干活

He would rather listen to others than talk himself. 他宁愿听别人也不愿自己说. | He would sooner play than work. 他宁愿玩也不愿干活. | You had better go away right now. 你最好立即就走.

He would sooner play than work:他宁愿玩也不愿干活. Ndz无忧研修网

He would rather listen to others than talk himself. 他宁愿听别人也不愿自己说... | He would sooner play than work. 他宁愿玩也不愿干活. Ndz无忧研修网 | You had better go away right now. 你最好立即就走. ...

Helen prefers going by train to flying:海伦宁愿乘火车而不愿乘飞机

I prefer country life to city life. 我喜欢农村生活胜过城市... | Helen prefers going by train to flying. 海伦宁愿乘火车而不愿乘飞机. | Helen prefers to go by train rather than to fly. 海伦不愿乘飞机而愿...