英语人>词典>汉英 : 媒体 的英文翻译,例句
媒体 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
media  ·  medium  ·  Media  ·  mediums

更多网络例句与媒体相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Application of media gateway technology, launched sobe First Class Service for multimedia conversion equipment - media server, thus the birth of a number of unique personality-related devices, such as using a variety of video and audio IO interface board video and audio media server for a wide range of media format conversion of documents between the high-performance media server.


Under the background of international internet era, China"s TV medium is facing with the new communication environments, China"s primary communication environments, including political, market, cultural and technique environments, appear new characteristics under the impact of cybernation.


From wardens to deaf-blind people, from enterprises to media, from Sun Li, Deng Chao to former basketball player Ma Jian, from Badminton world champion Gong Ruina, and Chess master Liu Xiaoguang to actor Liu Bin, He Bin, singer Tian Zhen and Fu Disheng couple, from Zhao Pu, Chunni to journalists in Beijing, from foreign students to foreign guests, from volunteer stations to tourist sites, from office buildings to Olympic stadiums, from busy streets to ordinary communities, over 100,000 people dressed in the same Olympic shirt hand printed by artists and celebrities, unfurling Chinese people's passion and hospitality by showing direction to foreign friends and so forth, without even language communication."Olympic Shirt Direction Guider" made up unique scenery from the city, warm praises came from central government, multi-media, business units and institutions, ordinary citizens, foreign friends, political leaders abroad, athletes and foreign media; massive media coverage from CCTV, Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, Global Times, BTV, CRI, Top 3 Agencies, Beijing Youth, JB News Media, Southern City Daily, Big River, Xinmin Evening, Qian River Evening, Yangzi Evening, Chinese Merchants, Yanzhao Evening, Sina.com, Sohu.com, MSN.com, Chinanews.com, Phoenix TV, Takungpao, Lianhe Zaobao, China Times, New York Times, Mirror of Germany, Guardian of Britain, Europe Times of France, BBC, CNN and so on, all jointly promoted Beijing and Chinese people's friendly, hospitable image to the world.

上到区长下到聋哑百姓,从企业到媒体,从孙俪邓超到前篮球运动员马建,从世界羽毛球冠军龚睿娜、围棋大师刘晓光到演员刘斌和何冰、歌手田震和付笛声夫妇,从赵普春妮到京城媒体记者,从留学生到留学客,从志愿者站到旅游景点,从写字楼到奥运场馆,从繁华街道到普通社区,近10万人穿上一件由艺术家和社会名人手绘的地图"奥衫",在不用语言交流的情况下,为初次来京的外国朋友指路,展现中国人的热情好客,"指路奥衫"成为奥运会期间京城一道独特的风景线,受到中央政府、媒体各界、企事单位、普通百姓、外国友人、国际政客、运动员、国外媒体等各行各业的大力赞赏;包括中央台、新华社、人民日报、环球时报、北京台、国际广播电台、国际三大社、北青报、京报集团下各大媒体、南都、大河报、新民晚报、钱江晚报、扬子晚报、华商报、燕赵晚报、新浪网、搜狐网、 MSN 网、中新网、凤凰卫视、香港大公报、联合早报、中国时报、纽约时报、德国镜报、英国卫报、法国欧洲时报、 BBC 、 CNN 等近百家国内外媒体大篇幅报道,将中国北京和中国人民的友好热情与良好形象推广到了全世界。

Researcher who held the post of the media literacy lecture for the past three years, discover through the interaction with the teacher who join the seminar or the teaching team who need the counseling, it's not easily to implement media literacy in the school, lay in the teacher to be insufficient regarding the media elementary knowledge, causes to be unable independently to design the teaching activity, however in the market although had few publications to be allowed to instruct the media literacy teaching, but in the teaching activity often needed to use the massive media model, those had to collect by the teacher voluntarily, moreover most of these curricula taken the independent teaching, didn't intergrade and coordinated with the existing curriculum, therefore could have the problem in the teaching time.


Next, of fashionable network media there are two the largest interests in forming: The brand of planar and fashionable media that the first force is a tradition digitlizes value of transition, patulous brand and consequence to realize media, builds network vogue media, representative website includes Trends- style net of Chinese of international of Mi Na of osmund net of Xin of annals of woman of China of net of net, Vogue China, Yoka, ELLE, OnlyLady-, Ixinwei-, Mina-, Rayli- luck beautiful female net, these websites rely on the advantage such as the brand of the planar media with powerful oneself, content, channel, held the acme on character.


The thesis first did the prevue of cellular phone medium,explain the concept of cellular phone medium and character of cellular phone medium .And summarize the development situation of the cellular phone medium,describe 3G age's effect to cellular phone medium.


A layout information selecting part (304) selects a layout in accordance with the display part as designated by the display designating part (303) from layout information, which includes layouts suitable for the resolutions of the display portions (D1,D2), distributed from a media distributing apparatus. In accordance with the selected layout, a media display control part (306) selects media distributed from the media distributing apparatus, performs a conversion processing, such as scale-up or scale-down, and causes the display part as designated by the display designating part (303) to display the media.


Whereas, this article will adopt the autology of New Media Art to discuss its meanings of ontology. The newness of New Media Art will be highlighted. That is, how we orientate and interpret the core of"new", how we distinguish and classify the impact caused by the application of new technologies and mixed media, how to explain and analyse the contradictive as well as unitive relations among image, time and space in New Media Art. This article argues about some controversial academic notions and defines aesthetic scopes logically, in a hope to provide the study of New Media Art with tangible aims and stands.


Including the site NVIDIA Gelato,媒体管理 to introduce information about the text, links and software to download screenshots.

包括本站 NVIDIA Gelato,媒体管理介绍资料,说明文字,下载链接和软件截图。

Policies are the most important condition that many enterprises invest money into media ,and the loosening of the policies will bring about deep changes in media, the thesis also analysizes the reality of money inflowing media.


更多网络解释与媒体相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


为流媒体(asf)文件"的功能,并使用媒体服务器作为流媒体的发布平台,则1)在2000/XP上安装方正奥思多媒体创作工具加密版本,需要管理员(Administrator)或运行控制面板(Control Panel)中的增加/删除程序(Add/Remove Programs)


2010年1月,在市场营销和广告业最权威刊物之一>最新发布的调查排名中,凯络媒体(Carat)被评选为"年度最佳媒体代理商". 这是继去年12月以来,凯络中国又一次获得业界权威杂志给予"最佳媒体代理商"的殊荣.

media hype:媒体宣传,媒体炒作

adventure n. 冒险,惊险活动;奇遇 | explore v. 勘探,探测;探究,探索 | media hype 媒体宣传,媒体炒作


ハイパーテキスト hypertext 超文本 | ハイパーメディア hypermedia 超級媒体、超媒体 | ハイパーリンク hyperlink 超鏈接、超聯結

hypermedia database:超媒体资料库

"超媒体","hypermedia" | "超媒体资料库","hypermedia database" | "超媒体文件","hypermedia document"

interactive media:互动媒体

这三个媒体领域分别是:互动媒体(Interactive Media)、动画(Motion Media)及传统媒体(Traditional Media). - 互动媒体新增奖项包括了浏览器基础(Browser-Based)设计、非浏览器基础设计、设计师/程式开发人员协同整合、装置设计及行动设计.

mass media:大众媒体

"分众媒体"(demassified media)是区别于"大众媒体"(mass media)的新兴媒体形式. 分众媒体要求广告目标"精准",就是直接面对细分化消费者的媒体,每种媒体覆盖的人群越来越准确.

Streaming Media Server:流媒体服务器

系统由流媒体服务器(streaming media server)、EGPRS核心网、GGSN、SGSN、基站子系统(BSS)和移动手机(MS)等模块组成. 其中,流媒体服务器一般处于因特网中,它用于存放流媒体文件,并响应用户请求,向用户终端发送流媒体数据.

media type:媒体类型

这个字段值被称为"媒体类型"(media type). "Content-Type"头字段通过指定媒体类型及子类型的标识符来说明实体主体(body of an entity)中数据的原始类型,而且它还会为一些特别的媒体类型提供辅助信息. 在媒体类型及子类型名称之后,

Social media:社会化媒体

这种手段使公司得以"参与"到这场事关其行业和市场的对话中来,它被称作"社会化媒体"(Social Media)工具,体现出网络媒体新的"社会化"(social)性质. 鉴于诸如报纸、电视、广播和杂志之类的主流媒体(MSM)属传统上的单向媒体产物("专家"们装模作样,