英语人>词典>汉英 : 婆婆 的英文翻译,例句
婆婆 的英文翻译、例句


mothers-in-law · husband's mother
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Feng remarkable pregnant effemination Ban Dianer not, as in the past and carrying heavy buckets, do not allow her mother-in-law, mother-in-law and she gave birth to three weather.


And when she came to her mother- in-law, she said, How are you, my daughter?

3:16 路得回到婆婆那里,婆婆说,女儿阿,怎么样了?

There are many paradoxes existed between adult women's intergeneration relationships. The power structure between mother-in- laws/daughter-in-laws and the attachment relationship between mother/daughter are the sources of the paradox.


My parents in laws are dog lovers, especially my mother in law.


And when she came to her mother in law, she said, Who art thou, my daughter?

3:16 路得回到婆婆那里,婆婆说,女儿阿,怎么样了。

Although she was nourished in the loving care of her Granny's understanding (" the need to be independent, to explore, to travel all over the world"), she had to transcend Granny's parochialism (that is, politically incorrect racial attitudes) to be " color-blind" and to see people as they are.


Although she was nourished in the loving care of her Porpor's understanding ("the need to be independent, to explore, to travel"), she had to transcend Granny's parochialism (that is, politicallyincorrect racial attitudes) to be "colour-blind" and to see people as they are.


Had had Fantine's room pointed out to him by the portress , who was utterly unsuspicious , accustomed as she was to seeing armed men inquiring for the mayor .


She took it up and went into the city, and her mother-in-law saw what she had gleaned.

得2:18 他就把所拾取的带进城去、给婆婆看、又把他吃饱了、所剩的给了婆婆

If you're so down on mothers-in-law, it's queer you're anxious to be one yourself.


更多网络解释与婆婆相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Be a good sport:不要婆婆妈

bawl out 责骂 | Be a good sport! 不要婆婆妈**! | be nuts 傻里傻气


老太太,祖婆婆 great grandmother | 奶奶,太婆婆 grandmother | 婆婆,mothers in law

Mama, hoodie? - Mama Odie:什么婆婆? - Odie婆婆

Voodoo? Like the kind Mama Odie do.|巫毒? 像是Odie婆婆那样的 | - Mama, hoodie? - Mama Odie.|- 什么婆婆? - Odie婆婆 | She is the voodoo queen of the Bajou.|她是Bayou的巫毒女王

the mother in law remembers not that she was a daughter in law:婆婆忘记了自己曾经是媳妇;当了婆婆忘了本

the most populous creature -> n. 数量最多的生物 | the mother in law remembers not that she was a daughter in law -> 婆婆忘记了自己曾经是媳妇;当了婆婆忘了本 | the mother of months -> n. 月亮


我说她真好运,找到一个那么爱她的男人,还有她婆婆(mother in law)也一样的爱她. 当她生好小孩后,她的婆婆马上辞去学校校长工作,帮她带小孩,并对她说,她是应该有自己的事业的,小孩的事,放心好了!

wall speedwell:直立婆婆纳

二月十八日 生日花:直立婆婆納(Wall Speedwell) 花 语:健全(Normal) 乾燥後的直立婆婆纳具有治疗咳嗽、皮肤炎、感冒的药效. 它的英文名字反映出平安的意思,因此它的花语是-健全. 受到这种花祝福而诞生的人,身心健康,人生不会有什麽大过错.

Veronica peregrina:毛蟲婆婆納 (草本, 歸化, 普遍)

64. Veronica javanica 爪哇水苦賈 (草本, 原生, 普遍)(爪哇婆婆納) | 65. Veronica peregrina 毛蟲婆婆納 (草本, 歸化, 普遍) | 66. Veronica undulata 水苦賈 (草本, 原生, 普遍)


奶奶,太婆婆 grandmother | 婆婆,mothers in law | 孙子媳妇,grand daughters in law


老太太,祖婆婆greatgrandmother | 奶奶,太婆婆grandmother | 婆婆,mothersinlaw


奶奶,太婆婆grandmother | 婆婆,mothersinlaw | 孙子媳妇,granddaughtersinlaw