英语人>词典>汉英 : 好讼 的英文翻译,例句
好讼 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
litigiousness  ·  litigiosity

更多网络例句与好讼相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, the idea of detesting lawsuit didn't dominate every period or region in the history. In certain period or place, there have existed "litigiosity" and "disputatiousness".


The emergence of the idea of detesting lawsuit, litigiosity and disputatiousness all came from people's inclination towards benefits at certain time in certain time in certain place.


The difference between western culture and eastern culture makethe their social environments different. The western is inclined to issue-resolve, law culture,individual value, which makes traditional accusatorial action ecology go on and on; theeastern is inclined to no dispute, person-administration and nation-dominant, which formsthe Chinese CA ecology characterized with inquisitorial elements, especially the formationof the absolute power leads the random of the CA.


However, the idea of detesting lawsuit didn't dominate every period or region in the history. In certain period or place, there have existed "litigiosity" and "disputatiousness".


The emergence of the idea of detesting lawsuit, litigiosity and disputatiousness all came from people's inclination towards benefits at certain time in certain time in certain place.


Zhuzhi poems in the Qing Dynasty vividly describe the atmosphere of litigiosity in the folk society,the reason and artifice in the civilian litigation,the phenomenon that yamen runners considered the litigation as the origin of profit,and the harmfulness of the litigation.


Having been to Taiwan three times, lived in Taiwan for around twelve years, and held the post of Taiwan County Magistrate, Kavalan Magistrate, Taiwan County Magistrate's Adviser, Taiwan Dao, Yao Ying paid attention to and understood the social problems of Taiwan deeply and comprehensively, such as armed fights, popular revolts, banditry, litigiosity, extravagance, gambling, and so on, major problems about which Yao Ying was concerned.


It is subjective to study the phenomenon of avoiding lawsiut by the angle of "liking"and "detesting",because it is moral evaluation.We should focus on "lawsuit".The type of case about"detesting lawsuit" is specific.


And in this state she gallops night by night through lovers' brains, and then they dream of love; O'er courtiers' knees, that dream on court'sies straight, O'er lawyers' fingers, who straight dream on fees, O'er ladies ' lips, who straight on kisses dream, which oft the angry Mab with blisters plagues, because their breaths with sweetmeats tainted are: Sometime she gallops o'er a courtier's nose, and then dreams he of smelling out a suit; And sometime comes she with a tithe-pig's tail tickling a parson's nose as a' lies asleep, then dreams, he of another benefice: Sometime she driveth o'er a soldier's neck, and then dreams he of cutting foreign throats, of breaches, ambuscadoes, Spanish blades, of healths five-fathom deep; and then anon drums in his ear, at which he starts and wakes, and being thus frighted swears a prayer or two and sleeps again.


更多网络解释与好讼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

litigator:诉讼者 (名)

litigation 诉讼, 争讼 (名) | litigator 诉讼者 (名) | litigiosity 好讼; 好争论 (名)


litigiosity 好讼 | litigious 好诉讼的 | litmus 石蕊

litigious:好诉讼的; 好争论的 (形)

litigiosity 好讼; 好争论 (名) | litigious 好诉讼的; 好争论的 (形) | litmus paper 石蕊试纸


lithuria 尿酸尿 | litigiousness 好讼 | litmus 石蕊


lithotrity 碎石术 | lithuria 尿酸尿 | litigiousness 好讼


litigation 诉讼 | litigiosity 好讼 | litigious 好诉讼的

litigiosity:好讼; 好争论 (名)

litigator 诉讼者 (名) | litigiosity 好讼; 好争论 (名) | litigious 好诉讼的; 好争论的 (形)