英语人>词典>汉英 : 头脑作用 的英文翻译,例句
头脑作用 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
mentality  ·  mentalities

更多网络例句与头脑作用相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus, words like "awareness" and "consciousness," which are connected to a complex set of instructions in the Buddhist tradition as well as to a vast array of elements within the human organism, are not readily understandable to us on the basis of everyday experience and speculation.


2 The fact is that nature dispenses brain and ability with a total disregard for the principle of equality.


The doubleness of angelic gender also embodies the double tongue necessary to the function of such music: the melody should catch the feelings of the hearers, speak for the audience, in the same way as the singer of a lullaby projects into the mind of the restless child and attempts to allay the fears she apprehends are there.


Description: Shuffle Brain's website provides the introduction of popular science (includes Brain Swapping, Split Human Brain, Optics of Memory), and information of short subjects (such as: Head Transplant, Baboon Brain), scientific works on brains and eyes (includes the topic of "Frontal Lobotomy in the Salamander -- Wild Results","Smart Skin","Can a grafted eye work in the head of a different species?" and so on). And it also offers the details of items, such as:"Music Therapy Literature","The Late Hiroharu Noda's Brain Research (cerebellar control of eye movements)".

网站描述:脑的网站提供大众科学的介绍(包括大脑交换技术,切割人类大脑,记忆光学),和短主题的信息(例如:大脑移植,狒狒的大脑),大脑与眼的科学工作(包括"火蜥蜴前脑叶白质切除术--野生的结果","皮肤维护","一个移植的眼睛是否能在异种的头脑中作用"等等)并提供项目详情,例如:"音乐治疗文献","Hiroharu Noda的晚期大脑研究"。

Shuffle Brain's website provides the introduction of popular science (includes Brain Swapping, Split Human Brain, Optics of Memory), and information of short subjects (such as: Head Transplant, Baboon Brain), scientific works on brains and eyes (includes the topic of "Frontal Lobotomy in the Salamander -- Wild Results","Smart Skin","Can a grafted eye work in the head of a different species?" and so on). And it also offers the details of items, such as:"Music Therapy Literature","The Late Hiroharu Noda's Brain Research (cerebellar control of eye movements)".

脑的网站提供大众科学的介绍(包括大脑交换技术,切割人类大脑,记忆光学),和短主题的信息(例如:大脑移植,狒狒的大脑),大脑与眼的科学工作(包括"火蜥蜴前脑叶白质切除术--野生的结果","皮肤维护","一个移植的眼睛是否能在异种的头脑中作用"等等)并提供项目详情,例如:"音乐治疗文献","Hiroharu Noda的晚期大脑研究"。

Doing yoga a few times a week will work wonders for your body, mind, and spirit. Incorporating yoga into your everyday routine will change your life for the better, but for now we're just covering the bare minimum.


While the Chancellor's mind is focused on data protection, he should take a firm lead.


The prime purpose of television was to manufacture fame-an invisible, short—lives,head—turning commodity that creates instant recognition that can be used lucratively.


Physiological role - opal shade of golden sun wheel also corresponds to the corresponding umbilical round, right after eating and drinking does not have to re-purify the body and adjust the functions of the body and can bring a warm feeling, can rapidly improve the common cold syndrome bronchitis is also able to use her own energy to strengthen joints and bones, calm the nervous system calm metabolic psychological effects - like eye of the tiger-like dynamic energy, make it easier to achieve a breakthrough in their careers, to understand self-discipline, to defuse the pressure to achieve goals, live a happy life, but also can improve attention and concentration to maintain a flexible mind.


In the affairs of life or of business, it is not intel lect, t that tells so much as characler, not brains somuch as heart, not genius so much as selfcontrol, patience, and discipliue, regulated by judgment.


更多网络解释与头脑作用相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




脑图工具中"模式"(modes)中的"头脑风暴"模式的支持,使教学难点迎刃而解. 将讨论结果进行形象化整理,分别复制给各位教师,这样教师就得到一份凝聚着集体智慧的教学设计了. 这种方式对于教师,尤其是青年教师的专业成长具有重要的作用.


"慈善"(philanthropy)这个词让一些人感到不愉快,因为它还带有维多利亚时期"贵族的美德"、家长作风和不合实际的改良主义的意味. 这些新慈善家起了很重要的典范作用. 他们的创新才能、敏锐的商业头脑不仅给社会企业带来了财富;通过帮助他人,

absolute sensitivity:绝对感受性

绝对感受性( absolute sensitivity) 绝对感受性:人的感官器官觉察这种微弱刺激的能力. 绝对感觉阈限(absolute sensory threshold) 绝对感觉阈限:刚刚有感觉的最底刺激量1、什么是记忆 记忆(memory)是在头脑中积累和保存个体经验、再作用的心理过程.

Tea Tree:茶树精油

注意事项:有光敏作用,使用后避免长时间暴露在日光下商品简介: 茶树精油(Tea Tree) 提取自叶子. 净化皮肤、消除水痘、灼伤、晒伤、去屑止痒; 头脑清新、恢复活力、抗沮丧;驱虫及跳蚤. 注意事项:皮肤敏感部位禁用商品简介: 玫瑰精油(Rose) 提取自花朵.


写有"提炼自紫锥花(Echinacea)的纯精油"字样的价签上注明它有增强人体免疫机能的作用;银杏叶(Gingko biloba)据说能使人的头脑更加敏锐;麻黄(Ephedra)可令人更有活力和帮助人们无痛苦地减轻体重.