英语人>词典>汉英 : 大龙头 的英文翻译,例句
大龙头 的英文翻译、例句


grand dragon
更多网络例句与大龙头相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is domestic sports medium and wireless portal of two big bibcock first comprehensive hand in hand.


The main varieties are: Phlox paniculata hardy varieties of fine distinctions and problems dozen Phlox four by Ju Netherlands-ju (clove red, crown, purple, blue dream) Germany Sedum yellow Germany Sedum, Germany Sedum leaves, red flowers Babao Sedum, Rhodiola Babao powder, blue tail Ye days Notoginseng Sedum, streets paved with gold Sedum, Sedum, by Carnation, the United States to spend evening primrose , Tradescantia hairless, Germany Iris, Iris, Butterfly Orchid, Iris tenuifolia, small beauty Iris Hong Iris root, Hosta The doll Hemerocallis, day lily flowers United States, yellow calamus, Lythrum salicaria, false lead ,Ju, Shegan, Jin-Han No.


The main component of the celestial globe is a hollow bronze globe, with crisscross grids on the spherical surface, which are used to delineate the exact position of celestial bodies.


Morgana was the child of the Duke of Cornwall and Igraine, the woman Uther Pendragon seduced to have Arthur.

莫佳娜是the Duke of Cornwall and Igraine的孩子,大龙头尤瑟用来引诱亚瑟的女人。

Guangdong Dinong Winery CO.,LTD is the largest ratafee company in Guangdong Province. It is also leading those corporations which are in agriculture in Guangdong Province.


The current tap can be divided into two categories: one is the use of water bath; the other is kitchen faucet.


The current tap can be divided into two categories:one is the use of water bath;the other is kitchen faucet.


Some strains are now resistant to the two leading drugs, Isoniazid and Rifampicin - this is defined as multi-drug resistance.


Dollars, with five pad assembly line, in dyeing and finishing capacity of 150 million meters, the company leading product for export cotton jacquard fabrics, real wax printed cloth, cotton, linen, canvas, plain cloth, T / C cloth, knitting cloth, etc., with singeing, calendering, silk-ming, pre-shrinking, super-soft, waterproof, sand , sanding and other finishing capabilities, export cotton jacquard fabric series, real wax printed cloth series has enjoyed a high reputation in West Africa, the company has become a major exporter of cotton jacquard fabric dyeing and finishing, dyeing and finishing of the leading linen large enterprises and exports, according to "China Bast net" Customs statistics show that: in 2006 January-August linen and ramie woven fabrics exports ranked Division I ranks No.


The next five to ten years will be the economy by leaps and bounds Lincheng a critical period of development, industrial-li County, is still the core of economic construction, Lincheng County, will continue in accordance with the industrial cluster development model, relying on resources to cultivate strong industry leading enterprises active coordination services expand in emerging industries, to strengthen the integration of traditional industries to upgrade to do excellent, with a focus to build with cement clinker, slate, granite stone building materials-focused industry, coal, iron ore mining and processing as the focus of the smelting and products industry and the pharmaceutical industry and machinery manufacturing the four industry clusters, through the support leading enterprises, the introduction of advanced and applicable technologies, expand production scale, with external forces to enhance the transformation to further optimize the industrial structure, promoting the economic growth pattern, varying from casual gatherings from weak to strong and strive to create new economic growth points.


更多网络解释与大龙头相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bibb; bib; faucet:(火)龙头

锻造阀 cast valve | (火)龙头 bibb; bib; faucet | 抽没液阀(大阀) bleed valve

Cathay Life:国泰人寿

台湾:国内金融龙头国泰金控(Cathay Financial Holdings)调升子公司国泰人寿(Cathay Life)旗下地产价值达14%,惟仍低於市场原先预期,遂拖累个股股价创三个月来最大跌幅,此外,电子代工大厂鸿准(FoxconnTechnology)遭德意志银行同时调降投资评等及目标股价,

corporate champion:龙头企业 来源:考试大

bourse 证交所 | corporate champion 龙头企业 来源:考试大 | Shanghai Exchange 上海证交所

Cisco Systems:思科

在这股高科技业整并风潮中,IBM已买下统计软件公司SPSS、全球第二大软件制造商甲骨文并购了升阳(Sun Microsystems)公司、全球网络设备龙头"思科"(Cisco Systems)今年更大举吞并三家公司,形成"大者恒大,强者更强"的局面.


1821年11月,边沁接受葡萄牙议会(cortes)的邀请,为该国起草刑法、民法和宪法. 但此时的边沁已73岁,思维大不如前. 边沁为葡萄牙的立法可以用"龙头蛇尾"来形容. 边沁于是宣称:他组织起草的宪法典不仅适用于葡萄牙,而且适用于整个欧洲和世界.


安平的经济有丝网、生猪、马尾( horsehair )加工三驾马车. 其中丝网主要用在民用基础建设和民用工业方向,受经济危机影响较大. 特别是以房地产为龙头的相关产业链,随着房市的低迷,也相应进入不应期. 生猪是民用肉食品,目前国家相对政策稳定


广泛分布 ...龙 虾(Lobster)又名大虾、龙头虾、虾魁(王)、海虾等,海洋中最大的虾类. 在动物分类中列节肢动物门、甲壳纲、十足目、龙虾科、龙虾属. 也属爬行类. 因其触角和步足展开后极似神话中的龙,故得名. 广泛分布于世界各大洲的热带海域.


处理器起家的AMD,早年收购显示界龙头ATI,似预告视觉体验将是未来发展重点,加上近年力推VISION技术策略,为用家选购电脑时带来新视野. 今次请来AMD大中华区计算产品部产品巿场总监唐志德 (Thomas),大谈桌面电脑 (PC)和笔记簿(Notebook)的新趋势.

Pedro Almodovar:阿莫多瓦

欧洲最大艺术电影发行商、法国独立制片发行龙头 MK2 集团,一直以来致力於全世界各地艺术电影以及独立制片的制作发行与推广,包括 奇士劳斯基 (Krzysztof Kieslowski)的[红]、[ 蓝]与[ 白]三部曲, 阿莫多瓦 (Pedro Almodovar) 的[高跟鞋]、[我的母亲]、[悄悄告诉她],


0807 手锯(手工具) saws | 0807 龙头扳手 wrenches | 0807 大锤 sledgehammers