英语人>词典>汉英 : 大鲍 的英文翻译,例句
大鲍 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Many of the FOBs who came illustrated the extent to which I was indebted to my personal friends: Marsha Scott and Martha Whetstone, who organized my campaigns in northern California, were old friends from Arkansas; Sheila Bronfman, leader of the Arkansas Travelers, had lived around the corner from Hillary and me when I was attorney general; Dave Matter, my leader in western Pennsylvania, had succeeded me as class president at Georgetown; Bob Raymar and Tom Schneider, two of my most important fund-raisers, were friends from law school and Renaissance Weekend.


It didn't occur to him at the time, he says, that he could have stayed away from Hank Paulson's famous confab, in which the Treasury secretary forced the nation's nine biggest banks and investment banks to accept infusions of government capital.


As you might expect -- as his fans surely expect -- Mr. Depp's mincing, flouncing Mad Hatter bears more than a passing resemblance to Jack Sparrow, though Hatter's faint lisp and gap-toothed grin also suggest Laurence Olivier's Archie Rice in 'The Entertainer,' or a young Boris Karloff doing Humphrey Bogart.


Emily Watson lounges and smokes in Gosford Park, Gene Hackman and Gwyneth Paltrow light up in The Royal Tenenbaums. Billy Bob Thornton's co-star in The Man Who Wasn't There said all Thornton's character does on screen is smoke and breathe.

艾米莉·沃特森在影片《高斯福特庄园》中扮演了一个懒散的瘾君子;吉恩·哈克曼和格温妮丝帕特洛在《特伦鲍姆一家》中有许多点烟的镜头;和比利·鲍伯斯顿联合出演《缺席的人》( The Man Who Wasn't There )的演员说,比利饰演的这个角色的最大特征就是成天叼着烟卷,喷云吐雾。

Thankfully, though, the schmaltz factor is kept to a minimum, making Hearts in Atlantis a heartfelt coming-of-age drama.


Bob lives together since childhood with Harker is adding the iris town, was the Harker childhood's playmate, the stature is not high, the hair from was born curls the volume, the eye was very big, the skin was very white, always likes putting on the suspenders trousers' his stature not to be high actually has the keen skill, the present is the brave warrior number operates the rudder, raised casually in here, the brave warrior number was their pirate ship, was also their family, in here, had the partner billy always to put on the identical set of western-style clothes, not the big bow tie, he was very actually graceful, high stature, fair skin, beautiful blue color eye, high bridge of the nose, will smile will let the human remember the fine thing, he will have gentleman's quiet and tasteful, also will have free man's profligate being unable to restrain, no matter which young lady let perhaps the woman looks could be infatuated with his -- him to be skilled in the seacraft, could precise draw each sea area the sailing chart, he was the brave warrior number navigation teacher, partner Du duly, the braid has covered entirely on his head, his eye a little looked like a bean, both hands is not big, actually could make compared to imperial palace delicacy food, what was worth mentioning, he was a thin person -- also has the partner to love Milly, he was Bob's younger sister, beautifulLong curl, big and attractive brown eye, long, but curls the eyelash, the beautiful skin, the beautiful beautiful fascinating' winsome's stature dances lightly in the sea!


Ergothioneine of PFA and PFB at various culture condition, investigated optimal incubation to intent to get hight content of ergothioneine.


By orders of the Pretender the body of Boris Godunov was taken out of the burial vault in the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael in the Kremlin and after being kept for some time in a Moscow monastery was transferred to the Holy Trinity Monastery of St Sergius that was patronized and generously donated by Boris Godunov.


By orders of the Pretender the body of Boris Godunov was taken out of the burial vault in the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael in the Kremlin and after being kept for some time in a Moscow monastery was transferred to the Holy Trinity Monastery of St Sergius that was patronized and generously donated by Boris Godunov.


The sexual gland of triploidfemale abalones can generate oocytes,though thedevelopment of sexual gland was subjected to greatinhibition.


更多网络解释与大鲍相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


avris | 边缘, 边侧, 边 | awabi | 大鲍 | AWACS | Airborne Warning and Control System,机载报警与控制系统


鲍乔尢;巴尔劄萨.德(义大利原名) BELGIOJOSO; BALDASSARE DI | 鲍乔尤;巴尔札萨?德 BEAUJOYEUX; BALTHASAR DE (1522-1587) | 鲍乔尤;巴尔札萨?德(法国名) BEAUJOYEULX; BALTHASAR DE

David Bowers:导演:大卫.鲍沃斯

说电视剧情网导读:剧照 片名:Astro Boy 译名:阿童木 出品人:高伟豪 出品人:津村健 监制:玛丽安.咖治(Maryann Garger) 导演:大卫.鲍沃斯(David Bowers) 编剧:缇摩斯.哈里斯(Timothy Harris) 策划:皮拉.富琳(Pila

David Bowie:大卫.鲍维

当兰伯特在采访中被问及自己最希望同哪些艺人合作时,兰伯特毫不犹豫的表示"摇滚变色龙"大卫-鲍维(David Bowie)是他心中的第一人选:"如果我能够同大卫-鲍维合作的话,那简直是太棒了!

David Bowie:大卫-鲍威

典出>中记载的古犹太国贤明君主大卫王,他在少年时代以一块石子击倒巨人歌利亚,是大家熟知的圣经故事. 取名大卫的当代名人有英国球星大卫-贝克汉姆(David Beckham)和英国演员及制片人大卫-鲍威(David Bowie).

Diamond Dogs:钻石狗/大卫.鲍依

58Light my fire 点亮我的火焰/大门 | 59Diamond dogs 钻石狗/大卫鲍依 | 60TO BE WITH YOU 和你在一起/大先生


大型的种类在英国称为海鲍(ormer),在美国称鲍鱼(abalone),在纽西兰称大鲍(paua),在日本称鳆(awabi). 北美西海岸产体型较大的种类,如红色的红鲍(H. refescens)、绿色的光亮鲍(H. fulgens, 绿鲍)、黑色的黑鲍(H. cracherodi)和粉红色的皱鲍(H.


大型的种类在英国称为海鲍(ormer),在美国称鲍鱼(abalone),在纽西兰称大鲍(paua),在日本称鳆(awabi). 北美西海岸产体型较大的种类,如红色的红鲍(H. refescens)、绿色的光亮鲍(H. fulgens, 绿鲍)、黑色的黑鲍(H. cracherodi)和粉红色的皱鲍(H.


鲍老儿 PAO LAO ?RH | 鲍罗定;亚历山大 BORODIN; ALEXANDER (1833-1887) | 鲍乔尢;巴尔劄萨.德(义大利原名) BELGIOJOSO; BALDASSARE DI

David Bowie:大卫-鲍威

典出<<圣经?旧约>>中记载的古犹太国贤明君主大卫王,他在少年时代以一块石子击倒巨人歌利亚,是大家熟知的圣经故事. 取名大卫的当代名人有英国球星大卫-贝克汉姆(David Beckham)和英国演员及制片人大卫-鲍威(David Bowie).