英语人>词典>汉英 : 大气所致的 的英文翻译,例句
大气所致的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与大气所致的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tides are caused by gravitational attraction of the sun and moon; the weather by the motion of atmosphere under the influence of heat from the sun.


This is because the scattered photon energy flux from the atmosphere scattering near the source preponderate over the absorption.


The radiogenic lead of coal fly ash is obviously higher than that of gasoline and diesel oil, which can serve as the discrimination criterion to distinguish the aerosol lead sources.


The strength and location of the subtropical high in the western Pacific Ocean region and the changed atmospherical circulation caused by the El Nio events,which resulted in the abnormal excess precipitation in Hongze Lake catchment,can possibly serve as the physical mechanism of this phenomenon.

这可能是由于El Nio事件通过改变西太平洋副高的强度与位置,以及大气环流形势而引起的降水异常所致。

Resultantly, the individual warm/cold events in ENSO cycle appear to be partially locked to the annual cycle, and also exhibit obvious irregularity both in amplitude and in lasting time.


The results show that the surface layer of the air-exposed ZrVFe getter is covered with H20, CO2 and hydrocarbons, both Zr and V exist in the oxidized state, and vanadium oxide starts to reduce at 200℃. The activation results in the enrichment of Zr on the getter surface and the formation of the metallic carbides. H2O, CO2 and hydrocarbons sequentially desorb from the surface with the increase of temperature. H2 is the main gas which desorbs above 200℃ and O2 is not discovered. ZrO2 is reduced to near-metallic or metallic state because O in ZrO2 leaves the getter surface through diffusing into getter bulk.


更多网络解释与大气所致的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


atmospheric 大气的 | atmospherical 空气的 | atmospherically 大气所致的

atmospherical:空气的, 气压的

atmospheric | 大气的 | atmospherical | 空气的, 气压的 | atmospherically | 由大气压所致地, 气压所致地, 气压上


atmospheric /大气层的/有某种气氛的/ | atmospherical /大气的/ | atmospherically /大气所致的/气压所致的/气压上/


atmospherical 空气的 | atmospherically 大气所致的 | atmospherics 天电

atmospherically:由大气压所致地, 气压所致地, 气压上

atmospherical | 空气的, 气压的 | atmospherically | 由大气压所致地, 气压所致地, 气压上 | atmospherics | 天电, 大气干扰


atmospherically 气压上 | atmospherically 气压所致的 | atmospherically 大气所致的


研究人员认为这是由於大气中的氧会在奈米碳管表面的悬键(dangling bonds)处形成化学吸附(chemisorb),重新形成易於氨分子结合的居域,原因可能是氧化后的奈米碳管表面的氧原子,会与氨分子形成强的氢键(hydrogen bonds)所致.

dangling bonds:懸鍵

研究人员认为这是由於大气中的氧会在奈米碳管表面的悬键(dangling bonds)处形成化学吸附(chemisorb),重新形成易於氨分子结合的居域,原因可能是氧化后的奈米碳管表面的氧原子,会与氨分子形成强的氢键(hydrogen bonds)所致.