英语人>词典>汉英 : 大失败 的英文翻译,例句
大失败 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fiasco  ·  fiascoes

更多网络例句与大失败相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Shareholders are short of a restriction-and-balance mechanism. For state-owned enterprises, the final managers of the assets are holding the absolute majority of shares and indifferent to asset efficiency. For civil enterprises, the enterprise under control may just be a chessman on board, which means its strategy can be scarified for exchange for holding companies'interests. Different information advantages cause different supervision costs. Large costs can cause the shareholders to waive the supervision rights, which may be acquired by other stakeholders like managers, so even dispersive shareholder structure may go through strategic failure. The healthiness of external supervision regulation can influent the strategic participation of shareholders, since it directly influents the interest expectation of shareholders.


Was Britain's involvement in Iraq an absolute debacle and if so who was responsible?


The first performance of Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker, in St Petersburg in 1892, was a flop.


So will He will cause a major failure of the power of one person, after all, is limited.


I gritted Yutu nausea impulses, and then:"But dense hair failure; There are 56 legs scars failure; Mild-lap legs failure; Facial ordinary, with no failure; There is a palm-size back the characteristics of the failure of failure; Most unbearable is your lower body so uncoordinated about proportion ..."


So even though last autumn's right-wing gathering in Athens proved to be more ridiculous than riotous, one must wonder if it is a sign of things to come.


In all,10 patients were cured after mean follow-up 15.3±12.8 months.The causes of RFCA failure were demonstrated in surgical operation.In 3 patients without structural heart disease,ablation catheters were not located in distinct target sites during ablation of 2 left posteroseptal pathways and 1 right posterior wall pathway.In 2 cases of Ebstein?s anomaly,ablations were failed by serious tricuspid regurgitation and AP at epicardium.In one case with rhumatic valvular disease,ablation catheter did not achieve mitral annulus because of pathologic changes.Other 4 cases with congenital heart disease were associated with anotomical anomaly and serious hemodynamic disturbance.


Treat friends with deceitful indeeds can only feed your selfish desire for a while but it's exactly a big failure as human being.


The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arens,whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood;who stives valiantly;who errs,and comes short again and again;because there is not effort without error and shortcoming;but who does actually strive to do the deeds;who knows the great enthusiasms,the great devotions;who spends himself in a worthy cause,who at the best knows in the end the triumphs of high achievement and who at the worst,if he fails,at least fails whiledaring greatly,so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.


A second larger wave of residential housing mortgage failures;(2) The first big wave of auto loan failures and repossessions;(3) Over $40 billion in credit card defaults, smashing the bank lenders;(4) The first wave of commercial mortgage failures and foreclosures on shopping malls, office buildings and other commercials;(5) And finally, the grand smashing finale of CDS Credit Default Swaps originated with No margin money or down payments!

在明年春天,我们看到:( 1 )第二次大浪潮住宅按揭失败;( 2 )第一大浪的汽车消费贷款的失败和收回;( 3 )超过400亿美元的信用卡违约,打破了银行贷款;( 4 )第一批失败和商业抵押贷款抵押品赎回权的购物商场,办公楼和其他商业广告;( 5 ),最后,大砸最后的CD信用违约互换起源无保证金资金或订金!

更多网络解释与大失败相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bring sb. to ruin:使某人失败; 使倾家荡产

blue ruin 劣等的酒;大灾难; 破产; 失败; 大丑闻 | bring sb. to ruin 使某人失败; 使倾家荡产 | bring ruin upon oneself 自取灭亡


专责小组taskforce | 崩溃、大失败debacle | 得到公众支持won public support


fresco 壁画 | fiasco 大失败 | chirp 鸟叫


portico (有圆柱的)门廊 | fiasco 大失败,惨败 | fresco 壁画

fiasco:惨败, 大失败 (名)

fiancee 未婚妻 (名) | fiasco 惨败, 大失败 (名) | fiat 命令, 许可, 严命 (名)

clat fiasco:大成功大失败

ebullience torpor热情洋溢不活泼 | éclat fiasco大成功大失败 | eclipse make distinctive使黯然失色使与众不同

la pire banqueroute-le decouragement:最大的失败是泄气

la plus grande distraction-le travail,最大的消遣是工作 | la pire banqueroute-le decouragement, 最大的失败是泄气 | les meilleurs professeurs-les enfants,最好的老师是孩子

The Conservative Party failed in the general election for all their pains:尽管保守党费尽了心机, 还是在大选中遭到了失败

General n.将军 a.一般的,普通的;... | The Conservative Party failed in the general election for all their pains.尽管保守党费尽了心机, 还是在大选中遭到了失败. | I like games in general,and especially foo...

Our greatest glary consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall:人生的最大光荣,不在于永不失败,而在于能屡扑屡起

38.We are not afraid of being in com... | 39.Our greatest glary consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall 人生的最大光荣,不在于永不失败,而在于能屡扑屡起 | 40.Time is money, but mo...

The truck disappeared.The big gramary of the:货车消失了,教授的大魔术

12、Professor,hurricane's failure 教授,暴风的大失败 | 13、The truck disappeared.The big gramary of the 货车消失了,教授的大魔术 | 14、Precious food!The coral lobster 珍味!珊瑚的龙虾