英语人>词典>汉英 : 大乘佛教 的英文翻译,例句
大乘佛教 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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All teachings in the great-vehicle Buddhism and its sutras regard the personal realization of Tathagatagarbha as the kernel; the personal realization of the two-vehicle Buddhism, according to the historic facts in The Four Agama Sutras, has the central thought of believing in the permanent existence of Tathagatagarbha so that the state of the remainderless nirvana becomes real, permanent and unchangeable, and does not fall into the nihilistic state. It is not just us who claim Tathagatagarbha as the kernel of Buddhism; it has been so since the very beginning when Buddha established Buddhism.


In addition, Buddhist headship is not good for life tenure, since it is possible to make one degenerate and self-indulgent.

此外, 中国被誉之为 '大乘佛教的故乡',因为大乘佛教是在中国得到了其前所未有的发展。

In addition, the Buddhist headship is not good for life tenure, since it is possible to make one degenerate and self-indulgent.

此外, 中国被誉之为 '大乘佛教的故乡',因为大乘佛教是在中国得到了其前所未有的发展。

In general, the doctrines can be divided into three categories: Original Buddhism, Hinayana Buddhism, and Mahayana Buddhism.


The division of Buddhism into Hinayana and Mahayana phases also influenced the nature of rock-cut art, the former being represented by artefacts used by the Buddha, and the latter by images of the Buddha.


Akshobhya (Tib. Sangs-rgyas mi-vkhrugs-pa), who is famous as the East Buddha of the Five Dhyānī Buddhas in the Esoteric Buddhism, is also one of the earliest Buddhas of Mahayana Buddhism from the 2nd century. Along with the development of the Esoteric Buddhism, the cosmos system of the Five Dhyānī Buddhas corresponding to five directions is constructed, in which the Buddha Akshobhya is related to the east. The iconological character of Akshobhya in the Buddha pentad is composed of blue body colour, earth-touching mudra, elephant vāhana and symbol of Vajra.

阿閦佛(梵文Akshobhya ,藏文Sangs-rgyas mi-vkhrugs-pa ,日文Ashuku),又名不动如来,是至少在公元2-3世纪之间就已经出现的早期大乘佛教诸佛之一,其在大乘佛教中的地位主要凸显于其佛国净土思想中,即东方妙喜国土(Abhirati,又译阿毗罗提净土)。7世纪以后,随着密教的发展,组织了五方佛部族与相应的宇宙观,阿閦佛演化成为密教五方佛中的东方佛,并被赋予了特定的形象特征(身色蓝,触地印,大象座,三昧耶标志为金刚杵)。

Nowadays in India, the true orthodox Buddhism has been completely extinguished with only a few superficial appearances left, and the substance has been replaced by the non-Buddhist tantrism of couple-practice. About Theravada Buddhism, although it can still keep the appearance of sound-hearer Buddhism and is not defiled by the non-Buddhist tantrism, it is rare to find the saints who can personally realize the sound-hearer liberation now. As for Mahayana Buddhism, there are only Buddhist rituals and the mind-consciousness dharma now in China, which has just recovered from the ravage of the Cultural Revolution. In both Japan and Korea, only the appearance of Buddhist rituals but not practice remains and there is no even the mind-consciousness practice like in China. Therefore the practitioners in China, Japan and Korea cannot touch the real content of the practice and realization to fulfill the Buddhahood way of the great-vehicle Buddhism.


Nevertheless it is a diversity which Mahayana Buddhism have rather gloried in, seen not as a scandal but as something to be proud of, indicating a richness and multifaceted ability to aid the spiritual quest of all sentient, and not just human, beings.


By accepting Shi Zhaohui's invitation, we are going to enter the Buddhist academia; we hope our endeavor made in Taiwan can help both academic scholars and Buddha's followers in the world start to understand the theory and methods of realizing Tathagatagarbha so that the real face of the wondrous dharma of the great-vehicle Buddhism during the Buddha's time can reappear. In the near future, we also will actually and gradually rebuild the bodhisattva sangha community of the great-vehicle Buddhism that is similar to the sangha of the Buddha's time—both home-staying bodhisattvas, similar to Manjusri or Samantabhadra, and home-leaving bodhisattvas, similar to Maitreya or Vasudhara, live together over a long period of time in the True Enlightenment Temple to concentrate on spreading the dharma and benefiting the public.


The Buddhism brought to China initially encompassed both the old Theravada and the new Mahayana sets.


更多网络解释与大乘佛教相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


佛祖去世以后,印度佛教教团即发生分裂,后逐渐形成两大主流:小乘佛教(Hinayana)和大乘佛教(Mahayana). 乘指交通工具. 大乘佛教兴起后,自诩该派能很快到达涅盘彼岸,故称大乘,同时把别的派别贬为小乘. 大乘佛教有六大宗派,

Hinayana Buddhism:小乘佛教(云南上座部佛教)

大乘佛教(汉传佛教) Mahayana Buddhism | 小乘佛教(云南上座部佛教) Hinayana Buddhism | 藏传佛教(喇嘛教) Lamaism


由最原始的佛教,可分为两大门派是"小乘"(Hinayana)与"大乘"(Mahayana)之别. 乘是"运载"之义,能载人至彼岸之意,小乘在先,大乘在约公元一世纪,大约从古代小乘部派中产生. 根据汉译佛经的数据显示,最初可能流传于中亚细亚,


但中国、日本和韩国的"大乘佛教" (Mahayana) 却拥有更多的信众. 大乘佛教信徒又把传统佛教贬义地称为"小乘佛教"( Hinayana ). 禅宗( Zen )是广为西方人所知的大乘佛教的一个宗派,它强调个人在莲花座上的默想,


阿罗汉 arahants | 大乘佛法,北传佛教 Mahayana | 小乘佛法,南传佛教 Theravada

Mahayana Buddhism:大乘佛教

经过6年的苦行,释迦并未开悟,因风偏向保守,成为日后"小乘佛教"(HinayanaBuddhism)的主体;"大众部"属自由派,为日后"大乘佛教"(Mahayana Buddhism)的僧伽(Samgha)为佛教信徒的统称,原意为"大众"、"团蕴(Skandhas)是"集合"的意思.

Mahayana Buddhism:大乘佛教(汉传佛教)

菩提树 bodhi tree | 大乘佛教(汉传佛教) Mahayana Buddhism | 小乘佛教(云南上座部佛教) Hinayana Buddhism

Tantric Buddhism:密教(坦特罗佛教)

Mahayana Buddhism,大乘佛教 | Tantric Buddhism,密教(坦特罗佛教) | Maha Siddha,苏悉地


在佛陀死后的几个世纪里, 小乘佛教(Theravada)和大乘佛教(Theravada)成为了佛教思想的两个主要派别. 小乘佛教流行于斯里兰卡、缅甸、泰国以及其它的东南亚国家. "小乘"的意思是"老辈人的方法". 其教义基于那些统称为"巴利经"(Pali canon)的佛经,

Theravada Buddhism:小乘佛教

之后屡遭毗邻傣族攻打,小乘佛教(Theravada Buddhism)经由锡兰和暹罗(泰国旧称)引进后取代大乘佛教(Mahayana Buddhism). 而1431年来自暹罗的攻击迫使他们迁都到金边(Phnom Penh).