英语人>词典>汉英 : 多纤毛的 的英文翻译,例句
多纤毛的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
multiciliate  ·  polytroch

更多网络例句与多纤毛的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results:(1) Progesterone-treated models showed intact nasal mucosa, regular ciliary lining and inactive glands;(2) Untreated or normal saline treated models showed disrupted mucosa, inverted cilia and massive mucosal infiltration of neutrophils;(3) Smearing of nasal discharge revealed limited vs abundant number of neutrophils in SD models treated with progesterone vs untreated or treated with normal saline.(4) Hoechst stain: significantly fewer apoptotic cells per field were found in progesterone-treated models (1.583 ± 0.28) compared with untreated or normal saline treated models (2.85 ± 0.285 and 4.8 ± 0.715, respectively).


Organisms having a ciliated wheel-like organ for feeding and locomotion; constituents of freshwater plankton.


Minute aquatic multicellular organisms having a ciliated wheel-like organ for feeding and locomotion; constituents of freshwater plankton.


It was previously believed that only primary cilia, which are much less abundant than motile cilia, could sense their external environment.


Leaves obovate, broadly obovate, or elliptic-oblong, apex obtuse with a mucro; bracteoles spiny, 2-winged at base; pseudostaminode long fimbriate and ciliate at apex.

倒卵形的叶,宽倒卵形,或椭圆形长圆形,先端钝的具一短尖头;小苞片多刺,2翅的在基部;假退化雄蕊长流苏状和纤毛的在先端 1 A 。

Leaves alternate; stipule sessile, usually ciliate, persistent; leaf blade palmately lobed or sometimes deeply dissected.

叶互生 托叶无柄,通常纤毛,持久;叶片掌状浅裂或有时深深的多裂。

The pinwheel's core contains the apical endings of B1 cells and in its periphery two types of ependymal cells: multiciliated (E1) and a type (E2) characterized by only two cilia and extraordinarily complex basal bodies.


The pinwheel's core contains the apical endings of B1 cells and in its periphery two types of ependymal cells: multiciliated (E1) and a type (E2) characterized by only two cilia and extraordinarily complex basal bodies.


Bronchial mucosa cilia structure abnormality is common in acute stage of children with RRTI,but the majority of which were secondary cilia structure abnormality and adverted change,it is hope to recover after therapy,so we should make active anti-infection measure to treat children with RRTI while exploring cause to prevent unadverted change.


The ciliates were always ideal materials in the studies of the structure and function of cytoskeleton and its cell control and adjustment, for they have many kinds of cytoskeletons with complexity and they could be easily cultured and handled.


更多网络解释与多纤毛的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Clara cell:克拉拉细胞

腺体和软骨片完全消失,出现完整的环行平滑肌层,黏膜皱襞更明显(图15-8).电镜下,终末细支气管的皮由两种细胞组成,即纤毛细胞和分泌细胞.基中分泌细胞数量多,又称为克拉拉细胞(Clara cell)细胞,细胞呈柱状,游离为呈圆顶状凸向管腔,


常较短小 质地亦较薄 先端多呈截平或微凹 背部具2脊 亦有若干平行纵脉 其2脊可伸出成小尖头或短芒;③鳞被(亦称浆片)(lodicule):此为轮生的退化内轮花被片 计2或3片 稀可较多或不存在 形小 膜质透明 下部具脉纹 上缘生小纤毛;


原生质(plasma)并不是一种化合物,而是有多中化合物组成的复杂胶体,他具有不断自我更新的能力而成为一种生命物质的体系. 植物细胞内之无生命物质(ergastic substances )又称后生质(metaplasm) 是细胞代谢作用之产物. 如纤毛,鞭毛等


"多纤毛的","multiciliate" | "多因子的","multifactorial" | "裂成多片的","multifid"

olfactory organ:嗅觉器官

嗅觉器官 (olfactory organ) 嗅觉器官为内陷的嗅囊. 嗅囊有圆形、椭圆形或不规则形,由多褶的嗅觉上皮组成,其中分布有成簇的嗅细胞. 嗅细胞呈现棱形,外端(游离端)有纤毛,基部有神经末梢分布. 许多神经末梢汇为嗅神经,通达端脑.


毛细胞的纤毛较壶腹嵴的短,上方覆有一层胶体膜名耳石膜(otolith membrane); 此膜系由多层以碳酸钙结晶为主的颗粒即耳石(otolith)和蛋白质凝合而成. 4.内淋巴管与内淋巴囊 内淋巴管(endolymphatic duct)前经椭圆球囊管与椭圆囊及球囊相交通,


当幼虫侵入寄主组织,其外层具纤毛的细胞消失,生殖细胞多分裂形成多核的变形体(plasmodium). 变形体由无性的碎裂方法产生很多变形体,然后由它们发育成雌、雄个体. 近十余年来对中生动物的系统发育、亚显微结构、生理、生殖、发育、生态以及生化分类等进行了多方面的研究.


同时性(synchronism)的对应词. 整列的多数相同器官或细胞器在同周期反复运动时,多与邻接的器官之间保持一定的位相差而运动,这种性质称为继时性,纤毛、多毛类的疣足、多足类的步足等均属此例. 具有继时性的器官运动,


multi-disk mower 多盘式割草机 | multiciliate 多纤毛的 | multidisciplinary 多学科的


大蜻蛉科 POLYSTOECHOTIDAE | 多列纤毛的 polytrichous | 多轮蚴;多轮幼虫 polytrochula