英语人>词典>汉英 : 多米尼加共和国的 的英文翻译,例句
多米尼加共和国的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与多米尼加共和国的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The capital and largest city of the Dominican Republic .


Dominican republic's...


They'd hoped to take them to a new orphanage in the Dominican Republic to possibly be adopted.


The airline says the flight was en route from Brazil to Houston when it hit turbulence just north of the Dominican Republic.


It started with a chunk of fossilized resin from the Dominican Republic.


For years, activists for the rights of women have marked November 25th as an important date. It is a day to recognize the goal of ending violence against women. ovember 25th was chosen to honor three sisters in the Dominican Republic. The Mirabel sisters -- Minerva, Patria and Maria Teresa -- were political activists. They were killed on November 25th, 1961, on orders from dictator Rafael Trujillo.

多年来,女权主义者一直将11月25日看作是重要的日子,正是在这一天,人们意识到要停止对女性使用暴力。11月25日用来纪念多米尼加共和国的三姐妹,她们积极参与政治,于1961年11月25日被独裁者Rafael Trujillo处死。

For years, activists for the rights of women have marked November 25th as an important date. It is a day to recognize the goal of ending violence against women. November 25th was chosen to honor three sisters in the Dominican Republic. The Mirabel sisters -- Minerva, Patria and Maria Teresa -- were political activists. They were killed on November 25th, 1961, on orders from dictator Rafael Trujillo.

多年来,女权主义者一直将11月25日看作是重要的日子,正是在这一天,人们意识到要停止对女性使用暴力。11月25日用来纪念多米尼加共和国的三姐妹,她们积极参与政治,于1961年11月25日被独裁者Rafael Trujillo处死。

The basic unit of money in the Dominican Republic; equal to 100 centavos.


Highlighting the risks, on Tuesday Anglo-Swiss miner Xstrata PLC said it was temporarily shutting down a nickel-mining operation in the Dominican Republic because of high energy costs and lower nickel prices.

这种风险已经显现:英国-瑞士合资矿业公司Xstrata PLC周二表示,由于能源成本上涨和镍价下跌,其暂时关闭了位于多米尼加共和国的一个镍矿。

He subsequently left for Portugal, but quickly fled, having been found guilty of the murder of a Dominican, and took refuge in Mons.


更多网络解释与多米尼加共和国的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dominican Republic:多米尼加共和国

博瑙(Bonao) 水上运动 - 博瑙(Bonao), 多米尼加共和国 (Dominican Republic)预订水上运动在博瑙(Bonao) 用Hostelsclub. 为了马上核实可能性水上运动在博瑙(Bonao) 用搜索列表. 你可以进入每一个旅游的预订表格当点击"预订"按钮.

dominie:牧师 (名)

Dominican 多米尼加共和国的居民 (名) | dominie 牧师 (名) | dominion 主权; 统治权; 领土 (名)


最近,中国出口到巴拿马和多米尼加共和国的"卓越"(Excel)和"酷先生"(Mr.Cool)两个品牌的牙膏由于有毒物质二甘醇含量过高而被禁止销售. 甘醇是一种有毒化学物质,可以用于汽车水箱防冻剂.


今天,朗姆酒的主要生产地是:古巴(Cuba),牙买加(Jamaica)、海地、波多黎各、多米尼加共和国(Republica Dominicana),小安的列斯群岛的(马提尼克岛(Martinique)、瓜德罗普岛(Guadeloupe)、特立尼达岛(Trinidad),巴巴多斯岛(Barbados),

Washington Capitals:华盛顿首都

杰葛(Jaromir Jagr)是华盛顿首都(Washington Capitals)曲棍球队的高得分边锋,他领导着来自东欧和前苏联的队员入侵美国曲棍球场. 而在棒球场上,强棒索沙(Sammy Sosa)只是大联盟内(Major League Baseball)众多来自多米尼加共和国的球员之一.

The Dominican Republic:多米尼加共和国

国 名: 多米尼加共和国(The Dominican Republic) 国名释义: 西班牙语意为星期天、休息日. 旧说哥伦布于15世纪末的一个星期日到此,故名多米尼加首 都: 圣多明各 (SANTO DOMINGO)国 树: 桃花心木国鸟

