英语人>词典>汉英 : 多层化 的英文翻译,例句
多层化 的英文翻译、例句


multiple stratification
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The re-election of the new equipment is toward large, multi-application of centrifugal force and the direction of development.


With the electrical connections at the top and bottom side of the wafer-level IC packaging Lead-frame structure and composition of the surface-mount semiconductor package structure Multi-layer printed circuit board Antifuse and its formation method and with the anti-fuse non-volatile memory device unit cell Tandem electric signal processing circuit and electronic device Light-emitting diode packaging structure and encapsulation method Electronic Packaging Structure Flip-chip high-speed optoelectronic components and structure Pairs of piezoelectric friction side by side to promote the three-step device and scanning probe microscope Light-emitting diode and its manufacturing method, the production base of light-emitting diode method Three or four parallel advance of stepping piezoelectric device and scanning probe microscope lens body Silicon substrate and its manufacturing method Semiconductor device and voltage-divider A polysilicon layer and the microcrystalline silicon layer of the double-substrate active layer structure, methods and devices The edge of the thickness of silicon controlled Of a lateral semiconductor devices and high-voltage devices With a vertical-channel transistors semiconductor device Of a memory array and for the manufacture of a memory array method Read-only memory cell array structure Active-matrix substrate and display device High-voltage semiconductor integrated circuit devices, dielectric isolated type semiconductor device Image sensing devices Lens module and its manufacturing methods Solid-state imaging device and camera Injection angle for the trench isolation Organic Light-Emitting Display Device Organic light-emitting display device Bipolar transistor structure of the surface passivation Double-triggered silicon-controlled rectifier HFET Metal-oxide semiconductor transistors Self-aligned trench accumulation mode field effect transistor structure Thin-film transistors and Display Devices TFT Lead Diode Low-frequency, low noise, low-flashing diode Used for thin-film solar cells trap light structure Transparent sun solar cells Quaternary semiconductor heterojunction photovoltaic cells heat Si nano-pillar array heterojunction thin-film solar cells GaN-based micro-composite solar cells isotope Optical sensor Semiconductor by optical components Imaging Detector Transparent conductive oxide coating Silicon-based high-performance dual-junction solar cells Thin-film solar cells Alien LED Devices


Because printed circuit board is developing in the direction of fine line, high density, small aperture and multiplied layers, apart from that the requirement for inner and outer quality of base material is extremely high, more and more rigorous requirements are proposed on manufacturing environment and lustration of process.

针对 PCB 向细线路、高密度、小孔径、多层化的方向发展、除对其基材的内外质量要求极高外,也对制造环境和制程的洁净度提出越来越苛刻的条件。

Methods: Immunohistochemistry and image analysis techniques are applied to examine the phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinase in epidermis of non-expanded skin and expanded skin. Results:Phosphorylated ERK expressed in basal cell layer of epiderm including non-expanded skin and expanded skin are expressed. But in expanded skin they are expressed significantly and densely compared to non-expanded skin. There are significant difference in relative to location of expanded skin and regions of expanded skin.

结果: 1扩张皮肤和正常皮肤表皮基底层都有磷酸化ERK 的表达和分布,但扩张皮肤中的磷酸化ERK的分布和表达较明显,染色较深且密,部分阳性细胞呈多层排列,有散在的增殖团区;2扩张皮肤的顶部和侧部差别不十分明显,而侧部和顶部与基底部有一定的差别,基底部染色较深,多为细胞核着色;3 经图像分析不同部位的正常皮肤和扩张皮肤以及扩张皮肤的不同部分的相对灰度值和阳性细胞密度,进一步证实了上述观察结果。

The well type gas nitrogenation oven uses the multi-layered multistage multi-link multi-spot assignment type ammonia input mode, enables the active nitrogen member fast evenly with the work piece surface union, forms the even fast nitrided level, the coordinate high speed spiral air flue, the effective addressing work piece blind hole and the deep hole nitriding craft, nitrides strongly by the microcomputer programmed control infiltrates, the diffusion technology heating curve.


In order to clear heterogeneous reservoirs waterflooding performance, and decreased interlayer and within-layer contradictions, and improved the water flooding recovery, experimental study should be conducted first, This paper based on Pucheng Sasan reservoir sandstone cores to study object. Multi-point pressure measurement of water flooding oil experimental apparatus was established. Through the three-layer water flooding experiment to study injection strategy, interlayer interference and recovery factors. True sandstone micro-model water flooding used newly developed color visual image analysis system researched water-drive types, forms of residual oil and waterflood efficiency. Percolation mathematical model was established, black oil simulation program was developed, long-core displacement experimental results were matched, pressure and saturation change were researched by the simulation matching results.


This paper introduces the concepts of CSCW, describes the present state and discusses the problems to be solved, primarily focusing on human computer interaction, concurrency control and collaboration management. According to the research on cooperative characteristics of user actions in CSCW systems, this paper proposes a software architecture model of cooperative systems, Arbor. Its main contents include: Layered structure The Arbor model divides a cooperative system into five layers according to functional decomposition: device layer, concept layer, intention layer, cooperation layer, and computation layer. It deifies user actions and reifies the results of the actions to implement multi-level collaboration among multiple users. Multi-level collaboration obtains finegrained collaboration of the cooperative system and improves its collaboration efficiency.

本文首先介绍了计算机辅助协同工作的基本概念,着重从人机接口,并发控制和协同管理等功能方面介绍了协同系统的现状及其软件结构存在的问题,然后,基于对协同系统中用户动作的协同需求和协同特性的研究,针对目前协同软件系统存在的问题,提出了一种协同系统软件结构模型Arbor,它的主要内容包括:层次结构 Arbor模型从功能上将协同软件系统分为五层:设备层、概念层、意图层、协同层和计算层,它通过对用户动作的多层抽象和对动作结果的多层例化,实现多用户之间的多层次协同及感知,层次结构增强了系统的灵活性和适应性,方便了系统的开发,同时,多层次协同的方法获得了细粒度的协同感知,提高了协同效率。

By introducing one of stratified ocean models: two layer ocean and multicolored wave mech- anism of second order water wave, the problems of diffracting effects caused by second order multicol- ored wave are analyzed.


Finally, for the manufacture demand of multilayer piezoelectric transformers , the low-melting additions, which had transient liquid-phase sintering mechanism, could be used to decreasing the sintering temperature and improving the properties.


A process for making an electronic device which comprises applying a nonaqueous plate-resistant ink by ink jet printing to selected areas of a dielectric substrate, optionally laminated with an electrically conductive metal, exposing the plate resistant ink to actinic and/or particle beam radiation to effect polymerisation, adding one or more metal layers by electrolytic or electroless deposition, the upper layer of which is an etchresistant metal, removing the polymerised plate-resistant ink with alkali and finally removing the electrically conductive metal which are optionally directly laminated to the dielectric substrate and not protected by an upper layer of etch-resistant metal by chemical etching wherein the plate-resistant ink is substantially solvent-free and comprises: A 30 to 90 parts acrylate functional monomers free from acid groups comprising mono- or higher functionality wherein 5 to 95% by weight are mono-functional monomers; B 1 to 30 parts acrylate functional monomer containing one or more acid groups; C 0 to 20 parts polymer or prepolymer; D 0 to 20 parts radical initiator; E 0 to 5 parts colorant; F 0 to 5 parts surfactant; and where the ink has a viscosity of not greater than 30 cPs at 40 DEG C and all parts are by weight.


更多网络解释与多层化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


中文摘要 米碳管拥有优异的各项物性质,而本研究著眼於其特别优异的热传导性质,多层奈米碳管的热传导系数高达3000W/m-K,因此本研究将奈米碳管以化学的方式改质,首先利用羧化(carboxylation)反应的方式让奈米碳管带有羧酸基(carboxylic acid groups,

stratum corneum:角化层

角化层 (stratum corneum)在皮肤最表面,由多层扁平的角化上皮细胞组成,其厚度不等. 腹壁皮肤、头皮等处角化层少,但在足底、手掌等易受摩擦部位的皮肤角化层明显增厚,最厚达2mm以上. 显微镜下角化层细胞为均质状,呈嗜酸性,其核及细胞器均消失.

multilamelar liposome:多層微脂粒 多室脂质体

mucosa aerosol 黏膜用氣化噴霧劑 黏膜用气雾剂 | multilamelar liposome 多層微脂粒 多室脂质体 | multilayer tablet 多層錠劑 多层片剂

multilevel selling:多级销售,多层传销

Multidomestic strategy 多国化战略 | Multilevel selling 多级销售,多层传销 | Multinational company 多国公司

multiple series:多重级数

multiple sequence 多重序列 | multiple series 多重级数 | multiple stratification 多层化

multiple stratification:多层化

multiple series 多重级数 | multiple stratification 多层化 | multiple tangent 多重切线

multiple tangent:多重切线

multiple stratification 多层化 | multiple tangent 多重切线 | multiple test 多重检验

multistory residence:多层住宅

住宅郊区化:suburb residence | 多层住宅:multistory residence | 绿色住宅:green residence

multilayer metalization:多层金属化

multilayer interconnection pattern 多层布线图 | multilayer metalization 多层金属化 | multi-layer printed circuit 多层印制电路板 MLPC

Functional role model:功能角色模型

汉语功能模型:Chinese Functional Model | 功能角色模型:Functional role model | 多层化:multilayer