英语人>词典>汉英 : 多亏格 的英文翻译,例句
多亏格 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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By mid 1940, thanks to the Polish knowledge and the first type of the British "Bombe" machine designed by Alan Turing, the British code breakers at Bletchley Park could read some German army Enigma messages within 24 hours, but the most important German Enigma messages, those of the German U-boat submarines, could not be deciphered.

至1940年夏,多亏了波兰人提供的情报和阿兰。图灵从新设计的"图灵炸彈",在布莱特利公园工作的英国密码分析人员可以在24小时内破译相当部分的恩尼格码密文。但是那些对英国人最为重要的、 N粹海军潜艇部队的恩尼格码密文仍然无法被破译。

With their Enigma-like machine, built thanks to the German documents they received from the French, and later with a more advanced machine they nicknamed "Bombe", the Polish code breakers successfully deciphered German Enigma messages for over six years until 1938, and they did not tell the French anything about it...


I was also helped by James Carville and a brilliant campaign team who kept me and everyone else focused and on message through all the ups and downs; by Stan Greenberg's insightful polling and Frank Greer's effective paid media; by able people who led the campaign at the grass roots; by a Democratic Party united by Ron Brown's skill and the desire to win after a dozen years in the wilderness; by extraordinarily high levels of support from minorities and women, who also elected a Congress with six female senators and forty-seven female members of the House, up from twenty-eight; by the initial disunity and overconfidence among the Republicans; by surprisingly positive press coverage in the general election, in stark contrast to the going-over I got in the primaries; by the extraordinary performance of Al and Tipper Gore in the campaign, and the generational change we all represented; and by the New Democrat philosophy and ideas I had developed in Arkansas and with the DLC.


Thanks to her performance, we put up with the expected Grand National of monsterdom – centaurs, bat-winged horses, Ralph Fiennes gurning as gargoyle-faced Voldemort – and accept the alarming cubits added by age to Daniel Radcliffe's Harry, Emma Watson's Hermione and Rupert Grint's Ron.


更多网络解释与多亏格相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


只见那女子摆出一副贵族的样子,说道:"快给我让开,我是盖理国的英格丽(Ingrid)公主. "奶妈拉着公主走向将军,说道:"多亏了这位班克罗福特(Bancroft)将军,他连夜骑马来报信,还护送我们的马车及时赶到了这里. ""你好,我叫仙蒂(Sandy),



Three Kings:奪寶大作戰

多亏了<<无间行者>>(The Departed),我们才能又一次看到那个曾经星光四射的马克.沃尔伯格,再一次领略那个曾经在<<不羁夜>>(Boogie Nights)和<<夺宝大作战>>(Three Kings)里演技突出,让人眼前一亮的沃尔伯格的风采.