英语人>词典>汉英 : 多丘陵的 的英文翻译,例句
多丘陵的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hilly  ·  hillier

更多网络例句与多丘陵的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

American isthmus is the extending part of the Cordillera from the north American to southward.


The South West is a region of contrasts对比,对照,(对照中的差异-- Wiltshire, where South West England begins less than an hour from London; Gloucestershire, home to the Forest of Dean and the Cotswolds; Dorset, an area of outstanding natural beauty and bordered by the Jurassic coastline; Bristol and Bath, with centuries of history and culture; Somerset, a mix of heather covered Exmoor and the levels of Devon, with two coastlines and wide open spaces; Cornwall, bounded by the sea and steeped in Celtic tradition with the delightful Scilly Isles, each with its own features and attractions.


Due to an abundant rainfall and frequent rainstorm, and geographical characteristics of mountain and hills, the potential erosive dynamics of soil erosion is strong. The low resistant erosion ability of ground substance, especially in granite weathering crust and purple rock and its soil are the inner causes of severe soil erosion. The utilization of natural resource of mankind was increased due to characteristics of social and economic environment of the province. The unreasonable land utilization caused vegetation destroy, which is the key factor of soil erosion.


This part of the country is very mountainous / hilly / flat / stony / heavily populated .


I have made thee as a new thrashing wain, with teeth like a saw: thou shall thrash the mountains, and break them in pieces: and shalt make the hills as chaff.


This is one of the very genuine fire advantages deriving from the hilliness of Korea and the enemy's lack of air support and a competent artillery.


One such large-scale project is the reconstruction and expansion of the interchange between Interstate 5 and Interstate 805 through the San Diego communities of Sorrento Valley, Torrey Hills, and Carmel Valley.


The Taiwan mountain system and Island of Taiwan northeast - southwest moves towards parallel, the vertical stroke lies middle the Island of Taiwan 偏东 the position, forms east the main island the multi- sierras, middle the multi- knolls, west the multi- plains terrain characteristic.


This wood take full advantage of operating the Department of Jiangxi in many mountain areas, hilly geographical advantage to develop the region's bamboo resources and related wood products, development and operation of a variety of specifications Bamboo: Small mangosteen, bamboo dish rack, mosquito nets bamboo, flower drying screens,board, bamboo tail, bamboo, Chinese fir, a variety of logs, a variety of wood products, agricultural products and tree seedlings.


Taiwan is an island nation with many mountains,and so the mountains, hills, basins, plains,seaboards, animals and plants combine topresent a highly complex diversity.


更多网络解释与多丘陵的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


30余吨重的人头巨雕 我们在一个名叫艾瓦拉多(Alvarado)的渔港过夜,第二天继续行程,朝东行驶.公路蜿蜒穿梭在肥沃的丘陵和山谷间,偶尔豁然开朗,让我们一睹墨西哥湾的风光,然后又转进内陆.我们穿过长满凤凰木的青翠牧地,




屬於冬之女神貝拉(Beira)子孫的魔女之一. 姿態多變,有時如同貝拉老嫗,有時又彷彿夏之少女時的貝拉一般年輕美麗. 此外,其他人也能夠自由變化其姿態. 她們各自居住在安靜的場所,如河流、瀑布、綠色的丘陵或是深峻的峽谷.




hillslope /山坡/ | hilltop /小山顶/山顶/ | hilly /多丘陵的/多山岗的/险峻的/岿/


学过一点英语的读者想必都看得出来:"多小山丘陵"(Hilly)跟"崇山峻岭环抱"完全是两码事,而曾静生活的那个小村子也绝非"与世隔绝". 译者好渲染,所以用的字眼就不能不大而重. 另一方面,如果说"遥不可及"尚可根据月亮的比喻补足的话,


hillwash 坡地冲刷作用 | hilly 多丘陵的 | hilly area 丘陵区

Llano Estacado:埃斯塔卡多平原

发源于德克萨斯州西部拉米萨(Lamesa)以北道森(Dawson)县的埃斯塔卡多平原(Llano Estacado),向东南经科罗拉多市,穿越丘陵起伏的草原和多山及峡谷的崎岖地带,经海兰湖系(Highland Lakes),过奥斯汀,横越沿海平原注入马塔戈达湾(Matagorda Bay,

Archimonde's Return and the Flight to Kalimdor:(阿克蒙德的归来和卡里姆多之旅)

垒-守望堡-诅咒之地阿拉索与巨魔战争(Arathor and the Troll Wars) 珍宝陈列室与图书馆的中间地带-血色修道院 | 塔伦米尔-希尔斯布莱德丘陵 | 图书馆-探险者大厅-铁炉堡阿克蒙德的归来和卡里姆多之旅(Archimonde's Return and the Flight to Kalimdor) 图书馆-血色修道

Saipan Island:塞班岛

'''塞班岛'''('''Saipan Island'''),[[北马里亚纳群岛]]自由邦[[首府]]. 位于群岛东南部. 面积120平方公里. 人口4.8万([[1992年]]),约占自由联邦总人口的85%. 岛上多[[丘陵]],最高点[[塔波乔山]](Tagpochau)海拔474米. 沿西海岸有[[瀉湖]].