英语人>词典>汉英 : 外胚层 的英文翻译,例句
外胚层 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ectoblast  ·  ectoderm  ·  epiblast  ·  exoderm

dermal layer · neurodermal layer
更多网络例句与外胚层相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Furthormore, xNorrin can not activate canonical Wnt signaling in the endomesoderm, suggesting additional mechanisms to restrict xNorrin activity in the ectoderm besides of its RNA localization in the animal pole..


The outer layer of a blastula that gives rise to the ectoderm after gastrulation.


The formation of a gastrula from a blastula by invagination.


It is the result of incomplete disjunction of the cutaneous ectoderm from neural ectoderm during the process of neurulation.


Consistent with this, oral teeth are proposed to arise exclusively from ectoderm, contributing to tooth enamel epithelium, and from neural crest derived mesenchyme, contributing to dentin and pulp.


The results indicate that day 5 p.c.primitive ectoderm cells are able to participate in embryogenesis after be-ing introduced into day 4 p.c.blastocysts and result in the production of adult chimeras.

嵌合体与C_(57)BL/6 J小鼠交配后所得的结果表明,原始外胚层细胞在嵌合体内能形成有功能的配子。上述结果说明,原始外胚层细胞与内细胞团细胞、体外培养的胚胎干细胞一样,具有发育全能性。

The somatotypes developed from Mesomorph-Ectomorphy to Ectomorphic Mesomorphy in male; however, it was from Ectomorphic Mesomorphy, Central, Balanced Ectomorphy, Balanced Endomorphy to Mesomorphic Endomorphy in female. Conclusion: The somatotypes of Tibetan adolescents in Naqu are slim with little fat; musculo-skeletal system is not well developed.


Cultured epiblast cells overcome the epigenetic barrier progressively as they proceed with the erasure of key properties of epiblast cells, resulting in DNA demethylation, X reactivation and expression of E-cadherin.


Hypohidrosis ectodermal dysplasia is a rare congenital disorder that results in abnormalities in the structures of ectodermal origin tissues, such as teeth, eccrine sweat glands, hair and nails.


Paper 2:Mutation analysis of EDA gene in Chinese families with X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasiaX-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia(XLHED,MIM305100) is a recessive disease characterized by severe hypohidrosis,hypotrichosis and hypodontia.

论文二X连锁无汗/少汗型外胚层发育不良中EDA基因致病突变鉴定X连锁隐性无汗/少汗型外胚层发育不良(X-linked anhidrotic/hypohidroticectodermal dysplasia,XLHED;MIM305100)是无汗/少汗型外胚层发育不良(anhidrotic/hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia,EDA)中最常见的一种,约占95%。

更多网络解释与外胚层相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ectoderm, ectoblast:外胚层

04.0289 中胚层母细胞 mother cell of mesoderm | 04.0290 外胚层 ectoderm, ectoblast | 04.0291 外胚层间质 ectomesenchyme


ectomere 外裂球 | ectomorph 外胚层体型 | ectomorphic 外胚层体型的

Ecto.Meso Ectomorph Mesomorphy:偏外胚层的中胚层型

Balanced Meso Balance Mesomorphy 均衡的中胚层型 | Ecto.Meso Ectomorph Mesomorphy 偏外胚层的中胚层型 | Meso-Ecto Mesomorph-Ectomorphy 中胚层-外胚层均衡型


三、 外胚层体型(ectomorphy)主要以来自外胚层的神经、皮肤组织占优势发育而成的体型. 有人称这种为无力型. 这种体型的总体特征为身材消瘦、肌肉不发达. 身体各部分的特征为颈、胸部细窄,腹、臀部平坦,四肢细长. 根据希尔顿的测量方法看看自己是那种体型,

Meso.Ecto Mesomorphic Ectomorphy:偏中胚层的外胚层型

Meso-Ecto Mesomorph-Ectomorphy 中胚层-外胚层均衡型 | Meso.Ecto Mesomorphic Ectomorphy 偏中胚层的外胚层型 | Balanced Ecto Balance Ectomorphy 均衡的外胚层

Endo.Ecto Endomorphic Ectomorphy:偏内胚层的外胚层型

Balanced Ecto Balance Ectomorphy 均衡的外胚层型 | Endo.Ecto Endomorphic Ectomorphy 偏内胚层的外胚层型 | Ecto-Endo Ectomorph-Endomorphy 外胚层-内胚层均衡型

Balanced Ecto Balance Ectomorphy:均衡的外胚层型

Meso.Ecto Mesomorphic Ectomorphy 偏中胚层的外胚层型 | Balanced Ecto Balance Ectomorphy 均衡的外胚层型 | Endo.Ecto Endomorphic Ectomorphy 偏内胚层的外胚层

ectodermal germ layer:外胚层

\\"外胚层\\",\\"ectoderm\\" | \\"外胚层\\",\\"ectodermal germ layer\\" | \\"外侧裂\\",\\"ectolateral fissure\\"

hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia:有汗性外胚层发育不良

少汗性外胚层发育不良 hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia | 有汗性外胚层发育不良 hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia | 半侧面部肢体发育不良 hemifacial microsomia


ectodermatosis 外胚层形成异常 | ectodermic 外胚层的 | ectodermosis 外胚层形成异常