英语人>词典>汉英 : 外套 的英文翻译,例句
外套 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
coat  ·  manta  ·  outerwear  ·  surcoat  ·  wrap  ·  coats  ·  wraps  ·  greatcoats  ·  mantas

loose coat · outer garment · outer wear
更多网络例句与外套相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cavalli's signature animal prints were confined to a leopard coat and a giraffe pattern (faintly stamped on a suede jacket), as well as to the backstage VIP area. And the Florentine artisanal treatments that are another signature were present in the way that leather and suede were subtly tooled (one skin had a striking brocade effect). A suede duffel lined in astrakhan and a closing coat of lustrous monkey fur evoked the willful, rockin' excess of alt-Cavalli (which is, face it, how the world learned to love him).

放眼望去整场秀,我们一直看到重复搭配的西服套装/套头毛衣/衬衫和领带、合腰身的剪裁以及锐利平整的肩线,直至快结束时,Roberto Cavalli招牌的动物图纹皮草单品才华丽豋场:如美洲豹、长颈鹿花纹的麂皮大衣(当然据说在后台VIP室也是布置满满动物花纹);而佛罗伦斯老牌工匠们织造手法的精湛,更不著痕迹表现在那些温暖厚实的大外套上:像是麂皮外套内里的稀有阿拉斯加卷毛羊皮、牛皮夹克上金线织花的细腻图样、以及经过特殊处理闪烁光泽的猴子毛短外套

By the same method, delta receptor was detected on the cerebral ganglia, pedal ganglia, visceral ganglia, coat ganglia and in the mouth, esophagus, craw, stomach, stomachic caecus, the epithelium of the intestines, sialoid gland, branchia, branchia gland, ventricle, branchial heart, kidneys, ovary, fallopian tube, back of mantle, abdomen of mantle, wrist, membrane of wrist, funnel and immunocytes of Octopus ocellatus.


Using the immunohistochemical technique, nerve cell bodies and fibres immunoreactive to the anti-Met-enkephalin sera were observed in the cerebral ganglia, pedal ganglia, visceral ganglia, inspect ganglia and coat ganglia of Octopus ocellatus. Met-ENK immunoreactivity was also localized in the mouth, esophagus, craw, stomach, stomachic caecus, the epithelium of the intestines, rectum, sialoid gland, liver, branchia, branchia gland, ventricle, branchial heart, kidneys, ovary, fallopian tube, back of mantle, abdomen of mantle, wrist, membrane of wrist, funnel, and immunocytes of Octopus ocellatus.


By using the method of Western blot on fractions of nuclear and cytosol of primary cultured mantle cells and immunogold electron microscopy, we found out the completely different localization of these two proteins: CaM was localized both in cytoplasm and nuclear but CaLP was localized only in the cytoplasm.

通过对体外培养的珍珠贝外套膜上皮细胞核质分离后进行的Western blot分析和免疫电镜研究发现,CaM和CaLP的亚细胞定位是截然不同的:CaM分布于外套膜上皮细胞的细胞核与细胞质中,而CaLP却仅分布于外套膜上皮细胞的细胞质中。

This man was dressed in a greatcoat, or rather a surtout, a little worse for the journey, but which exhibited the ribbon of the Legion of Honor still fresh and brilliant, a decoration which also ornamented the under coat.


During one of the many wars between the British and the Spanish, a French admiral was an observer aboard a British man o' war. One morning the lookout sighted the Spanish Armada coming over the horizon and sounded out the alarm. The British admiral sent for his yeoman and instructed him to fetch his scarlet red vest. The French admiral who was standing nearby asked,"Admiral, what is this scarlet vest for?" The British admiral replied,"If I am wounded in the upcoming battle, the vest will hide my blood so that the crew will not know that I have been wounded and will continue to fight."


There are 3 main styles of jacket that just about any serious suit hire shop should be able to supply: tailcoat, a three quarter length coat often known as an Edward jacket, and lounge jacket often known as a normal jacket.


A sport coat is a larger investment than a shirt,' he notes, adding that it's easier to tone down a bright shirt with a dark jacket than vice versa.


Borrow a blazer A classic navy schoolboy blazer with brass buttons or a warm wool coat with elbow patches and leather-covered buttons are handsome pieces to have in your closet.


Coat 外套 The Presa has a short, flat single coat that is harsh in texture.


更多网络解释与外套相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abjurer's Tunic:誓言外套 防護師外套

Abjurer's Sash 誓言腰帶 防護師束帶 | Abjurer's Tunic 誓言外套 防護師外套 | Chieftain's Boots 酋長戰靴 酋長的靴子

Charlotte Gainsbourg:是白衬衫,牛仔裤,黑色外套和针织衫

Linda Evangelista是紧身衣,紧身裤和透视装; | Charlotte Gainsbourg是白衬衫,牛仔裤,黑色外套和针织衫; | Gwyneth Paltrow是黑色西装外套,拖地礼服裙,条纹衫和牛仔裤.


FredrikFarg作品"外套"(Coat)设计师FredrikFarg对毛毡、成衣和椅子都有浓厚兴趣,"外套"即混合了来自三者的灵感. 瑞典制造商则Materia慧眼发掘了其规模生产的惊人潜力. "外套"是一把扶手椅,看起来柔软舒适,在公共场合若觉得不够私密,


THIRTEEN 暗杀者的迷彩服 | MOTHER GARB 母亲的外套 | MOTHER GARB+ 母亲的外套+


Lunettes (太阳)眼镜 | Manteaux 大衣,外套 | --- fourrures 毛料外套或大披肩


large opening,与适当大小的byssus结合,croceas可以牢固的附着在底层,特大的pedal外套膜(mantle)可以完全扩张和收缩(下面有介绍). 关于软体部分,croceas扩张外套膜(mantle),超出贝壳上部边缘,从上面看完全将贝壳遮住.


腰线部分仍是以低腰为主流,洗色处理也依旧热门. 除此之外,为了因应低腰线的主流牛仔裤款,皮带的角色也就变成越来越重要了. 连帽外套(PARKA)在今年秋冬依旧是不可缺少的超级单品,无论外搭或内搭,连帽外套都有无可取代的装饰性和实用性.

pea jacket:水手短外套

pea coat 水手短外套 | pea jacket 水手短外套 | pea soup fog 黄色浓雾

jacket steam:外套蒸汽

外套加热 jacket heating | 装甲电力电机 jacket power cable | 外套蒸汽 jacket steam

mantle cavity; branchial cavity:套膜腔;外套腔

套膜;外套翕 mantle | 套膜腔;外套腔 mantle cavity; branchial cavity | 套膜细胞;外套细胞 mantle cell