英语人>词典>汉英 : 外套大衣 的英文翻译,例句
外套大衣 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与外套大衣相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cavalli's signature animal prints were confined to a leopard coat and a giraffe pattern (faintly stamped on a suede jacket), as well as to the backstage VIP area. And the Florentine artisanal treatments that are another signature were present in the way that leather and suede were subtly tooled (one skin had a striking brocade effect). A suede duffel lined in astrakhan and a closing coat of lustrous monkey fur evoked the willful, rockin' excess of alt-Cavalli (which is, face it, how the world learned to love him).

放眼望去整场秀,我们一直看到重复搭配的西服套装/套头毛衣/衬衫和领带、合腰身的剪裁以及锐利平整的肩线,直至快结束时,Roberto Cavalli招牌的动物图纹皮草单品才华丽豋场:如美洲豹、长颈鹿花纹的麂皮大衣(当然据说在后台VIP室也是布置满满动物花纹);而佛罗伦斯老牌工匠们织造手法的精湛,更不著痕迹表现在那些温暖厚实的大外套上:像是麂皮外套内里的稀有阿拉斯加卷毛羊皮、牛皮夹克上金线织花的细腻图样、以及经过特殊处理闪烁光泽的猴子毛短外套。

Memories of the models people are Techno jackets, patches-style coats and sweaters knitted mesh, these are the designer element of the winter series of symbols; comfortable loden coat or jacket pocket, compared with 10 men add a touch of chic grade.


Both wore dark overcoats and broad rimmed hats that hid most of their face in shadow.


A thick, twilled cloth of wool and cotton used for overcoats.


Is it possible to have my overcoat dry-cleaned, too?


Is it possible to have my overcoat dry-cleaned, too?


His speed nearly caught Jay off-guard again- when Riley jumped at him he swung with three of his shuriken imbedded between his fingers, razored tips pointing out, but caught nothing but Riley's overcoat.

他的速度几乎走开捕捉了鸟-守卫再一次-当赖利在他跳跃的时候他以他的 shuriken 中的三摇摆在他的手指之间使插入,剃刀了指出的顶端,但是只捕捉赖利的外套大衣

He opened with a flame-red coat that will be like a beacon on the sales floor; it had two big, black buttons on a capelike overlay above a belted waist.


I'm ordering more for Christmas gifts!' He noted that he's also ordering up an overcoat with Barack Obama's face done in crystals across the back to wear to the presidential inauguration.


He noted that he's also ordering up an overcoat with Barack Obama's face done in crystals across the back to wear to the presidential inauguration.


更多网络解释与外套大衣相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

blazer coat:外套式大衣

运动上衣呢 blazer cloth | 外套式大衣 blazer coat | 丝光柳条 blazer stripes

box coat:箱形外套,直筒大衣

bouffant skirt 蓬展裙,蓬松裙 | box coat 箱形外套,直筒大衣 | boy scout uniform 童子军制服



greatcoat:外套; 大衣 (名)

great-grandson 曾孙 | greatcoat 外套; 大衣 (名) | greathearted 清高的; 豪爽的; 勇敢的 (形)

manteau n.m:大衣,外套,披风

mansarde n.f. 复折屋顶 | manteau n.m. 大衣,外套,披风 | maquette n.f. 模型,草图,雏型


Lunettes (太阳)眼镜 | Manteaux 大衣,外套 | --- fourrures 毛料外套或大披肩

der Mantel:大衣,外套

weit Quelle:宽大的 | der Mantel 大衣,外套 | vielleicht 也许,可能


Velour ~天鵝毧~ | Coats ~外套~大衣(比較冬天的)~ | ? Halter ~露背背心

men's and boy's woven rainwear and all purpose, water-repellent coat fabrics:男防水雨衣及大衣用织物

k3814 男礼服衬衫用织物 men's and boy's... | k3815 男防水雨衣及大衣用织物 men's and boy's woven rainwear and all purpose, water-repellent coat fabrics | k3816 男外套大衣用织物 men's and boy's woven dres...

Coats and overcoats, knitted:外套和长大衣,针织的

2422027 Jackets, knitted 夹克,针织的 | 2422028 Coats and overcoats, knitted 外套和长大衣,针织的 | 2422029 Outerwear, knitted, for fishermen and seamen 外套,针织的,渔夫和海员穿的