英语人>词典>汉英 : 复职的 的英文翻译,例句
复职的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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On the subject of Jean-Bertrand Aristides the man U.S troops were poised to forcibly reinstate as president of Haiti, Clinton met my questions about his legitimacy and stability with a defining politicians answer:"I know what they say about him, but be got 67 percent of the vote."


Enlistment ago organs, organizations, enterprises and institutions to allow employees return to work, be reinstated.


The condemned heresiarch withdrew first to Palestine and afterwards to Bithynia, where, under the protection of Eusebius of Nicomedia and his other "Collucianists", he was able to increase his already remarkable influence, while his friends were endeavouring to prepare a way for his forcible reinstatement as priest of the Alexandrian Church.

该谴责heresiarch撤回首次向巴勒斯坦和事后bithynia ,那里的保护下,尤西比乌斯的尼科美底亚和他的其他" collucianists ",他才能够增加他的已经显着影响,而他的朋友们正在努力准备了一条路,他强行复职的,因为牧师的亚历山大教堂。

His request for reinstatement was disapprove d.


It's hard to believe the judge reinstated her overnights visits with her boys.


He has already said that if reinstated he would drop all plans for another term and leave in January.


Yet, whatever their private ambitions, Mr Dahal has offered to join a government of national unity if the president rescinds his reinstatement of the army chief. That seems the least bad outcome.


Among other things, he noticed a circular issued by one of the companies, which read: ATLANTIC AVENUE RAILROAD SPECIAL NOTICE The motormen and conductors and other employees of this company having abruptly left its service, an opportunity is now given to all loyal men who have struck against their will to be reinstated, providing they will make their applications by twelve o'clock noon on Wednesday, January 16th.


The opposition said it will press ahead the demand in the capital Islamabad of the reinstatement of the chief justice dismissed by the former president Perves Musharraf.

反对方称这将迫使在首都伊斯兰堡进行的要求被前总统 Pervez Musharraf 开除的首席法官复职的行动提前。

Naves also denied Churchill's request for reinstatement at CU. Lane has already said he will appeal both decisions.

[52]纳韦斯也否决了丘吉尔复职的请求时,[ 53 ]CU · Lane 已经表示,他将就上述两项裁决提起上诉。

更多网络解释与复职的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Constructive Discharge:推定解雇

所谓"推定解雇"(Constructive Discharge)制度,是指劳动成文法或者判例法确立的由雇员被迫或者被引诱辞职的行为推导认定雇主有解雇雇员的故意,因而让雇主承担复职或经济补偿责任的法定的行为准则.


rehabilitate v. 使(身体)康复, 使复职, 使恢复名誉, 使复原 | get-tough 强硬的 | concede v.勉强, 承认

get-tough adj.qy:的

rehabilitate v. 使(身体)康复, 使复职, 使恢复名誉, 使复原 | get-tough adj.qy的 | concede v.勉强, 承认

rehabilitate rehabilitate:使康复,使复职,使恢复名誉

regulatory regulatory按照规矩来的,调整的,规范的 | rehabilitate rehabilitate 使康复,使复职,使恢复名誉 | reinterpret reinterpret vt.重新解释reinterpretion纠正性说明

rehabilitative:使复原的, 复职的

posting of account 过帐 | rehabilitative 使复原的, 复职的 | management of talented people 人才管理


rehabilitative 使复原的 | rehabilitative 复职的 | rehandle 重新处理

rehabilitative:使复原的; 复职的 (形)

rehabilitate 恢复原状, 使恢复, 修复 (动) | rehabilitative 使复原的; 复职的 (形) | rehash 重新处理; 重讲; 改写 (动)

renounce renounce:放弃(信仰,法律),断绝关系

rehabilitate rehabilitate 使康复,使复职,使恢复名誉 | renounce renounce放弃(信仰,法律),断绝关系 | rent rent租金,出租;分裂的,有矛盾的

respective respective:分别的,各自的

residue residue残渣 | respective respective分别的,各自的 | restoration restoration n.恢复,复职,重建,翻新

white paper:白皮书

)会变成华府政客的口头禅,杜鲁门政府随即抛出"白皮书"(White Paper),向国内外解释:谁丢掉中国?中国自丢之也. 何等快捷有力. 当时也有策士,劝复职了的蒋总统,针锋相对,也发表个黑皮书以自白. 但是只习惯于江湖外交和忍辱外交的蒋大总统不干也.