英语人>词典>汉英 : 复活 的英文翻译,例句
复活 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
reanimation  ·  rebirth  ·  relive  ·  resurge  ·  resurgence  ·  resurrect  ·  resurrection  ·  revival  ·  revive  ·  revivification  ·  revivify  ·  reviviscence  ·  redivivus  ·  reflourish  ·  regenesis  ·  reviving  ·  renaissance  ·  renascence  ·  relived  ·  relives  ·  reliving  ·  resurged  ·  resurges  ·  resurging  ·  resurrected  ·  resurrecting  ·  resurrects  ·  revives  ·  revivified  ·  revivifies  ·  revivals  ·  renaturation

come back to life · off the shelf
更多网络例句与复活相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Holy Office rejects this view of the Resurrection when it condemns the thirty-seventh proposition in the Decree "Lamentabili": The faith in the Resurrection of Christ pointed at the beginning no so much to the fact of the Resurrection, as to the immortal life of Christ with God.

"圣办公室驳斥这种观点的复活的时候,它谴责第三十七命题,在该法令" lamentabili "说:"信仰在复活的基督指出,在开始时并没有这么多的事实复活,以不朽生活中的基督与上帝。

After Cryopreservation of embryo and larvae of manina clam Ruditapes variegata, the results indicate the survival rate of blastula embryo and vlegier are significantly better than that of trochophore and D-shaped larvae(P.05); the survival rate of blastula embryo is 42.3%(4.0M DMSO) and the effect of high sucrose density is better than that of low sucrose density with the same DMSO dendity.

对杂色蛤胚胎和幼虫的超低温冷冻保存发现,杂色蛤囊胚和面盘幼虫的保存复活率显著高于担轮幼虫和D形幼虫的复活率(P<0.05);杂色蛤囊胚的解冻复活率达42.3%(4.0M DMSO),相同DMSO浓度条件下,高蔗糖浓度组保存效果好于低蔗糖浓度组,但差异不显著(P>0.05);在相同蔗糖浓度条件下,抗冻液中DMSO浓度较高组的保存效果好于DMSO浓度较低的组,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。

Now when the seventh week has come, that is, when two weeks, including the seventh, are left before Easter, everything is done on each day as in the weeks that ,are past, except that the vigils of the sixth weekday, which were kept in the Anastasis during the first six weeks, are, in the seventh week, kept in Sion, and with the same customs that obtained during the six weeks in the Anastasis.


Results The revival rates of the gonococci within one year and two years were all 100% with traditional lyophilization method, and those of fresh milk method were 100% and 97.7% respectively; while those of...

结果 冷冻真空干燥法一年和二年内复苏,复活率均为 10 0 %;鲜奶法一年内复苏,复活率为 10 0 %,二年内复苏,复活率为 97.7%,上述两种方法明显高于普通奶粉法组(9.3%,1.2 %),差异均具有显著性(P 。0 1)。

We are even found to be misrepresenting God, because we testified about God that he raised Christ, whom he did not raise if it is true that the dead are not raised.


METHODS Thirty six Wistar female rats used in experiment were randomly divided into three groups: the normal control group, 45 d group and 90 d group with the revival liquid of quantum.


All rats were administered by free drinking, the normal control group were treated by drinking water in 3 months, 45 d group was performed drinking water in 1.5 months and then revival liquid of quantum in 1.5 months, and the 90 d group was administrated the revival liquid of quantum in 3 months.

方法] 取雌性Wistar大鼠36只,按体重随机分为对照组、量子复活液45 d组和90 d组;以自由饮用方式给药,给予对照组大鼠普通自来水喂养90 d,给予量子复活液45 d组大鼠普通自来水45 d后,再给予量子复活液喂养45 d,给予量子复活液90 d组大鼠量子复活液90 d。

METHODS Thirty six Wistar female rats used in experiment were randomly divided into three groups: the normal control group, 45 d group and 90 d group with the revival liquid of quantum. All rats were administered by free drinking, the normal control group were treated by drinking water in 3 months, 45 d group was performed drinking water in 1.5 months and then revival liquid of quantum in 1.5 months, and the 90 d group was administrated the revival liquid of quantum in 3 months.

方法] 取雌性Wistar大鼠36只,按体重随机分为对照组、量子复活液45 d组和90 d组;以自由饮用方式给药,给予对照组大鼠普通自来水喂养90 d,给予量子复活液45 d组大鼠普通自来水45 d后,再给予量子复活液喂养45 d,给予量子复活液90 d组大鼠量子复活液90 d。

"Bible" in the "1 Corinthians" 15 the resurrection of Christ the resurrection of the dead resurrection of the body............

八、《圣经》在&哥林多前书& 15 基督的复活死人的复活复活的身体。。。。。。。。。。。

The mystery of Resurrection is transcendence. From death to resurrection, His body goes into another stage of life.


更多网络解释与复活相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

posthumous movement:复活运动

posthumous fold 复活褶皱 | posthumous movement 复活运动 | posthumous phenomenon 复活现象

posthumous structure:复活构造

posthumous phenomenon 复活现象 | posthumous structure 复活构造 | posthumous 复活

reactivation cycle:复活周期

reactivating temperature 复活温度 | reactivation cycle 复活周期 | reactivation of column 柱复活

r reborn:复活 好大人每一次复活为的都是为成为通灵王,为得到精灵王

q quality 特质 好大人拥有能看清别人在想什么的特殊能力... | r reborn 复活 好大人每一次复活为的都是为成为通灵王,为得到精灵王. | s stars 星星 看到好大人身上穿戴着的以及他以前身为阴阳师,精通五行等就不难想到...

renewed fault:复活断层

renewed consequent stream 复活顺向河 | renewed fault 复活断层 | renewed faulting 复活断裂活动




revived structures 复活构造 | revived 复活的 | revivification of catalyst 催化剂复活

revived folding:重复褶皱作用,复活褶皱作用

复活断层 revived fault | 重复褶皱作用,复活褶皱作用 revived folding | 复活构造 revived structure

revived folding:复活褶皱

revived fault scarp 复活断层崖,回春断层崖 | revived folding 复活褶皱 | revived river 复活

revived structure:复活构造

重复褶皱作用,复活褶皱作用 revived folding | 复活构造 revived structure | 复活作用,再生,恢复 revivification