英语人>词典>汉英 : 复活的 的英文翻译,例句
复活的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
renascent  ·  resurgent  ·  risen  ·  redivivus  ·  resurrectional  ·  resurrectionary  ·  revivatory  ·  reviviscent  ·  redivious

更多网络例句与复活的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Do not imagine that Christ's life can be manifestd in us unless we die to the world and to self. Christ had to die. You are crucified with Christ and must experience the crucified life.


Once I had seen the darker side of Necromancy, I began to speak with those souls, to animate the soulless, to quench the lives of the living...


Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life.

11:23 马大说,我知道在末日复活的时候,他必复活。

Because I chose resurrection, I will take every step of it.


By means of an example of an old-landslide revivification expound the enginnering geological conditions and background.


After ultraviolet radiation disinfection of the effluent from WWTP,microorganisms can revivify due to the photoreactivation effects.


The Holy Office rejects this view of the Resurrection when it condemns the thirty-seventh proposition in the Decree "Lamentabili": The faith in the Resurrection of Christ pointed at the beginning no so much to the fact of the Resurrection, as to the immortal life of Christ with God.

"圣办公室驳斥这种观点的复活的时候,它谴责第三十七命题,在该法令" lamentabili "说:"信仰在复活的基督指出,在开始时并没有这么多的事实复活,以不朽生活中的基督与上帝。

Martha said to Him, I know that he will rise again in the resurrection in the last day.


"Bible" in the "1 Corinthians" 15 the resurrection of Christ the resurrection of the dead resurrection of the body............

八、《圣经》在&哥林多前书& 15 基督的复活死人的复活复活的身体。。。。。。。。。。。

The mystery of Resurrection is transcendence. From death to resurrection, His body goes into another stage of life.


更多网络解释与复活的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


posthumous structure 复活构造 | posthumous 复活的 | posthydrolysis 后水解


revived structures 复活构造 | revived 复活的 | revivification of catalyst 催化剂复活

Risen Sorcerer:复活的巫师

Risen Shadowmage : 复活的暗影法师 | Risen Sorcerer : 复活的巫师 | Risen Terror : 复活的恐惧骷髅

Risen Flayer:复活的抢劫者

Risen Deathknight : 复活的死亡骑士 | Risen Flayer : 复活的抢劫者 | Risen Guard : 复活的卫兵

No spell can reawaken the dead, Harry. I trust you know that:没有任何符咒能让死人复活的 哈利 我相信你明白的

They reappeared.|他们又再度出现... | No spell can reawaken the dead, Harry. I trust you know that.|没有任何符咒能让死人复活的 哈利 我相信你明白的 | Dark and difficult times lie ahead.|黑暗艰难的日子在等...


resurrection 复苏 | resurrectionary 复活的 | resurrective 促成复活的


resurrectionary 复活的 | resurrective 促成复活的 | resurvey 再测量

revivable:可复活的; 可复兴的 (形)

revitalize 使恢复生气, 使复兴, 使复活 (动) | revivable 可复活的; 可复兴的 (形) | revival 苏醒; 再生; 复活; 复兴, 再流行 (名)

Revivable Hero:可复活的英雄

Ownership-Changed Unit 改变所有权的单位 | Revivable Hero 可复活的英雄 | Reviving Hero 复活的英雄

Reviving Hero:复活的英雄

Revivable Hero 可复活的英雄 | Reviving Hero 复活的英雄 | Selling Unit 正在卖的单位