英语人>词典>汉英 : 复活节 的英文翻译,例句
复活节 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

Easter Sunday · Easter Day
更多网络例句与复活节相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

EASTER PRAYER \ 复活节祈祷 A Christian woman prayed over the Stone of Anointment at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem to mark Easter early Monday.


Chocolate Easter eggs, along with other forms of confectionary specially manufactured for Easter, have become a favourite part of Easter in Australia.


On Easter Sunday, the reigning Czar would present an Imperial Egg to his wife or mother.


On Easter Sunday children wake up to find that the Easter Bunny has left them baskets of candy.


When Egeria writes of ceremonies held on the Octave of Easter she is not clear. While, throughout the eight days, the Lazarium was decorated and adorned like for the Octave of the Epiphany, the ceremony of the fifth day took place, not at Bethany, but at the Anastasis. Thus, there is no sure proof that a special assembly took place at Bethany during the Octave of Easter.


Parents give their children"Easter eggs"-colored and boiled eggs,chocolate eggs,marzipan eggs-Easterbunnies,sweets,and other gifts.


MILAN - Happy Easter to all sportspeople, all Milan fans and their families.


Easter,is a national festival in most countries all over the world.It is in different date each year.As it depends on moon,we have lots of things to do in it.on the sunday of Easter,we have a spcial dinner,to find the chocolate egg,dancing with groups get together,dancers making noise,singing,bitting,at this festival,there are also pretty women ang girls in beautiful skirts and hats.


With visions of chocolate bunnies and jellybeans dancing in her head, it's no wonder why Sister can't wait for Easter and the Giant Beartown Easter Egg Hunt.


During the Easter holiday, people give each other chocolate Easter eggs, which are opened and eaten on Easter Sunday. On Good Friday (the Friday before Easter, when Christians remember the day on which Christ died), hot cross buns are sold.


更多网络解释与复活节相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Easter Bunny:复活节小兔子

复活节彩蛋(Easter Eggs)和复活节小兔子(Easter Bunny)火不仅给人类带来了光明,也使大地获得了新生. 作为耶稣再生的象征,复活节的许多活动都与火相关. 复活节这一天,人们在教堂前点烛以示圣化,并将圣烛(Paschal Candle)迎进千家万户.


基督教有两大圣节,即"圣诞节"(Christmas)和"复活节"(Easter). 圣诞节即是主耶稣道成肉 身,降世为人的日子,即每年的公历十二月二十五日,教会信徒在这一天举行隆重的庆祝活动,以纪念耶稣降生. 复活节为了纪念主耶稣受死、埋葬、第三天从死里复活,


比如,他们仍然会沿用以出生***期命名的习惯,只是用了一些基督教的节***,如1743年12月25***出生的一名奴隶被命名为"圣诞节(Christmas) ",另一名在复活节前一天出生的婴儿得名"复活节(Easter) ".

Easter Day:复活节

快乐的春天-杭州少儿英语俱乐部"复活节"(Easter Day)活动春天来了,杨柳吐芽了,到处是一片勃勃生机,英语俱乐部的成员们在这美好的季节里度过了西方传统的重要节日--"复活节"(Easter Day)(3月23日).

triduum sacrum:逾越节三日庆典;复活节三日庆典. 拉丁文为

Easter season:复活期. | Easter triduum:逾越节三日庆典;复活节三日庆典. 拉丁文为 triduum sacrum. | Easter Vigil:复活节前夕;复活节守夜;圣周星期六;望复活.

pascha:复活节;逾越节;复活瞻礼;耶稣复活. 拉丁文称作

dynamic and evolutionary concept of reality:由动态进化方面看现实:乃<<论教会在现代世界牧职... | Easter:复活节;逾越节;复活瞻礼;耶稣复活. 拉丁文称作 pascha. | Easter cycle:复活期:自复活节起,至圣神降临节-...

Easter bunnies:复活节兔子

Easter eggs 复活节彩蛋 | Easter bunnies 复活节兔子 | symbols 符号,象征

Happy Easter:复活节快乐

8. How's the weather ? 天气如何? | 9. Happy Easter ! 复活节快乐! | 10. How do you celebrate Easter ? 你如何庆祝复活节?

Easter Monday:复活节星期一

复活节的下一个星期一 复活节星期一(easter monday) 复活星期一是基督徒们继续庆祝耶稣复活的日子. 而复活节羊同样是这一天食物的中心内容. 复活节游戏,复活节蛋,复活节免子等也是这一天的中心. 这一天,德国人往往全家出外旅游,郊游,

Easter lily:复活节百合花

复活节则推迟一个星期(week).因而复活节可能在从3月22日到4月25日之间的任何一天.复活节是最古老最有意义的基督教节日,因为它庆祝的是耶稣.基督的复活.复活节彩蛋(Easter Egg)、复活节兔子(Easter Bunny)、鲜花,特别是复活节百合花(Easter Lily)是这一节日的象征.复活节前夕,