英语人>词典>汉英 : 处于紧张状态 的英文翻译,例句
处于紧张状态 的英文翻译、例句


on the stretch
更多网络例句与处于紧张状态相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As it often happens with stressed fish, a massive infestation by a trichodina ectoparasite was observed in medaka from imidacloprid fields.


The news from here in the heart of China's earthquake zone remains heartbreakingly grim.


There has been tension between the government and the Islamist opposition.


Get online for long dozen of game, central nervous system is in nervous condition from beginning to end, can cause plant nerve disorder, the skin is vasomotor the function is maladjusted, scalp is local vasomotor, decrease for blood, can cause wool bursa hidebound and bring about trichomadesis.


But another conflict on the borders|| clearly would put strains on neighborly relations between the two countries.


Section of the trapezius also suffers alot of tension, this is the muscle that stretches from


People is to be in nervous condition mostly in daily life, also be used to holding this kind of nervous position and not self-conscious, systemic muscle is so more inflexible, each splanchnic organ system is more nervous.


Even more frightening is that some places in the land acquisition reserve system established, for the maximization of local fiscal revenue considerations, has not been adequate and timely supply of land, which it has adopted a maintenance of the land market "moderate hunger" approach to allow the market to supply and demand in a state of tension even worse.


However, medical research found that tensions were busy, if often under immense pressure, they will always be in the psychological state of tension, the blood levels of noradrenaline than 30% higher than normal.


For months relations between China's pilots and their employers have been in an uneasy holding pattern.


更多网络解释与处于紧张状态相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


检查者左手将患者足部背屈成直角,以叩诊锤叩击跟腱,反应为腓肠肌收缩,足向跖面屈曲. 反射中枢为骶髓1~2节. ⑥ 阵挛(clonus) 锥体束以上病变,深反射亢进时,用力使相关肌肉处于持续性紧张状态,改组肌肉发生节律性收缩,称为阵挛.

in a state of nature:处于原始状态 一丝不挂 [宗]未得神恩的有罪状态

in a great state 处于激动、兴奋、紧张或焦虑的状态; 威风凛凛 | in a state of nature 处于原始状态 一丝不挂 [宗]未得神恩的有罪状态 | in mint state 崭新的, 完好的(指钱币, 邮票, 图片等)

in a state of grace:[宗]蒙受神恩

Hoosier State [美]印第安纳州(Indiana)的别名 | in a state of grace [宗]蒙受神恩 | in a great state 处于激动、兴奋、紧张或焦虑的状态; 威风凛凛

Muscle tonus:肌紧张

腱反射(tendon reflex)是指快速牵拉肌腱时引起的牵张反射,也叫位相性牵张反射如膝反射 肌紧张(muscle tonus) 是指缓慢持续牵拉肌腱时引起的牵张反射,表现为受牵拉的肌肉发生轻度,持续,交替和不易疲劳的紧张性收缩,致使 肌肉经常处于收缩状态,


在俯卧过程中,为了承接身体的重量,胸大肌、胸小肌、位于前臂后外侧的肱三头肌(Triceps)和肩膀上的三角肌,开始紧张并收缩. 撑起时,这几块肌肉依然需要收缩. 此外,你的腹部肌肉群也不闲着,腹直肌和下背部肌肉持续处于紧张状态,


individuals stments)、信托(trust)、不动产(estates)等等. pressure)、不确定感(uncertainty)、危机意识(crisis)等,也都是最高的. 另外,他的工作时间最长,在一般情况,每天二十四小时都得处于紧张状态,丝毫松懈不得.