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墨子 的英文翻译、例句


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In the third and fourth part, the connation and characteristics of affinity to people are clarified systematically on the basis of excavating and combing its original materials with the joint method of history and logic.


For the German government to continue; there Daru, the Taoist brilliant; cloud of Confucius, the benevolent Wang Zhi-based benevolent to all advocates of political ideas.


Mo Zi advocates " love does not have equal difference ", each node in means society network, ought to be equidistance, did not kiss scanty cent.


Mr. lose a sort to be ask rendered speechless, the evasiveness say that the plan of strike against Sung country be Chu's king of decision, hence Mo son and Mr. lose a sort to see a country king of Chu.


The rule of governance is regulations and codes of conduct, which are established by governing class to realize their specific political goals.


But the Heaven and Kismet Theory said by Confucius and Mo-zi have different connotation.


This book Mozi is written by Modi who is a great Chinese thinker and statesman in ancient time.


At present we put forward this line: the Triplicity of Taoist,Mo-tse and Confucius, which are the spiritual sages of china, Tao is the sage of respecting truth, Mo-tse is the sage of respecting reality, Confucius is the sage of respecting honesty.


According to the view in "criticism of Confucianism and Moism"by Moruo Guo,Mozi's "AntiMusic"is used in a broad sense,and not confined simply to the "music"itself,so it con be concluded that Mozi's "Antimusic"is opposite to "Hedonism".


He made a comparative analysis on Chinese nominalistic logic with Western Aristotles logic and Indian classical logic, and revealed the main content of logic of Moism, including basic concept, principle of inference, induction ect.

本文拟从以下几个方面对梁启超的逻辑——方法论思想进行分析评述: 1、梁启超取得逻辑——方法论研究成就的历史条件:①清代诸子学的考证训诂成果使《墨子》一书稍可读通;②西学输入促进了梁启超对中国古典逻辑的研究;③研究墨学和科学的逻辑方法,为宣传维新变法思想提供方法论武器;④梁启超对墨子及墨家学说的主观偏爱。

更多网络解释与墨子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


珀尔塞福涅(Persephone)--得墨忒耳(Demeter)和宙斯(Zeus)的女儿,被哈迪斯(Hades)劫到冥府为妻,被其母所救,后来每年在人间和冥府各生活六个月. 宙斯/朱庇特(Zeus/Jupiter)--克洛诺斯(Cronus)之子,率众神在奥林匹斯山修建坚固城堡,

inking roller:上墨辊子,印染辊子

"上墨","inking" | "上墨辊子,印染辊子","inking roller" | "镶嵌锯","inlaying saw"

Laomedon:拉俄墨冬 特洛伊的创建人

Menelaus 墨涅拉俄斯 Helen夫 | Laomedon 拉俄墨冬 特洛伊的创建人 | Tithonus 泰索尼斯 Laomedon子



The Nemean Lion:涅墨亞獅子

涅墨亞獅子 The Nemean Lion | 勒爾那九頭蛇 The Lernean Hydra | 阿卡狄亞吃牝鹿 The Arcadian Deer

The Nemean Lion:涅墨亚狮子 涅墨亞獅子

-- Problem at Sea 重复未录:海上谜案 -- | The Nemean Lion 涅墨亚狮子 涅墨亞獅子 | The Lernean Hydra 勒尔那九头蛇 勒爾那九頭蛇


又施惠、公孙龙坚白同异之辩,实即希腊诡辩家(sophist)之说. 墨门苦获、己齿、邓陵子亦好为此类辩论. 墨子虽反战非攻,而善为守御. 其守城器械,机巧百出,非有高度科学之基础不能为此. 当时科学最发达者,首推希腊,


88: Mei,June 梅,琼 | 89: Metzger,ThomasA. 墨子刻 | 90: Michael,Franz 梅谷

Mercury andthe Woodman:墨丘利和伐木工

17.墨丘利和雕刻家/Mercury and the Sculptor | 18.墨丘利和伐木工/Mercury andthe Woodman | 19.父与子/The Father and His Sons

Mo Tzu in a sweat, shouting:墨子挥汗高声急呼

我仿佛听到 I seemed to hear | 墨子挥汗高声急呼 Mo Tzu in a sweat, shouting: | 非攻非攻 'Not war, not war'