英语人>词典>汉英 : 增长的曲线 的英文翻译,例句
增长的曲线 的英文翻译、例句


curve of growth
更多网络例句与增长的曲线相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on the compartmentalization of the interdisciplinary curve,the author finds that the mode of interdisciplinary changes with the development of interdisciplinary.


The status of selling enterprise is de-escalate and blasting work develops rapidly, all these will accelerate the formation of industry chain of industrial blasting, and also have influence on its extention.


"We have been surprised by the strength of growth," he said, adding that this did not change the fundamental outlook but pushed the curve along.


The generalized influence function and generalized Cook distance were used to study local influence of observations on the parameter estimates in the growth curve model with uniform covariance structure.


In chapter 5 the Laffer curve is derived from the Barro model, and the relation of public expenditure and economic growth has been analyzed under the precondition of fiscal balance.


Based on the logistic curve of industrial cluster, the author recognizes three evolution stages of industrial clusters: germination, rapid development, and maturity.


To analyze these two important factors at the same time,this paper uses the Lognormal distribution curve as the income distribution curve to establish a vehicle ownership forecast model.


If the growing demand for land increased gradually drawn into a parabola, then with this showing a similar parabolic growth curve is another urban development curve.


The result showed that , under the condition of experimentation , the relationship between the dry matter accumulation in aerial parts and hypogeal and the available accumulation temperature met the Logistic equation or met basically.

结果表明,在供试条件下,怀地黄植株地上部干物质(Wt1)以及地下部干物质(Wt2)的增长动态与有效积温的关系符合或基本符合Logistic 方程所描述的曲线,Wt1 和 Wt2 增长盛期的转捩点所对应的有效积温值范围是:981.6~1745.0℃和1655.4~2381.0℃,最大瞬时增长速率分别为 0.01862 g/和0.05976 g/,分别出现在有效积温达1363.31 ℃和2018.22 ℃之时

THE population of bugs in a Petri dish typically increases in an S-shaped curve.


更多网络解释与增长的曲线相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

curve in space:空间曲线

curve 曲线 | curve in space 空间曲线 | curve of growth 生长曲线;增长的曲线

curve of growth:生长曲线;增长的曲线

curve in space 空间曲线 | curve of growth 生长曲线;增长的曲线 | curve of pursuit 追踪曲线

curve of pursuit:追踪曲线

curve of growth 生长曲线;增长的曲线 | curve of pursuit 追踪曲线 | curve of second order 二次曲线



Phillips Curve:菲利浦斯曲线

这大概就是为什么最近政策制定者又开始讨论菲利浦斯曲线(Phillips curve)形状所蕴含的意义,这么一个上世纪60年代流行概念的原因. 但到了上世纪70年代,失业和通货膨胀之间的替代关系似乎消失了,它们同时在增长,而这就是所谓的滞胀现象.

price index:价格指数

因为,我巧妙地对为西方古典经济学最早设计出价格指数(price index)并以考察经济趋势(economic trends)见长的美国经济学家欧文.费歇尔(Irving Fisher,1867-1947)的经典增长函数进行了结合当代经济目标的改造,引入了对增长指数的一种对数运算观察曲线,

economic recession:经济衰退

陡直的收益率曲线:一般出现在紧随经济衰退 (economic recession) 后的经济扩张 (economic expansion) 初期. 这时候,经济停滞 (economic stagnation) 已经压抑短期利率,但是一旦增长的经济活动重新建立对资本的需求 (及对通胀的恐惧),

economic recession:衰退

陡直的收益率曲线一般出现在紧随经济衰退 (economic recession) 后的经济扩张 (economic expansion) 初期. 这时候,经济停滞 (economic stagnation) 已经压抑短期利率,但是一旦增长的经济活动重新建立对资本的需求 (及对通胀的惧怕),