英语人>词典>汉英 : 填报 的英文翻译,例句
填报 的英文翻译、例句


fill in a form and submit it to the leadership
更多网络例句与填报相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When section, it is certain to should make sure according to circumstance of one volunteer fill in a form and submit it to the leadership a certain quantity of school can be admitted proportional one ideal new life.


For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form, please contact the subject officer of the Human


Only the child's assets and income will be assessed.


The Belvedere Hotel is situated at the lower end of Sandown High Street, on your left-hand side.


To avoid any typing mistake when preparing the badge, please TYPE or write in BLOCK LETTER .


The personal data you provide by means of this form may be disclosed to other Government bureaux, commissions and


There is barely a vegetable that they don't grow: in summer, the beds are brimming with zentai suits ery, christian louboutin boots , flowers and produce from artichokes and asparagus to tomatoes, pumpkins, courgettes, various varieties of lettuce and, a favourite, Jerusalem artichokes, which he says were a French staple during the second world war and are "so, so much more delicious than a potato -just worlds apart".


When declaring import goods at the Customs, declarers of import goods shall correctly state and submit places of origin and places from where goods are purchased in strict accordance with stipulations listed from Article 2 to Article 5 of these Provisions, Should goods of a same batch turn out to come from different places of origin, they shall be separately stated and submitted.

第六条 进口货物向海关申报时,报关人应严格按本规定第二条至第五条的规定,正确填报货物的原产地或购自地,同一批货物原产地不同时,应分别填报

Every year I go expectantly to see if they've come up and they haven't, louboutin boots , the hollyhocks scattered in the rough grasses round the backs of his stone barns.


Figures refer to the number of responding diagnostic radiographers who reported emigrated, taking rest, etc.


更多网络解释与填报相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

beneficial ownership:受益所有权

美国>规定 "受益所有权"(beneficial ownership)为"发行人"(issuer)所发行的"股权证券"(equity security)5%以上时,必须在持股达到5%后10日内,向sec(美国证券管理委员会)填报表格13d,并且须分送发行人和该种股票证券挂牌交易的交易所.

conditioned weight:公量重

(3)有关运输或成交单据上只标明公量重(CONDITIONED WEIGHT)而没有净重的,如羊毛条,可在净重一栏按照公量重填报. (4)对于可以由其他已知的计量单位换算成重量的货物,在净重一栏可以按照换算重量填报. (5)对于根据以上办法仍然不能确定净重的货物,可以将货物毛重扣除外层...


国际上常见的标准合同条款中,大多数都设立了计日工(Daywork)计价机制. 计日工对完成零星工作所消耗的人工工时、材料数量、施工机械台班进行计量,并按照计日工表中填报的适用项目的单价进行计价支付.


而一个网虫在网上是正大光明的、认真负责的. 探究起来,网虫大致可分为以下几个级别,各位网虫可对号入座,并认真填报评审表格. 答:如果他使用除错程序(Debugger)的话就可以,但一步步跟踪每一个变量肯定是件很烦的事.

bill payable on demand:来取即付的汇票

158. bill passengers 填报乘客名单 | 159. bill payable on demand 来取即付的汇票 | 160. bill purchased 出口押汇

tax exile:逃税者

tax exempt special savings account免税专用储蓄帐户 | tax exile逃税者 | tax filling填报税单


实际上,基本税表是给几乎所有的税务居民制订的,为使绝大多数人能理解并正确填报,其各项的说明已尽量地简洁明确,同时还有全面的指导手册(Guide). 税表包括的项目虽然琐细繁多,但具体到每个人的情况,往往只需完成其中的一部分,

incorrect return:内容不确实的报税表;填报不确的报税表

incorporation 注册成立 | incorrect return 内容不确实的报税表;填报不确的报税表 | incremental value 增值;递增价值

incorrect return:内容不确实的报税表;填报不确的报税表jiY中国学习动力网

incorporation 注册成立jiY中国学习动力网 | incorrect return 内容不确实的报税表;填报不确的报税表jiY中国学习动力网 | incremental value 增值;递增价值jiY中国学习动力网

