英语人>词典>汉英 : 均势 的英文翻译,例句
均势 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
equipollence  ·  equilibria

balance of power · equilibrium of forces
更多网络例句与均势相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some may interpret that moment as a shift in the balance of power at Stamford Bridge.


"With the passage of time, however, the balance of bargaining strength shifts."


During the Russo-Japanese War,he even did not hesitate to barter away"China'sIntegrity"initiatively in order to get a farorable balance of power tothe U.S.A.


And, if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavor -- not a new balance of power, but a new world of law -- where the strong are just, and the weak secure, and the peace preserved.


Only by uniting could Europe take a seat in international political stage before the bipolarity .


In this dissertation ,the author draws a conclusion that reasons of the surviving of The Celestial Empire are two :(1) China was admitted as a nation—state by the foreign powers in china ;(2) China won bigger room maneuvered which was due to the great efforts made by the Officers of the Qing Dynasty in the dangerous situation of the sharp international competition .


Second, we analyze the equipollence market farther, and we find the strategy of investors in the equipollence market by the analyzing of simply timing game.


Based on the basis of slavery and feudality, empire's order was adaptive to the requirement of productivity's developmental level and its social development during that period. But with the elapse of the time, the development of productivity demanded superstructure corresponding.


For explain this equation, Jos's approach discard the equibalance force of density variation, only consider equibalance force from saturation of solute, it is equal the movement of fluid in the weightless condition, this is not realistic.

从方程的角度上来说, Jos 的算法里丢弃了水趋往均势的运动量,只包含了水中溶解物趋往均势的运动量,相当于无重力环境下水在平面上的运动,或者是溶解物在液面上运动,这是不符合实际的。

Russia tries to break up America and Europe during the pro-cess of participating in Europe through joining the Group of 7 andParis Club economically;establishing the frame of balance of powerwith NATO in security field and developing active and realistic"friendly partner relations"with European powers,such as France,German and British.Russia seeks for acquiring more material benefitand founding a pattern of balance of power in Europe from actualstrength and mechanism.


更多网络解释与均势相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


为了维持均势秩序,国家可能采取合作,其合作模式主要包括两种: 同盟( alliance)和大国协调( concert of powers) . 同盟是国家通过自发履行均势原则而建立和维持均势的一种手段,大国协调则是大国的集体行动,是均势秩序的一种制度化形式.


equi- 相等 | equilibration 平衡,均势 | equilibrator 平衡器


equipoise 平衡 | equipollence 均势 | equipollent 力量相等的


由此,拉什利引申出了两条重要的原理:均势(equipotentiality)原理和总体活动(mass action)原理. 按照均势原理,大脑皮层的各个部位]L 乎以均等的程度对学习发生作用;按照总体活动原理,大脑是以总体发生作用的,学习活动的效率与大脑受损伤的面积大小成正比,

lose one's balance/equilibrium:失去平衡[均势]

* He's lost ten pounds in weight. 他体重减了十磅. | * lose one's balance/equilibrium 失去平衡[均势] | * She's losing colour, ie becoming pale. 她脸色渐渐苍白了.

bionomic equilibrium:生态均势

biogenetic law;生物发生率;; | bionomic equilibrium;生态均势;; | bionomy;生态学;生命规律学;;

balance of power:均势

因此,中印两国是否和好也取决于双方是否可以也愿意摆脱这种古老的欧洲式"均势"(balance of power)政策,从依靠军事伙伴和联盟转向依赖经济合作和互补发展.

balance of power:力量均势

从美国看推行的是"威胁均势"(Balance of Threat);从世界看则是"力量均势"(Balance of Power). [注释]有学者对Balance of Power和Balance of Threat战略作了区分,认为前者适用于经济领域(较悲观),后者适用于安全领域(较乐观).

The Balance of Power:均势

权力制约:Power balance | 均势:the balance of power | 权力制衡:Power balance

beyond balance of power:超越均势

功率均衡控制:Power balance control | 超越均势:beyond balance of power | "控权-平衡论":Power Control-Balance Theory