英语人>词典>汉英 : 地势图 的英文翻译,例句
地势图 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

relief map
更多网络例句与地势图相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The paper apply the map of precipitation,terrain and topography in Jinn province as a basic material.


Gaining height, he saw Beijing like a relief map on the ground below him.


By the study of the relationship between vegetation and spatial characteristics of UHI, the mainly spatial characteristics of UHI has been analyzed and it was:(1) The terrain of the suburbs is higher than the urban region, the gradient of the terrain height is small, and this geomorphological featrue is conducive to assemble of the heat, the UHI phenomenon of Changsha is obvious especially in the summer night;(2) The UHI distribution is similar to the outline of the urban construction. The LST of urban is 3-5℃ higher than the flat low areas close around the city, and 6-8℃ higher than further areas. The region which has the most obvious UHI phenomenon is the region surrounded by the second city ring road, and the UHI phenomenon gradually weakened from the city centre to suburb;(3) The impact of geomorphological character to UHI is notable, the relationship between vegetation index and UHI is Anti-related, it was indicated that the improvement of the vegetational status is very important to the elimination of UHI phenomenon, the implementation of the urban green land planning can reduce UHI effect.


更多网络解释与地势图相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

chorography:地方志, 地势图

choristoma /成迷芽细胞瘤/迷离芽瘤/迷芽瘤/ | chorography /地方志/地势图/ | choroid /脉络膜的/脉络膜/

choroid coat:脉络层

chorography | 地方志, 地势图 | choroid coat | 脉络层 | choroid fissure | 脉络膜裂

Contour map:等值线图

continuous load 连续荷载 | contour map 等值线图 | contour walk 依地势建筑的小径

relief map:地势图

relief engineer 代班轮机员 | relief map 地势图 | relief model 立体地形图

chorographic:地方图编制术的, 地志编写术的

chorographer | 地志学者 | chorographic | 地方图编制术的, 地志编写术的 | chorography | 地方志, 地势图

hypsometric map:地势图

地球自转角速度 rotational angular velocity of the earth | 地势图 hypsometric map | 地图 map

hypsometric curve:地势曲线

block diagram 块状图 | hypsometric curve 地势曲线 | geographic profile 地理剖面

morphographic map:地势图

牛扼湖 mork lake | 地势图 morphographic map | 立体图法 morphographic method


landform type map 地貌类型图 | landforms 地形 | landforms map 地势图

landforms map:地势图

landforms 地形 | landforms map 地势图 | landmark navigation 地标导航