英语人>词典>汉英 : 在金钱方面 的英文翻译,例句
在金钱方面 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
moneywise  ·  pecuniarily

更多网络例句与在金钱方面相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I'm sure they'd like to help her out financially but they are not in a position to do so.


I find great rewards both monetarily and mentally.


Saturn the taskmaster planet has toured your eighth house of credit and debt since September 2 2007 and has been on a mission to make you more realistic practical and conservative with money.


He is totally unprincipled in money matters; you can't trust him.


And you do not need money to make investments, just take the seat Qiaoxiao cargo log, as well as customer's e-mail reply, which is the key to our net sales.


With Neptune in Aquarius making many aspects this month, somehow or another monetary and sentimental values get all mushed up together.


With Neptunein Aquarius making many aspects this month, somehow or anothermonetary and sentimental values get all mushed up together.


His rise in status more than compensates for the loss of money.


Curious, but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young man's name embossed in gold.


When discussing the "considerable amount of money" that Rockingham can save, the author should take into consideration the value that a traditional old town hall can bring to a community, whether in monetary or sense-of-community terms.


更多网络解释与在金钱方面相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


学生或教授关于一个课题的研究(course research),调查报告(survey),论文(dissertation),和学习方法(learning methods)的讨论在英国生活过一段时间的学生都熟悉在学校外面租房子涉及的金钱方面包括:订金(deposit),


4、管理者的短视(myopic)行为. 一般而言,由于企业管理者的金钱和非金钱方面的收益主要取决于其在职期间的经营业绩,所以管理者可能仅仅关心其在职期间的企业业绩表现,而不考虑其退位之后企业的发展. 在这种情况下,

peculium:特有产; 私产 (名)

peculiarity 特质, 怪癖, 特性 (名) | peculium 特有产; 私产 (名) | pecuniarily 在金钱上; 在金钱方面 (副)

spend ...on/ in doing sth:花费时间(金钱)在...方面

38. so...that... 如此...以至... | 39. spend...on/in doing sth 花费时间(金钱)在...方面 | 40. stop to do 停下来去做某事


moneywise 在金钱方面 | dropwise 一滴一滴地 | contrariwise 相反地


sunwise 顺日转方向 | moneywise 在金钱方面 | dropwise 一滴一滴地

pecuniarily:在金钱上; 在金钱方面 (副)

peculium 特有产; 私产 (名) | pecuniarily 在金钱上; 在金钱方面 (副) | pecuniary 金钱的, 课罚款的, 金钱上的 (形)


clockwise 顺时针方向 | sunwise 顺日转方向 | moneywise 在金钱方面

put the bee on sb:在金钱方面打某人的主意

2.have a bee in one's head 胡思乱想 | 3.put the bee on sb.在金钱方面打某人的主意 | 4.an old bird老家伙,精明鬼

In terms of money the upstarts are quite rich:从金钱的角度看, 暴发户相当富有

term n.学期;名词,术语; (~s)条件 | In terms of money the upstarts are quite rich, ;从金钱的角度看, 暴发户相当富有, | but not in terms of knowledge. ;但在知识方面则不然.