英语人>词典>汉英 : 在海上 的英文翻译,例句
在海上 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

at sea · on the sea
更多网络例句与在海上相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Through the construction of the sea wharf bridge approach piling works of Shenneng Oil Depot Project in Qinzhou, the article expounds the basic sea piling construction procedure and techniques of bore-hole wall protection by steel pipe and hole-excavation by hand.


This section shall extend to any member of any naval or marine forces not only when he is at sea but also when he is so circumstanced that if he were a soldier he would be in actual military service within the meaning of this section.


This essay will point to the problem existing in the system of compensational liability for loss of life or personal injury at sea and present my own point of view on the perfection of application of Chinese law to compensational liability of loss of life or personal injury at sea, doctrine of liability fixation, scope of liability and limitation of liability.


Application of this patent technology floating island tourism, floating dock project and integrated application of correlative specialty technical design construction of ship engineering, harbor engineering and maritime engineering, its main structure is the assembling packaging of 10 ships of pontoon and sets its orientation on the sea though assembled anchoring system, which locates in programming harbor area in Luoyuan bay and maritime space between Gangyu island and Niaoyu island.


They seek for him in the mountains, and he is on the waters; they follow him on the waters, and he is on the open sea; then they pursue him, and he has suddenly taken refuge in the islands, at Giglio, Guanouti, or Monte Cristo; and when they hunt for him there, he reappears suddenly at Albano, Tivoli, or La Riccia.


I'm on the Sea! I'm on the Sea!


On the base of the right of subrogation in marine insurance, this paper will do the research from the point of view of action;on the base of existing stipulations and legal theories of the action of subrogation in marine insurance, maritime action and civil action, this paper will consult the foreign correlative theories;not only from the point of view of the legal theories, but also by consulting the cases and usual ways in judicature of our country, this paper will make the research more practical;this paper will also do the research by induction, organon and interests-comparing, etc.


In fact, the Chinese Navy and the Indian Navy, the real swords and guns to knives to guns to fight a large, the occurrence of such opportunities may be more difficult to overcome even more of their own, although the land at the junction of the two countries, but at sea, the fleet between the two countries must be far around the Straits of Malacca in order to meet; Moreover, I can honestly say that the history of China and India is not belligerent or aggressive habits of the country, then they are strongly influenced by western colonial gunboats of bullying, but it had no predatory sea resources and wealth of others from the history of fat, so, it is apparent that Chinese and Indian Navy at sea to fight a real, and the war or the use of teams to the size of nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers, it seems a fairy tale.


Chapter 3 analyses the relationship between the performing party during carriage of goods by sea and the carrier as well as the cargo owners. It shows that the performing party during carriage of goods by sea is in dual legal status, i.e. on the one hand it is the independent contractor or sub-contractor of the carrier, and on the other hand it is a tort-feasor against the cargo owners.


With reference to several construction exemplars of the steel boxed cofferdam s used for piers in sea, Donghai Bridge close to island side, the key points of design and construction of the cofferdams used in marine environment are presented.


更多网络解释与在海上相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


afloat 漂浮的漂浮在水上 | afloat 漂浮的在海上 | afore mentioned rules 上述规定

at sea:在海上航行

第二站 在海上航行(At Sea) 第三站 乌拉圭首都蒙得维的亚(Montevideo) 第四站 阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)第五站 福克兰群岛首都斯坦利(Stanley) 第六站 合恩角(Cape Horn) 第七站 乌斯怀亚(Ushuaia) 第八站 小猎犬海道(Beagle Channel) 第九站 蓬塔阿雷纳斯(Punta Arenas)第十站 阿玛莉亚大冰川(Amalia Glacie

at sea:在海上

at present 现在;目前 | at sea 在海上 | at someone's hands 出自某人之手,因为某人


jettison 遇难时为减轻负担而丢弃的货物 | flotsam 漂在海上的难船残骸或其船货 | dockyard 造船厂

on the sea:在海上, 在船上; 在海边, 临海

keep the sea 在继续航行中, 保持制海权 | not the only fish in the sea 并不是世上独一无二的 | on the sea 在海上, 在船上; 在海边, 临海

on the water:在水上,在海上;在船上

参见on watch. | on the water在水上,在海上;在船上: | Water polios game played on the water. 水球是一种水上运动.

And Roman columns rising from the sea:罗马人的立柱在海上浮现

Rooted in England brings you to my side扎根在英格兰,把你带到我的身边 | And Roman columns rising from the sea罗马人的立柱在海上浮现 | Must surely bring remembrance with the tide.潮涨潮落间,带来我们的回...

The sun glared on the sea:太阳在海上发出令人目眩的光芒

6607. She is suffering from swollen glands. 她正患腺体肿胀病... | 6608. The sun glared on the sea. 太阳在海上发出令人目眩的光芒. | 6609. They stood there, glaring at each other. 他们站在那,互相怒视着对...

You strayed into my arms:你在海上迷航

The original vagabond 獨特的浪子 | You strayed into my arms 你在海上迷航 | And there you stayed 就這樣停留在我懷中

Their ship ran into a strong gale at sea:他们那条船在海上遇到了大风

I unexpectedly ran into him on the street yesterday evening.昨天晚上我在街上偶然碰见了他. | Their ship ran into a strong gale at sea.他们那条船在海上遇到了大风. | 2.collide with与...碰撞