英语人>词典>汉英 : 在展望中 的英文翻译,例句
在展望中 的英文翻译、例句


in perspective
更多网络例句与在展望中相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some functional deficiencies in applications of aluminate long afterglow phosphors are introduced in detail in this paper.


By summarization of its application to soil engineering and the analysis of philosophical foundation, it can be predicted that catastrophe theory will be a effective method to solve nonlinear problems on soil engineering and the prosp...


This thesis contains five chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the cause, purpose and value of the thesis and the problems that affect the existence of the east-and-west-facing residence. Chapter 2 analyzes the affecting factors of the facing of residence including the thermo-comfortability, the spiritual and mental state and the ecological environment etc. Chapter 3 analyzes the specific circumstances, under which the east-and-west-facing residence is practicable. For example, in order to enjoy the view, to make good use of the land and to form the endocentric residential area, we can choose the east-and-west-facing residence. Chapter 4 puts forward some measurements, including the planning design, the architecture design and the constitution design, to make the east-and-west-facing residence hot-proof so that we can eliminate the most disadvantageous factor in the south. Chapter 5 gives some examples of the east-and-west-facing residence in the south.


Sup1; There is a great deal to be said about this uncertainty in diagnosis, about the prospects of success in analysing mild forms of paraphrenia and about the reasons for the similarity between the two disorders; but I cannot enlarge on these subjects in the present context.


In this outlook of this dissertation, the primary idea is to extend the Helmholtz"s theorem to get the complete projection theorem of electromagnetic fields in vector wave space—the extend of the Helmholtz"s theorem which can be used to study the eigenvalue problem of the vector partial differential operator.


This paper discusses the position and important role of local coal mining in whole coal mining industry, and looks ahead the developing trend of local coal mining.


The applications of quantum control theory in chemistry and their progress have been reviewed in this paper.


In addition, PBDEs are evaporable to some extent, and thus, they can undergo long-distance transport to remote ecosystems.


The information in the literature concerning the concept of heteranthery, the distribution of heteranthery in angiosperm, the function of heteranthery in pollinating processes, as well as stamen development are reviewed, and the prospects in heteranthery studies are also discussed.


The history and logic of important quotas or thresholds for winning seats are explained in "The Single Transferable Vote" by Prof.

的历史与逻辑的重要配额或阈值赢得席位中解释&单转让票& Nicolaus的泰德曼教授在文章中经济展望。

更多网络解释与在展望中相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在网络文化中,人机一体的"电子人"(cyborg)的构想早就从科幻小说走入对网络的未来展望中,似乎成为人类"进化"的下一个阶梯. 在>中,米切尔预言了人们通过上网与电子器官连接的情形:"我们都将成为变形金刚一样的电子人,

sugar daddy:甜心老爹

太平洋投资管理公司(Pimco)共同投资长葛洛斯,6日在张贴於公司网站的投资展望报告中表示,去年高风险资产涨势惊人,今年金融市场必须适应甜心老爹(sugar daddy )不在的情况,因为许多推升金融市场并使利率维持在低谷的支援计画,

in his technique of unsettlement foresaw:在他的不确定的技术中展望

无论古代的文化狂妄 No wonder the ancient cultures of conceit | 在他的不确定的技术中展望 in his technique of unsettlement foresaw | 他们有利的挫折类型: their lucrative patterns of frustration:


系统模仿的价值 本文侧重于方法论,将以彼得.圣吉的>的系统思考(Systemicthinking)为指引,论述模仿(Impersonate)在教学实践与研究中积极意义以及论者在这一方面所作的初期努力,并据此展望着力该点将会于教育发展大有裨益.

Economic Outlook:经济展望

中评社香港5月26日电/经济合作暨发展组织(OECD)26日发布最新一期全球"经济展望"(Economic Outlook)报告,其中在日本经济方面,经合组织非常关切日本的国家债务问题,指出目前国家债务位居全球已开发国家之首的日本,必须研究出一项"可靠"的经济计划和税制改革方案,


在世界各地研究全球化(Globalization)的众多论述中,都提到在全球化下有地方化(Localization)、多样性(Multiplicity)和特殊性(Particularity)的现象. 后现代主义又强调各个群体的多元性. 展望未来,中国会又高举全球化又保留地方化和特殊性.

Gadus macrocephalus:大头鳕

大头鳕(Gadus macrocephalus)分子系统地理学研究论文目录目录 声明 摘要 英文摘要 第一章绪论 1分子系统地理学在海洋鱼类中的研究进展 1.1发展简史 1.2研究内容 1.3应用 1.4存在的问题及展望 第二章大头鳕(Gadus macrocephalus)mtDNA控制区




展望未来,牙本质粘接剂正朝着更简化的临床操作、更少的椅旁时间、更强大可靠的粘接力、更高的生物安全性方向发展. 目前的研究热点包括仿生学及生物重组(recombinant)技术在粘接剂中的应用36,37、粘接剂的自我诊断能力38和自动修复潜力36.