英语人>词典>汉英 : 在外交上 的英文翻译,例句
在外交上 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与在外交上相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Chinese Communist Party thought US may has the pivotal influence on China during the wartime and the post-wartime, therefore never rashly fight against America publicly. The change of the Chinese Communist Party policy towards the USA was also extremely cautious. It was the reflection of the gradual maturity of the diplomatism of China and accumulated rich, valuable diplomatic experience for the Chinese Communist Party.


An American diplomatic initiative that discomfited him from the start.


It is because the Nazi leaders at that time have more important intentions at home and abroad. In interior politics, they aim at eliminating all the other political parties, establishing the Nazi dictatorship and accomplishing the"integration"of all the German people and the country mechanisms. In economy, they try to get rid of the economic crisis, provide enough job opportunities, and develop the armament industry. In diplomacy, they break loose the bondage of"Marseille contract,"rearm their army and reoccupy the lost territories, annex Austria and Sudeten, occupy strong points and prepare all the possible favorable conditions for launching the war for"Lebensraum."


BEIJING - China and India have taken a vituperative war of words and diplomatic外交上的 barbs to an unusual level of tension in recent days, prompting fears that the traditional rivalry between the two Asian giants could spin out of control.


Beijing - China and India have taken a vituperative war of words and diplomatic barbs to an unusual level of tension in recent days, prompting fears that the traditional rivalry between the two Asian giants could spin out of control.


To a certain extent the smooth unification of Italy and Deutsche was the silent dtplomatic approvement of House of Habsburg.


Diplomatically,China enhanced the relations with Britain and America by Chiang Kai-Shek's visit to India and Song Mei-ling's visit to the United States; China obtained the great power status by the signature of the newly equal treaties with Britain and America,the signature of the Four-Power Declaration on General Security in Moscow and the presence of the Conference at Cairo,which is helpful to strengthen the cooperation based on equality among the allied countries and to the consolidation of the Grand Alliance.


It is because the Nazi leaders at that time have more important intentions at home and abroad. In interior politics, they aim at eliminating all the other political parties, establishing the Nazi dictatorship and accomplishing the"integration"of all the German people and the country mechanisms. In economy, they try to get rid of the economic crisis, provide enough job opportunities, and develop the armament industry. In diplomacy, they break loose the bondage of"Marseille contract,"rearm their army and reoccupy the lost territories, annex Austria and Sudeten, occupy strong points and prepare all the possible favorable conditions for launching the war for"Lebensraum."


Unresolved disputes in 1852 and 1853 between Catholic monks and Orthodox monks over guardianship of holy places in Jerusalem, then part of the Turkish Empire, were the occasion, not the cause, of the Crimean War.


The Chinese Delegation would ask the Peace Conference for the restoration to China of the leased territory of Kiaochow, the railway of Shantung, and all other rights Germany possessed in that Province before the war.


更多网络解释与在外交上相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


达da赖要求北京当局给予西xi藏"自治权"(autonomy)和英国视西xi藏为"自治实体"大有关系. 如今英国不再把西xi藏当作"自治实体",达da赖的前景更为黯淡,可为预言. --我们中国终于在外交上赢了一回,让大英帝国这个老牌帝国主义头子承认了西藏是中国的一部分,


因包厢(box)与箱子同义,幽默感十足的国外网友很不客气的拿萨科齐身高开玩笑,在网络上演绎了一段法爱"外交风波". 这位网友在网络上发表了高仿真的法爱两国外交部门围绕"箱子"问题所写的一系列信件.


>三50至三53讲了他对科西拉(Corcyra)和埃皮道鲁斯(Epidaurus)作战的情况. (科林斯和科西拉的冲突是后来伯罗奔尼撒战争的导火索之一. )在外交上,他也注意和当时希腊的强力城邦搞好关系.

diplomatically isolated country:在外交上被孤立的国家

an unexpected outcome出乎意料的结果 | diplomatically isolated country在外交上被孤立的国家 | diplomatic solutions外交解决方案

dollar diplomacy:元外交

事实上,早在1933年伦敦会议摊牌之后,罗斯福就把"美元外交"(Dollar Diplomacy)运用得登峰造极. 1933-1936年,美元相对世界主要大国货币之汇率,实际上是罗斯福每天早晨躺在床上用早餐时定下来的. 二战烽火刚燃,罗斯福就命令财政部研究战后国际货币体系的重建方案.


>三50至三53讲了他对科西拉(Corcyra)和埃皮道鲁斯(Epidaurus)作战的情况. (科林斯和科西拉的冲突是后来伯罗奔尼撒战争的导火索之一. )在外交上,他也注意和当时希腊的强力城邦搞好关系.


在外交上,"门罗主义"曾名扬异邦;对于内政,门罗(Monroe)总统却一筹莫展. 内阁会议场场僵持,总统只能摇首叹息,在私下与部门首领恳切其词、"统一思想",要求顾全大局、精诚合作. 最后总统不能与财政部长通话,官方联系要经过中间媒介才得传递.

diplomatic solutions:外交解决方案

diplomatically isolated country在外交上被孤立的国家 | diplomatic solutions外交解决方案 | hot spot热点

diplomatic solutions:外交搞定提案

diplomatically isolated country在外交上被孤立的国家 | diplomatic solutions外交搞定提案 | hot spot热点

Democratic Republican Party:民主共和党

所以他们聚集在杰斐逊周围,成立了民主共和党(Democratic Republican Party). 他们的理念代表了农场主和农民的利益,主张小政府,强调州权和个人权利,在外交上奉行亲法路线. 民主共和党的领袖是杰斐逊(Jefferson),重要人物还包括纽约州州长克林顿(George Clinton)、亨利(Patrick Henry,