英语人>词典>汉英 : 在历史上 的英文翻译,例句
在历史上 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Gipson said that his father was an antiwar person.


As "One should take warning from another"s mistake", we should be made more appreciative of historic experiences, more spontaneous of rationally realizing the mistakes which we made in history, what"s more, finding out the reasons of system from it.


The author put forward the following opinions: civilian sport refers to non-official sports activities de-veloped among the masses; it is not provided with the characteristic of being passed on and continued generation by generation, can occur in a certain period, and disappear in a certain period; folk sport refers to sports activities closely related to civilian customs, mainly existing in civilian celebrative activities, religious activities and ritual ac-tivities; it is a form of sports culture passed on and continued generation by generation, provided with the character-istics of collectivity, inheritability and mode; national sport is divided into general type and special type; general na-tional sport refers to a special culture that once historically reflected and carried common psychological capacity and culture of a nation and is enjoyed by that nation; Chinese national sport, ancient Grecian sport and ancient Egyptian sport are specific forms of presentation of national sport; special national sport refers to a sports cultural form that is exclusively owned by a nation in modern time, reflects and carries common psychological capacity and culture of that nation, and is created and enjoyed by that nation; traditional sport refers to a stable sports culture that is historically inherited and gradually formed by a nation in practical activities in a long history, embodied in all as-pects of sports cultural activities and passed on generation by generation.

摘 要:民间体育是指非官方的在民众中开展的体育活动,它不具有世代相传和延续的特点,可以在某一时期出现,又可能在某一时期消失;民俗体育是指那些与民间风俗习惯关系密切,主要存在于民间节庆活动、宗教活动、祭祀活动中,是一种世代传承和延续的体育文化形态,具有集体性、传承性和模式性特点;民族体育有广义和狭义之分,广义民族体育指曾在历史上反映和承载着一个民族共同心理素质、共同文化,为该民族享用的一种特殊文化,中华民族体育、古希腊体育、古埃及体育都是民族体育的具体表现形式,狭义民族体育是指近现代一个民族所独有的,反映并承载该民族共同心理素质、共同文化并为该民族所创造和享用的一种体育文化形态;传统体育是指由历史沿袭下来,是民族在漫长的历史实践活动中积累而成的稳定的体育文化,体现在健身、养生、娱乐思维方式、行为方式等体育文化活动的各个方面,并通过社会心理结构及其它物化媒介(如棋盘、武术器械、文献典籍等)得以世代相传。

"Study history, study history. In history lies all the secrets of statecraft."


Among the ambiguities of the concept of revelation in history are those related to the nature of the revelatory events, the sense of history, the relation between revelation and history as well as history and interpretation.


Reform and opening up, China's rapid development of the aerospace industry, China is now in the history of a glorious page. In 2003, the successful launch of Shenzhou V, Yang uncle realized the dream of the Chinese nation to fly the Millennium; in 2008, China's first lunar exploration satellite "Chang'e I" flew up into space, to the moon, and Chang'e Yutu visit; the same in 2008 years, the Shenzhou VII launch翟志刚to become the first history of China's spacewalk astronauts.


Again, harmony vocals – Beatle-esque ones, in this instance – help set the mood, and an ascending chord progression led by Morse spreads its arms heavenward, eventually settling into a circular pattern that becomes one of the more moving codas not just in Purple history, but, yep, in the history of heavy rock itself.

再次,和谐的人声-披头四成员非常霸道,在这一点上-协助成立的情绪,以及一个升序弦级数率领摩士利差其武器出口天地,最终沉淀到一个循环模式成为一个较为动c o das不仅在紫色历史,而且, yep ,在历史上的重摇滚本身。

Our admiration and that of your leadership is unlimited, you the strugglers and mujahedeen on the land of Iraq, the cradle and origin of prophets.


Communists, for instance, are not strict naturalists, for their world view includes a purpose in history, at least in human history, and perhaps in the whole history of the universe.


Communists, for instance, are not strict naturalists, for their world view includes a purpose in history, at least in human history, and perhaps in the whole history of the universe.


更多网络解释与在历史上相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

and they were not extemporaneous on the spot historical words:这些话在历史的记载上 一定不会被当作是即兴的

before he went figuring out his famous words,|在他... | and they were not extemporaneous on the spot historical words.|这些话在历史的记载上 一定不会被当作是即兴的 | He actually felt that these words...|...

go down in history:在历史上留名

[5.20] go up in smoke成为泡影; 化为乌有或者是被烧光 | [5.21] go down in history在历史上留名 | [5.30]go against the grain违背某人的意愿; 违反某人的本意; 令人讨厌或不高兴

the good old days:(在人的一生中或在历史上)过去的美好时光

long for sth. 渴望,极想 | the good old days (在人的一生中或在历史上)过去的美好时光 | Gerald Hager 杰拉尔德.黑格

historically:在历史上, 从历史观点上说

37 artificial adj.人造的, 假的, 非原产地的 | 38 historically 在历史上, 从历史观点上说 | 39 complex adj.复杂的, 合成的, 综合的 n.联合体

historically:在历史上 从历史发展看

exceeded 超过 不能被满足 | historically 在历史上 从历史发展看 | increasingly 愈加;日益 日趋完善

History counts many cases in which:历史上有很多...的情况

造成差别 make difference | 历史上有很多...的情况 History counts many cases in which... | 在...的春天 in the spring of...


thriving 繁荣的 | storied 历史上(或传说中)有名的 | pivot 使在枢轴上转动

its origins, in Sumerian history:建立在苏美尔人的历史上

The alien-god legend has its basis...|"外星起源说"... | ...its origins, in Sumerian history.|建立在苏美尔人的历史上 | You can find everything I've described in a museum right now.|你可以走进任何一家苏美...

the most successful manager in club history:俱乐部历史上最成功的主教练

taking over from Don Revie...|唐.里维的... | the most successful manager in club history...|俱乐部历史上最成功的主教练 | - under whom Leeds won everything. - Not quite everything.|-在他的带领下利兹联队...

Forward - Navigates to the next displayed or used operator (in history list):上一步 - 导航上一次显示或使用的操作 (在历史记录列表内)

Back - Navigates to the previously ... | Forward - Navigates to the next displayed or used operator (in history list)上一步 - 导航上一次显示或使用的操作 (在历史记录列表内) | Viewport Layout List - Swit...