英语人>词典>汉英 : 在党 的英文翻译,例句
在党 的英文翻译、例句


be a Party member
更多网络例句与在党相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The key to China's problems is the CCP, whose key problem is the construction and development of itself.


Of tan Piao serve also is the image problem of the party, style is frame-up, figure is good not, break away from masses necessarily, lose contact with reality.


Thus, while its legislative and supervisory roles are often downplayed, the function of representation is purportedly augmented.


Democratic centralism is our Party's Leninist organizational principle and its fundamental organizational principle; it is also the mass line in Party work applied to the activities of the Party.


From Karl Marx to Mao Ze-dong, especially Deng Xiao-ping, all paid much attention to the important position of the productive force in the Party's line, guiding principle and socialist development. The inheritage and the development of these important thought's theoretical origin is that the Party must become the loyal representative of Chinese advanced social productive force. Mao Ze-dong and Deng Xiao-ping combined Marxism with Chine...


The formula of the totalitarian misrecognition of the performative dimension would then be the following: the Party thinks that it is the Party because it represents the People's real interests, because it is rooted in the People, expressing their will, but in reality, the People are the People because - or, more precisely, insofar as - they are embodied in the Party.


The Central Committee decided to expel Gao Gang and Rao Shushi from the Party, because their conduct gravely imperilled the interests of the Party and the people and they showed no signs of repentance for their activities or desire to mend their ways in spite of repeated warnings given by the Party over a long period of time before and after the Fourth Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee.


Under new historical conditions, the problems in the party's leadership system and style andin the decision-making regime and procedure, and in the quality of the party carders haveconstrained the improvement of the party's ruling ability and leadership.


In the research domain of the political program of the property of the party, party, on the politic problem of the doctrine of new establishment party and party, the field of construction catalogue mark that identifying party of the history that knows our party, clear new period correctly realized major academic innovation.


This process is also a circulating, to-and-fro, screwing and ascending process, in which the theory and practice of CPC mutually-act innovates with the policy of CPC as a resonance.


更多网络解释与在党相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bolshevik Party:布尔什维克党

曾在俄国农村发动过运动,意图使社会主义适应俄国农村的具体状况,但最后失败了. 1903年是一个发动劳动罢工的时期,在俄国社会民主工党第二次会议上,布尔什维克党(Bolshevik Party)由弗拉基米尔?伊里奇?乌里扬诺夫(Vladimir Ilyich Uly



Fascist Party:法西斯党

2.2 法西斯党(Fascist Party)之组成义大利共党暴动,全国一片混乱,不满现状及反对共产主义的爱国分子於1919年3月在墨索里尼(Benito Mussolini)的号召下在米兰组成法西斯党,与社会党对抗,1922年,法西斯取得政权,

Wedding Lights- hang over a large party area:婚礼灯-悬在大党

Great for Indoor or Outdoor Weddings or Parties.伟大的为室内或室外婚礼或政... | Wedding Lights- hang over a large party area.婚礼灯-悬在大党. | Wrap in TULLE for great soft effect.总结在tulle伟大的软作...

Likud Party:利库德党

六周前的一场普选,内塔尼亚胡在12党组成的四分五裂的议会中以极为微小的优势胜出;而在六周之后的3月24日星期二,工党投票通过加入他的利库德党(Likud Party)及其宗教联盟,组成联合政府.


我晓得自己这会儿的风度(temper)与其说像个哲人、毋宁说像个伶牙利齿的[达巷]党人(partisan). 对党人而言,参与论辩不是为了追问真理,而是为了折服听众;差别仅在于,眼下我要说服的听众只有一个,那就是我自己,说服在座各位原在其次.


如布尔-穆斯党(Bull Moose,也称罗斯福的进步党)、改革党(Reform)、平民党(Populist)等. 但他们的实力弱小微不足道. 但是,我一直在思考,如果共和党这次角逐白宫失败,也没能在西雅图拥有一席发言之地,而且失去众议院20-30个职位,

under the leadership of the Party:在党的领导下

leadership n. 领导;领导地位: | under the leadership of the Party 在党的领导下 | take over the leadership 接任领导

under the leadership of our Party:在党的领导下

15.give me a hand 帮助 | 16.under the leadership of our Party 在党的领导下 | 17.on the contrary 相反


照大西班牙主义的意见,西班牙必须依照长枪党(Falange)纲领改组国家的社会经济体系,以实现其帝国主义方案. 长枪党纲领,或曰法朗琪主义,是西班牙型的法西斯主义,自巴枯宁与第一国际时代以来,它在西班牙的劳工运动与革命运动中已经有相当的根源.