英语人>词典>汉英 : 团员 的英文翻译,例句
团员 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

League member · a member of the Communist Youth League of China · league member
更多网络例句与团员相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On September 22, delegation participated in different seminars based on the missions assigned to them and accomplished them faithfully. Secretary General Huang, ex-CPAMI Director Lin Chin-rong and ABRI Director Ho Ming-chin participated in theSB Regional Policy Reviews presided by Mr.


Alternatively the players could stay close to each other, and only the person charged with Light/Gravity Bomb can run away.


Continuing with the different members of the band, Balazs Bota has been in Stonehenge since the very beginning and is indeed the only remaining founding member. Considering the fact that the band has been around (although with different lineups) since 1992, has he ever told the rest of you how he feels to finally release an album after all this time? Do all of you tend to feed off on each other's enthusiasm for the progress of Stonehenge?

继续来谈谈你们的团员,Balazs Bota可说是Stonehenge的元老成员,事实上他也是仅存的元老团员,从1992年开始这个乐团就已经存在了(虽然经历不少次成员变动),他曾和你们聊过,经历了这麼久终於发行了这张专辑,他的感受是如何吗?

Tacitus, in describing the attack made on the island of Mona by the Romans under Suetonius Paulinus, represents the legionaries as being awestruck on landing by the appearance of a band of Druids, who, with hands uplifted towards heaven, poured forth terrible imprecations on the heads of the invaders.

塔西佗(古罗马元老院员,历史学家)在叙述罗马人Suetonius Paulinus领导,对凫内的莫纳(盎格鲁人或威尔士的Ynys Mon)发动进攻的时候,声称军团看到了一群德鲁伊教团员的出现就会肃然起敬,德鲁伊教团员就会用双手举上空中,连续不断地念着诅咒侵略者的可怕咒语。

The important link of the glove puppet is the skill of the collocation between the puppet's control and the music. Because of the most drama are handed down by oral instruction or the relater tell stories to the players, and then the players do the extemporaneous play in the stage, the traditional scripts are precious few. The oral scripts are mostly the tales of marvels.


During 1964-65 he was with the Cannonball Adderley Sextet and then in mid-1965 formed his own group.

查理斯。劳埃德在南加州大学攻读音乐硕士学位,毕业后在1964-65年之间加入Cannonball Adderley的六重奏。1966年他带领一个四重奏,团员有Keith Jarrett、Cecil McBee与Jack DeJohnette,这些团员当时都是很年轻的,现在都是巨星级的角色。

There is difference between each student receiving related support and studying by themselves after class, and it would make some student gain unfired assessment result.


Hold interclub meetings with visiting and returning Group Study Exchange teams to allow team members to share the value of their GSE experiences with other Rotarians.


With so many League members' participating, many student activities were organized by our school committee of CYL.


Cathbu, the Druid connected with Conchobar, king of Ulster, in the older cycle is accompanied by a number of youths (100 according to the oldest version) who are desirous of learning his art.


更多网络解释与团员相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

brain truster:智囊团团员

brain trust 智囊团 | brain truster 智囊团团员 | brain wave 脑电波

brain truster:智囊团团员, 顾问

brain trust | 智囊团 | brain truster | 智囊团团员, 顾问 | brain wave | 脑电波

campfire girl:美国露营少女团团员

smoke the pipe of peace 讲和 | campfire girl 美国露营少女团团员 | zingaro 吉普赛人

campfire girl:露营女团员

campestral 田野的 | campfire girl 露营女团员 | campfire 营火


choric 合唱的 | chorine 女歌舞团员 | chorion 绒毛膜


choric 合唱曲的 | chorine 歌舞团的女团员 | choriocarinoma 恶性蜕膜瘤


249-251)认为德鲁伊教团员(Druid)这词源自希腊文的橡树这个词,即drus. 不过,这与凯尔特语的daur一样或类似. 因此,德鲁伊教团员就是橡树的祭师. 他们的敬拜因而是古老的,并与橡树林有关. 其他学者比较喜欢认为这个单词起源于其词根,

The Family Reunion:家人团员

Murder in the Cathedral教堂的谋杀 | The Family Reunion家人团员 | The Cocktail Party 鸡尾酒会


feterita 非洲芦粟 | fetial 祭司团员 | fetich 物神


hospitably /招待周到地/善于款待地/亲切地/ | hospitaler /宗教慈善团体的团员/ | hospitalism /医院制度/