英语人>词典>汉英 : 回车道 的英文翻译,例句
回车道 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

turn around loop
更多网络例句与回车道相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"When they then drove back on to the motorway, all of the wheels disconnected," St Gallen cantonal police said in a statement.

"当他们开回车道上,四个轮子解体"在一次声明中St Gallen警方称:"幸运地是,没人受伤,没有汽车被损坏"

The curvilinear shape of sprocket wheel is the main cause of arching phenomenon of sintering pallet s in the return rail.


Kori Turbowitz : We're live at the Los Angeles International Speedway as the first competitor, Lightning McQueen, is arriving at the track.


I passed him, he swerved back on the road and drove right behind me.


Naturally I freaked out and my instinct was to take my foot off the accelerator and pull back into the lane I had come from and check if someone else (namely an axe wielding maniac as per urban legend) was in the car, however, a quick glance in the rear-view showed no one in the back seat.


The project area has three shopping malls in a row not to fight the fire area, with a total length of the circumference of more than 1 / 3, Road fire engines from the inside edge of the wing wall construction materials to highlight the edge of not less than 5.00m, and fire engines to meet the Road Fire The largest car turning radius of 12m, to fight the fire site with a width of 18m, and this is not tall tree planting; and fire fighting facilities of not more than 5% of the slope, fire engines, fire fighting facilities should be able to carry a large set of fire engines Weight; Combined air-conditioning unit: for department stores, supermarkets, large bays, such as the lobby room, a new unit set up wind, ventilation and air return, setting up a new, back to the wind and the proportion of exhaust valve, according to the outdoor temperature of the new regulation, the ratio of air return, Back to the water main unit based PI control valve and in accordance with return air-conditioning temperature valve opening.

本项目商场三个面设有不连续消防扑救面,总长度大于周长的1/3,消防车道内边路缘距建筑外墙突出物边缘不小于5.00m,且消防车道满足消防车最大12m 的转弯半径,消防扑救场地的宽度为18m,且此范围内没有种植高大乔木;此外消防扑救场地的坡度不大于5%,消防车道、消防扑救场地应能承载大型消防车的载重量;组合式空调机组:用于百货商场、超市、大厅等大开间房间,机组设新风、回风及排风,设新、回风及排风比例调节阀,根据室外温度调节新、回风比例,机组回水管设比例积分调节阀并根据回风温度调节水阀开度。

This year I found my self stuck in the left lane in sight of the fairgrounds with "no left turn"signs stretching over the horizon.


This paper focuses on design considerations, calculation assumptions and analysis of the separate type group pile foundations for the towers of the Bridge, and also describes construction organization, design of doublewall steel cofferdams and applications of the cofferdams to the construction of the Bridge.


更多网络解释与回车道相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

porte cochere:车道门廊停车门廊

porte-aiguille 持针器 | porte-cochere 车道门廊停车门廊 | porte-lumiere 轻便回照器

Toll station:收费站

喂!你是瞎子还是文盲,你没看到收费站(toll station)回数票车道上大大的英文字吗?CARS WITH TICKET

turn around loop:回车道

挥发分含量试验|volatile matter content test | 回车道|turn around loop | 回程系数|return factor

winding road:弯曲路

12.回车道 Loop road | 14.弯曲路 Winding road | 15.之字路 Double bend road

Zebra Crossing;Ped Xing:斑马线

回车道Loop | 斑马线Zebra Crossing;Ped Xing | 由此而入Enter here

carriageable:马车可通行的; 可携带的 (形)

carriage return 滑架返回, 在计算机或打印机上把光标或打印头拉回一行开头的键或字符 | carriageable 马车可通行的; 可携带的 (形) | carriageway 车道; 马路 (名)

Sitting in the drive:停坐在旧宅车道

I was back in time at our old address 时光倒回将我带往我们的旧址 | Sitting in the drive 停坐在旧宅车道 | And I could see you in my football jersey raking leaves 我仿佛看见你身穿我的紧身套衫在那打扫落...