英语人>词典>汉英 : 囊外的 的英文翻译,例句
囊外的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
extracapsular  ·  extracystic

更多网络例句与囊外的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results demonstrated that different location of the capsulotomy in ECCE has little influence on posterior capsule opacification.


It is indicated that PAI-1 enzyme is a major cause for fibrin reaction after ECCE with IOL implantation, and may play critical roles in the development of posterior capsular opacification.


Results MRI findings of central neurocytoma are specific in 5 cases. The ganglioglioma was found in the tempora and occipital lobe in 7 cases,in the brainstem in 1 case, cystic-solid tumor was observed in 5 cases with extramural nodule in 3 cases, obviously thickened gyri were revealed in 1 cases and central necrosis in 2 cases.The 3 cases of Lhermitte-Duclos disease include the specific molecular layer imaging features.

结果 5例中枢神经细胞瘤有一定的MRI特征,3例诊断正确。8例神经节细胞胶质瘤中,7例位于或主要位于颞、枕叶,1例位于桥脑和延髓,表现为囊实性者5例,实性部分位于囊外的有3例,呈实性表现为局部脑回增厚者1例,囊变坏死明显者2例。3例小脑发育不良性节细胞瘤有特征性的条纹状或分层状表现。

Objective: To study the proliferation, migration and metaplasm of residual rabbit lens epithelial cells after extracapsuiar cataract extractionbased on the rabbit capsular bag model in vitro.


AbstractAIM: To evaluate postoperative effects of Nd∶YAG laser and posterior capsulotomy in aftercataract with cataract extraction combined with intraocular lens implantation.


Laser operations of anterior capsulotomy 16 cases of mature stage cataract were performed before extracapsuIar cataract extraction.


The result of bleeding on the 26th, very few, but many have a small number of very small blood clot, to go to the hospital to do a B-, in addition to show that pregnancy can not see outside the capsule, the other is normal, doctors say that can not see what positive less than extrauterine intrauterine not see.


Methods: thanks to most bleeding cases are veinal bleeding so we external repress the distant place vein of return circuit when the patient bleedingwho post-turp result :there are 54 cases (54/56) stanch bleedingwe success stanch bleed by above methode.


Of the 12 patients with basal ganglia and/or capsular lesions, one patient had involvement of the caudate nucleus and the adjacent anterior limb of the internal capsule without any other parenchymal abnormality. In the other 11 cases, the posterior limb of the internal capsule alone (n = 4) or together with the external capsule and putamen (n = 3) or with the globus pallidus (n = 4) were affected. In all 11 of these patients, additional MDJ and/or thalamic-hypothalamic lesions were also found.


The following MRI findings were reliable features in diagnosing endometriosis cyst:(1) High and mixed signal were predominant on both T1WI and T2WI;(2)"Satellite loculi" were visible at the periphery of large cysts;(3)Adhesion to neighboring organs;(4)Assocaled with endometriosis multinodules in pelvic cavity.

以下MRI征象应为卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿较可靠诊断依据:(1)囊肿在 T1WI和T2WI均为高信号,或以高中信号为主的混杂信号;(2)大囊外有&卫星囊&;(3)边界不清,与临近器官有粘连;(4)盆腔内同时有多发散在不规则形态的内膜异位小结节。

更多网络解释与囊外的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


extra- 外,在外,额外 | extrabronchial 支气管外的 | extracapsular 囊外的


extracanonical 未入圣典的 | extracapsular 囊外的 | extracellular 细胞外的

extracapsular:关节囊外的 囊外的

extracampinehallucination 感觉域外幻觉 | extracapsular 关节囊外的 囊外的 | extracapsularankylosis 关节囊外强直


extrabulbar 球外的 | extracapsular 关节囊外的 | extracapsularextracystic 囊外的

extracapsular:囊外的 (形)

extra-terrestrial 地球外的; 大气圈外的 | extracapsular 囊外的 (形) | extracellular 细胞外的 (形)

Extracapsular fracture:关节囊外骨折

extracapsular cataract extraction 囊外白内障摘除术,白内障囊外摘出术 | extracapsular fracture 关节囊外骨折 | extracellular 细胞外的


距 calcar | 有距的;萼或花冠有一部分作囊状而挑出在外的 calcarate;spurred | 含碳酸钙的 calcareous


ectadenia 外胚附腺 | ectal 向外的,在外的,表面的 | ectangial 孢囊外生的,孢囊外形成的

extracystic:囊外的 膀胱外的

extra-current额外电流 | extracystic囊外的 膀胱外的 | extra-deepdrawingsteel超深冲钢


萃取(法),抽取(法) extraction | 囊外的,膀胱外的,胆囊外的 extracystic | 骨髓外造血 extramedullary hematopoiesis