英语人>词典>汉英 : 嘶哑 的英文翻译,例句
嘶哑 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Sterculia lychnophora applies only to violations of the throat due to wind-heat cult poison the sound dumb, as a result of vocal nodules, vocal polyps, vocal cord dysraphism, hoarse due to excessive alcohol and tobacco, with Sterculia lychnophora is invalid, especially the elderly and the sudden aphonia Spleen person should be used with caution.


Gestational aphonia; aphonia during pregnancy


With a voice of exasperation he asked the artillerymen for water.


Romeo was a stout elderly gentleman, with corked eyebrows, a husky tragedy voice , and a figure like a beer-barrel


"My voice is a little hoarse, my eyes are a little bleary, my back is a little sore, but my spirit is strong," Obama told cheering supporters.


A pathological condition of the larynx, especially in infants and children, that is characterized by respiratory difficulty and a hoarse, brassy cough.


Dysphonia. Impairment of the voice, manifested by hoarseness, breathiness or other defects of phonation due to organic, functional or psychogenic causes.


The Cape buffalo's hoarse bellows resonate across a stretch of Africa's Great Rift Valley.


The strange silence, broken only by the measured dip of the oar and the soft plashing of the water against your cleaving prow, and the occasional hoarsecries of the gondoliers as you pass another of these black, funeral barges; the few and feeble lamps, giving you momentary glimpses of balconies and finely carven arches; the sudden intensification of the silence and the darkness as you abruptly leave the Grand Canal and slip along one of the narrower waterways, always with tall houses on both sides of you, and above you a clear sky of stars, stars reflected tremblingly on the black waters----thousands of tourists must have tried to describe all this, but the magic and the mystery and the beauty of it defy human speech.


According to the G component of the GRBAS, the voice was graded from 0 for normal to 3 for severe dysphonia.


更多网络解释与嘶哑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cracked:声音嘶哑的, 破碎的, 破裂的

best total of points 最好成绩, 最低积分 | cracked 声音嘶哑的, 破碎的, 破裂的 | Chinese checkers 跳棋

Croak:深沉而嘶哑的声音; (蛙的)呱呱叫声;也可为动词

godwit 鹬 | croak 深沉而嘶哑的声音; (蛙的)呱呱叫声;也可为动词 | heron 鹭, 苍鹭


伊(因)一吾(为)我由(有)一过(个)小雄马(因为我有点儿感冒). " 英语中的"马"(horse)和.嘶哑的"(hoarse)只差一个字母,"小雄马"(colt)和"感冒"(cold)也是一宇之差,这位女演员的英语太糟了,所以错误连连.


字母"r"像是一朵花,朋友(friend)来了有鲜花,魔鬼(fiend)来了有猎枪. 字母"h"像不像是一把倒立的菜刀,磨刀时先把刀打湿(wet)了,才轻易磨得快(whet). 字母"a"即表示 "一个",联想记忆:一匹(a)声音嘶哑的(hoarse)马(horse),也许你太累了,也该歇歇了.

hoarse voice:嘶哑

ho yang 合阳 | hoarse voice 嘶哑 | hoarseness 嘶哑


hoarse 嘶哑的 | hoarsely 嘶哑地 | hoarsen 使嘶哑


hoarsely 嘶哑地 | hoarsen 使嘶哑 | hoarseness 嘶哑

hoarsen:使嘶哑; 变嘶哑 (动)

hoarsely 嘶哑地; 刺耳地 (副) | hoarsen 使嘶哑; 变嘶哑 (动) | hoarseness 嘶哑; 刺耳 (名)


发音器官发育不正常或使用不正确等都会导致口语不正常,产生口语障碍. 由这些原因引起的口语障碍现象较为常见,如由于声带闭合不全而产生的说话似耳语或无声现象,以及声带小结而产生的嘶哑现象. 口吃(Stuttering)和声音嘶哑(Hoarseness)是其中最典型的症状.


发音器官发育不正常或使用不正确等都会导致口语不正常,产生口语障碍. 由这些原因引起的口语障碍现象较为常见,如由于声带闭合不全而产生的说话似耳语或无声现象,以及声带小结而产生的嘶哑现象. 口吃(Stuttering)和声音嘶哑(Hoarseness)是其中最典型的症状.