英语人>词典>汉英 : 喷出器 的英文翻译,例句
喷出器 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Based on the analysis of the forces exerted on particles in air flow, the track equation which describe particles jetted from nozzle in air sampler and formula between the track and design parameters of impactor are obtained.


An aerosol spray device which is capable of imparting a unipolar charge by double layer charging and charge separation to liquid droplets of a composition sprayed therefrom has a spraying head in the form of an insert in an actuator, the spraying head having a bore through which liquid is expelled having an outlet, preferably with a tortuous periphery, having an L/a ratio of at least 8 (preferably at least 10) where L is the length of the periphery defining the bore outlet in mm and a is the cross-sectional area of the bore outlet in mm2 and the apparatus being constructed such that the droplets are expelled from the spraying head at a flow ratio of at least 0.4 (preferably at least 0.5) grams per second and have a charge to mass ratio of at least +/-1x10-4 C/kg.


The alarm valve should be installed vertically. When there is a fire in the protected area, temperature rises up, pressed water jet from sprayer, and the alarm valve is initiated to jet water onto fire. After 5-20 seconds, the delayer will sent out alarming signal to ring the bell for fire extinguishing.


Based on the theory of large eddy simulation and the method of VOF , the initial breakup process of fuel liquid jet, which eject from the nozzle exit at the time scale of micro-second level, is investigated. The mechanism of primary atomization is analyzed, and the initial breakup model of liquid jet is presented. By modeling and numerical simulation of atomization for a diesel nozzle under the given conditions, the initial umbrella-like spray shapes are obtained, which fits better with the experimental results. Meanwhile, the droplets secondary breakup process, such as leeward RT breakup, dumbbell-like breakup and droplets coalescence, etc. are exhibited visually.


It also gets some modificatory curves. During test, the atomization characteristics is also tested and analyzed. The spray angle and distribution have been analyzed and obtained by experimentation in this system. The spray angle is figured out through the design principle.


The working process of set is as follows; the liquid of raw material is pumped in through diaphragm pump. The liquid of raw material atomizes into tiny droplets. Then it gathers with hot air and fall off. Most parts of powder material will be collected through the outlet of discharge at the bottom. The wasted air and fine power will be separated through cyclone.


Sixth, followed by release of the cylinder high-pressure injector tubing connector on the nut, the governor of diesel engine running under the handle position, rotation of diesel engine, the high-pressure pipeline from the air (this step can be ignored under normal circumstances, when the start failure should not be ignored).


To burning the heavy oil in diesel locomotive, the injection unit must be adjusted, such as the clearance of piston, the spring character of unilateralism valve, the needle valve lift of injector and so on. At the same time, the parameter of injection, such as the injection advace angle, the injection time, should be adjusted according to the actual instance.


By using EFS injection test bench,this paper studied the different performance of electronic injector with different type of orifices.


Injector fuel supply or pressure is not enough, atomization bad, drip, etc.; plunger rod adjustable arm or teeth protruding ears from the governor lever fork slot prolapse in non-oil position; fuel pump plunger and barrel assembly seriously wear and tear, oil pressure is too low, the oil valve wear serious Mifengbuyan; washer crack and deformation, a broken valve spring, injector wear and tear stuck in the closed position.


更多网络解释与喷出器相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


含有高浓度乳酸菌的特定微生物培养物.浓乳在高压或离心力的作用下,经过雾化器(Atomizer)在干燥室内喷出,形成雾状.此刻的浓乳变成了无数微细的乳滴(直径约为10-200 μm),


净身器(bidet)带有喷洗的供水系统和排水系统,洗涤人体排泄器官的有釉陶瓷质卫生设备. 按洗涤水喷出方式...


blowdownbranch排污支管 | blowgun喷粉器 | blowoffvalve排出阀


eglestonite 氯汞矿 | ejection 喷出 | ejector 喷射器

blowout hookup:防喷装置

blowout equipment 防喷设备 | blowout hookup 防喷装置 | blowout plug 防喷塞;岩心冲出器


在燃油系统中,油箱中的汽油从燃油泵(fuel pump)泵出,流经汽油滤清器(fuel filter) 到喷油器(injector),在点喷油系统中喷油压力在2巴以上一般为2~5.5巴范围内;单点喷油系统压力为0.7~1.2巴.

fuel injector:喷油器

出油阀座 delivery valve seat | 喷油器 fuel injector | 喷油嘴偶件 injector nozzle matching parts


渗入,透过,充满 penetrate | 喷(流),喷射器,喷出 squirter | 射流器 ejector


净身器(bidet) 带有喷洗的供水聚酯多元制备和排水系统,洗涤人体排泄器官的有釉陶瓷质卫生设备. 按洗涤水喷出方式,分直喷式、斜喷式和前后醇溶不饱和聚脂树脂喷洗方式. 小便器(urinal) 专共男性小便使用的有釉陶瓷质卫生设备. 有壁挂式和落地式.

sanding gear:铺砂器,铺砂装置,喷砂器

sanding formation 出砂地层 | sanding gear 铺砂器,铺砂装置,喷砂器 | sanding machine 带式抛光机,砂轮机