英语人>词典>汉英 : 哨站 的英文翻译,例句
哨站 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与哨站相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The cost modifiers in outposts and conquerable stations are now scaleable.


Tiered Improvement Opportunities Hierarchal "construction paths" for increasing the economic vitality of outposts will be implemented.


Now it was Nassif's turn to kick off. A Sylvan Scrying got him a Cloudpost, but he held back on it to play a third-turn Oblivion Stone. Kuroda wanted to wait on his Molten Rain, but shook his head, deciding that he couldn't give Nassif the time. He took out a forest.

现在轮到Nassif先手,一张森林占卜给了他一张云迹哨站,但他将云迹哨站留在手上施放了3回合遗忘石, Kuroda想用熔铁雨等他的云迹哨站,但他摇了一下头,决定不能给Nassif那些时间,他炸掉了一个树林。

Our convoys have been attacked, as well as some outlying outposts.


This will permanently upgrade the capabilities of the Outpost in the manner described in the Platform's information.


While her name is unfamiliar to most people in the UK, in this remote outpost in the vast Sakha Republic of northeastern Siberia, Marsden is regarded as a hero.


Rogue Drone Asteroid Infestation, Sansha's Command Relay Outpost, Serpentis Narcotic Warehouses, Mul-Zatah Monastery, Guristas Scout Outpost, Serpentis Phi-Outpost, Outgrowth Rogue Drone Hive, Angel's Red Light District, Crimson Hand Supply Depot, Guristas Troop Reinvigoration Camp, Sansha War Supply Complex, Angel Military Operations Complex, Cartel Prisoner Retention, Pith's Penal Complex, Angel Cartel Naval Shipyard, Blood Raider Naval Shipyard, The Maze, Centus Assembly T.P.


I've trekked to this high mountain outpost at one of the planet's power points, the national research labs at Los Alamos, New Mexico.


Targetable Outpost Services Individual services offered by outposts are now vulnerable to precision strikes.


Nassif paused on his third turn, then got Cloudpost with Sylvan Scrying and played it.


更多网络解释与哨站相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mid Point Station:(中部哨站)

Magnamoth Caverns(猛犸人洞穴) | Mid Point Station(中部哨站) | Mightstone Quarry(巨石采掘场)


+ 哨站(Outpost)是由玩家建造的. 首先联盟需要获得星系[[主权]];然后使用[[货舰]]发射哨站平台(外形像个大鸡蛋),将其锚定在行星轨道上. 将需要的填充物(矿物和燃料)装进哨站平台. 哨站平台在没有完成前,抵御攻击能力非常弱,

Ironmane Outpost:鐵捲毛哨站

Ironfast 鐵快手 | Ironmane Outpost 鐵捲毛哨站 | Ironmane Stonebeards 鐵捲毛石鬍子

Outpost Tent:哨站帳棚

Outdeavor 奧特迪弗 | Outpost Tent 哨站帳棚 | outrider 先遣部隊

Overtop Outpost:封頂哨站

Overindulgence 極度縱欲 | Overtop Outpost 封頂哨站 | Pale-Eye Hideout 淡藍眼珠躲藏處

West Point Station:(西部哨站)

Warsong Slaughterhouse(战歌屠宰场) | West Point Station(西部哨站) | Winterfin Caverns(冬鳞洞穴)

Coal Ridge Depot:煤脊哨站

cloudy water 雲水 | Coal Ridge Depot 煤脊哨站 | Coalsteam 煤汽

Assault on Coal Ridge Depot:煤脊哨站侵略戰

Ashreaver Tribe Stronghold 織燼部族堡壘 | Assault on Coal Ridge Depot 煤脊哨站侵略戰 | Badmoon Hole Tunnel 惡月洞穴隧道

Keepers Watch:看守者哨站

Kagrund's Stand Warcamp 卡格朗據點戰營 | Keepers Watch 看守者哨站 | Kelysian's Landing 克利申降臨地^n,in

there are no receptionists in masturbation:防空基地怎么能有哨站

there is a receptionist(打飞机)还要被盯梢 | there are no receptionists in masturbation防空基地怎么能有哨站 | do you realize what I am expected to do here?这就是上级分配给我的任务