英语人>词典>汉英 : 和音 的英文翻译,例句
和音 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
chord  ·  consonance  ·  harmonic  ·  chorded  ·  chording  ·  chords

更多网络例句与和音相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It can be realized at lexico-grammatical level by informal slang, vulgarisms, ellipses, tags, etc., formal complex sentences, nominalization, and vocatives, modalization with both formal and informal style; at phonological/graphological level by allophone/allograph.


The art of music is to use the sound and the sound knitting to Create the music image, where by to show the actual life and People' s thought and feeling, thus to putrify and beautify the Appreciator' s heart.


This dissertation is both a phonetic study and a phonological study on the tones and disyllable words tone sandhis of the Shanghai...


This dissertation is both a phonetic study and a phonological study on the tones and disyllable words tone sandhis of the Shanghai dialect.


The concept of "tonality" of Ligeti is further discussed based on the preceding analysis and conclusions.


Unbecome, features Ali's haunting solo voice surrounded by cello, temple bells, and drones in an evocative and powerful fusion of sound.

这些曲目使用了西藏金钵(找不到中文译名,有兴趣的朋友可以参看这里:http://ccrma-www.stanford.edu/~carrlane/himbowl/project.html),乌得琴,和加工过的大提琴(由演奏过很多歌曲的Cameron Stone演绎),在和音的伴随下,同时制造出了远古和现代的曲音。

I would like to thank the production house, the producers, the lyricists, the arrangers, the recording engineers, the live musicians, the backup vocalists, the mixing engineers, the mastering engineers, the CD concept designer, image consultant, hair stylist, photographer, printer, CD manufacturer...

我要感谢制作公司,製作人,作词家,編曲家,錄音師,乐手,和音,混音師,后期录音师, CD设计师,形象顾问,发型设计师,摄影师,印刷,CD制造商等。

Orthographic representation of speech sounds –broad and narrow transcriptions 语音的书写形式-宽式和窄式音标 IPA-International Phonetic Alphabet 国际音标 There are two ways to transcribe speech sounds. One is the transcription with letter-symbols only, called broad transcription. The other is the transcription with letter-symbols together with the diacritics, called narrow transcription

窄式音标。实例:对 pit/spit 中 p 音的比较: pit 中的 p 是送气音,在窄式音标中标为上标,写作: spit 中的 p 是不送气音,在宽式音标中不作标示,写作:对 leaf/feel/build/health 中 l 音的比较: Leaf 中 l 在元音前,叫清晰音,在宽式音标中不作标示,写作: Feel 中 l 出现在单词结尾,叫模糊音,在窄式音标中加变音符号 Build 中 l 出现在另一个辅音前,也叫模糊音,在窄式音标中也加变音符号 Health 中 l 出现在齿音前,受其影响叫齿音,在窄式音标中加变音符号 5。

By comparing Orchon language with modern Mongolian and wrirtten Mongolian we have found the correspondence between long vowels,diphthongs and VC/CV configurartions in Orchon and rthe Mongolian language .


Grace notes, mordents, and trills contain dissonant neighboring notes.


更多网络解释与和音相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


完美的和音(accord)给我们以宁静安息之感,但有些音符却恍惚不定,需要别的较为明白确定的音符来做它的后继,以获得一种意义. 据音乐家们的说法,它们要求一个结论. 不少歌伶利用这点,故意把要求结论的一个音符特别延长,

Appoggiatura chord:倚和音

177 Appoggiatura倚音 | 178 Appoggiatura chord倚和音 | 179 Arco用弓;拉奏


analysys 分析 | arpeggio 分解和弦,和音急速弹奏法,琶音 | artificial harmonic 人工泛音


aroutinemeetingofasquadteamorclass 班务会 | arpeggio 和音急速弹奏法 | arquebus 火绳钩枪


本书主要介绍了对旋律编配和音(chord)的知识及其技巧(technic). 第一章,讲述了学习和声(harmony)之前的基础知识. 第二章,分6节讲述了和音进行(chord progression)的实际过程. 本书的各章节提...本书收集的曲目涵盖了吉他艺术四百年来的许多杰出作品.


它将把我们带到不同的目的地,其中包括不协和音(dissonance),这一点我们刚才已有简单的论述. "他以不协和音著称. "我们听到人们评论一个作曲家. "他信守作品的调(key). "我们听到人们评论另外一个作曲家. "他的作品充满了多调性(polytonality)的特点,虽然有时接近无调性......

Thornton, Randy:和音

Lewis, Andre,和音. | Thornton, Randy,和音. | Moiro, Davey,和音.


diaphone 对应音 | diaphony 不协和音 | diaphoresis 发汗


和音consonance | 和音的symphonious | 和音急速弹奏法arpeggio

That music hath a far more pleasing sound:音樂會奏出更加悅耳的和音

I love to hear her speak, yet well I know 我挺愛聽她說話,但我很清... | That music hath a far more pleasing sound. 音樂會奏出更加悅耳的和音, | I grant I never saw a goddess go, 我注視我的情人在地上舉步,...