英语人>词典>汉英 : 三和音 的英文翻译,例句
三和音 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
triad  ·  triads

更多网络例句与三和音相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this Unit, we will review and practice those sounds as well as contrasting them with three others

和 的区别。在本单元,我们将复习回顾这两个音,另外还会和其他的三个音

The second division of the triad of a Pindaric ode, having the same stanza form as the strophe.


Finally the author draws a conclusion that there is a high degree of the theoretical inheritance between Saussure and Halliday.


The ninth and final order of angels according to the organization of the celestial hierarchy as created by the sixth-century theologian Dionysius the Areopagite; the angels belong to the third and final triad of choirs, with the archangels and principalities, the primary focus of their existence being the caretakership of humanity and the world.


The ninth and final order of angels according to the organization of the celestial hierarchy as created by the sixth-century theologian Dionysius the Areopagite; the angels belong to the third and final triad of choirs, with the archangels and principalities, the primary focus of their existence being the caretakership of humanity and the world.


The rhythm type with alive and intense emotion, an unbalance arrangement of accent between voices, the triplet and the phonic rhythm and a large quantity of fast flowingly rhythm material displaying a familiar appearance of romantic doctrine and some special appearance of the composer.


This dissertation is divided into four chapters altogether:chapter one is the introduction,introducing the Hore component and its important characteristic and putting forward the basic task;Chapter two introduce the principle of the auto-tracking system and respective parts of the auto-tracking system;Chapter three introduce the applications of auto-tracking system under static condition and dynamic condition and give out the experiment results;Chapter four introduced the displaying system,communicating system and the applicability of the auto-tracking system to other sensors.


You can do it with a hammer on (and an optional pull-off), or by bending the strings.


At last,author lists several applications of Bona fides and Mala fides in civil law. such as Bona fides third party and Mala fides third party.Bona fides possession and Mala fides possession.法律之音l1{.XL W m


Standard major triad,with the input set as the root.


更多网络解释与三和音相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Major chord:大三和音

European Monetary Cooperation Fund 欧洲货币合作基金 | major chord 大三和音 | core pin 中心销, 塑孔栓

seventh chord:七和弦,包括有根音,三度,五度和七度音

Seventh 第七,七度 | Seventh chord 七和弦,包括有根音,三度,五度和七度音 | Sextei 六部,六重奏(唱)


因为按大调音阶规律,第三音(mi)和第四音(fa)之间应是半音,第四音(fa)与第五音(sol)之间应是全音,然而,在这里,"A-B"之间是全音;而"B-C"之间却是半音. 因此,需将"B"音降低半音变为"bB",才符合大调音阶排列规律. 即"F G A bB C D E F".


其大三和弦(major triad)为样版也可以解决和弦转位(inversion)的问题.如图是最重要的,而第五音(fifth)的重要性则次之,第三音(third)更次之.因此,给予每个音符不同的权重(weight)是有必要的.本系统根据式(2)指定各音为此,本系统分析了和声学(harmonics)里所技术(musi

major diatonic scale:大全音阶

三和音 major chord | 大全音阶 major diatonic scale | 大音阶 major scale


scale step) 下中音(Submediant iant) 下中音(Submediant)是调式音阶中的第Ⅵ级音,是主音的下方三度音,虽为不稳定 音级,但对主音的支持和倾向较微弱,远不如下属音那样明显.


每个字都包含形、音、义三大要素,由单字组成的"多音节词"常常都可以从字面义和读音猜得出大致含义. 好像"三角形"一词,当中三个字都各司其职,不问而知肯定与"三"有关. 英文的"triangle"就只得"三"(tri)和"角"(angle).


这是一个很有趣的现象,三和弦(triad)的命名是由于它有三个音,而七和弦(seventh)以及后面的所有其它和弦都是以它们的最大音程命名的. 我们现在常用的大小调是经过长时期的筛选和优化的结果,在这之前的中世纪时期,比较流行的有七种调式,


一小节中以2、3、4拍最为普遍,这种我们称之为二拍子(Duple)、三拍子(Triple)、四拍子(Quadruple). 这些拍子仍然可以再分成一组一组的短小音,其中主要以二音为一组和三音为一组的. 如果以二音为一组,这种拍子就叫做单拍子,


(三)啰音(rales)是呼吸音以外的附加音(adventitious sound),正常人一般并无啰音存在. 按性质的不同可分为下列几种. ③细湿啰音(fine rales)又称小水泡音. 发生于小支气管,多在吸气后期出现. 常见于细支气管炎、支气管肺炎、肺淤血和肺梗死等.