英语人>词典>汉英 : 君主政治 的英文翻译,例句
君主政治 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
monarchy  ·  Caesarism  ·  monarchies

更多网络例句与君主政治相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They have different opinions about the issuewhether politics needs moral or not, But in the essence their opinionsboth embody the private politicians, which is botfly different frommodern public administration.


Bofore the publication of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty's The Emperor's Norms, many individual results of study, brilliant papers and even systematic volumes had appeared in this field. However, most such studies either involved a specific experor or simply compared cit emperor with the other; none of than discussed the emperorship synthetically as a political phenomenon.


The realization of Confucian political ideal must depend on political authority and do not deny existent absolute monarchy, on the contrary, Confucianists think that absolute monarchy nourish taking care of hoi polloi' survival and order.


So the destiny of traditional culture is to fit the existence and the maintenance and development of the monarchic politics.


The author argues that Dung-lin members had sublime political thoughts and lofty aspirations, yet there were great limitations in their mode of thinking, besides, they could hardly go beyond the restraints laid by monarchism when it came to actual political choice.


Rise and fall periodic law" is historical bewildering trap that monarchy or "man ruling can't jump out.


Democratic politics or "law ruling" is negation and transcendency to monarchy or "man ruling".


When he died, Confucius became the historical Confucius utilized and made up by the dominators in all the following dynasties. They emphasized on the theory that monarchy should be stick up for in Confucius, and made Confucius the soul of Caesarism.


The former leads to claustral psychology and the latter impels the men of letters to change their understanding of landscape and idyll to form in its real meaning. mode of life ; claustral ; metaphysics ; aesthetics


Political system 政治制度 Both Australia and England are Constitutional Monarchies with the Queen as the head of state.


更多网络解释与君主政治相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gynarchy:妇女政治; 妇女当政

monarchy 君主政体,君主国,君主政治 | gynarchy 妇女政治; 妇女当政 | polyarchy 多头政治


monarch 君主,最高统治者 | monarchal 君主的,君主政治的 | monarchical 君主的,君主政治


commonwealth (为共同利益相结合的)国家 | monarchic 君主政治的 | federal 联邦的,联邦制的


monarchal 君主的,君主政治的 | monarchical 君主的,君主政治的 | monarchism 君主政治,君主制度


monarchical 君主的,君主政治的 | monarchism 君主政治,君主制度 | monarchist 君主主义者


monarchism 君主政治,君主制度 | monarchist 君主主义者 | monarchy 君主制


西方把国家的政治形态分为三种:君主政体(Monarchy)、寡头政体(Oligarchy)和德谟克拉西政体(Democracy). 君主政体就是皇帝一个人说了算,这种个人独裁是中国人非常熟悉的统治模式;"寡头政体"这个词是中国照搬日本的日语词汇.


在每个时代的演进当中,政府体制也会跟著转变可依次分为三阶段,六大体制,每个阶段可以任选其一,分别是专制主义(Despotism)、共和政体 (Senate)、君主政治 (Monarchy)、民主政治(Democracy)、社会主义 (Socialism)、资本主义 (Capital


Caesarian 凯撒的 | Caesarism 君主政治 | Caesarist 帝政主义者


Caesar /罗马的将军/政治家/历史家/ | Caesarism /君主政治/专制政治/帝政主义/ | Caesarist /帝政主义者/