英语人>词典>汉英 : 向神的 的英文翻译,例句
向神的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与向神的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For not only was the word of the Lord sounding out from you in Macedonia and Achaia, but in every place your faith in God is made clear; so that we have no need to say anything.

1:8 因为主的道从你们那里已经传扬出来,你们向神的信心不但在马其顿和亚该亚,就是在各处,也都传开了。所以不用我们说什么话。

To turn around, turn around,to change from one thing into another or from one state to another,Tense: Aorist,Voice: Active,Mood: Infinitive).


I want you to learn from David's cry out to the


Into glossolalia, is immaterial.


By analyzing historical documents, paleography and other archaeological materials, the author of this paper carefully studies the powers and functions of the divines in the Zhou Dynasty.


While Romulus was engaged in some sacrifice, as he was fond of sacrifices and the gods, some of Numitor's shepherds attacked Remus and some of his friends and a battle broke out.


Christ had spoken about bearing the cross from the human side, as the one condition of discipleship.


It says that God would bring Israel back to their own land, not because of their godliness, but despite their ungodliness.

它说, 神将带领以色列人回来,不是因为他们的心归向神,而是"尽管他们的心依然没有归向神"。

We have no natural ability to discern and choose God's way because we have no natural inclination Godward; our hearts are in bondage to sin, and only the grace of regeneration can free us from that slavery.


Zhaojun by the people of God to change, the real history is the myth of the transformation.


更多网络解释与向神的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


日本生物科技公司LTT Bio-Pharma附属的制药商---"医神"(Asclepius)子公司管理的一个基金,声称获得丸红担保,以重建一所医院为名义向投资者集资. 雷曼2007年尾放款给"医神"的子公司,用作购买相关医疗设备,但子公司08年3月19日申请破产保护,

Challenge Gods:向众神的挑战

04. Athena's Death 女神之死 | 05. Challenge Gods 向众神的挑战 | 06. Heated Saints 灼热的圣斗士

16:20 My intercessor is my friend as my eyes pour out tears to God:16:20 我的朋友譏誚我.我卻向神眼淚汪汪

16:19 現今、在天有我的見證、在上有我的中保.... | 16:20 我的朋友譏誚我.我卻向神眼淚汪汪. 16:20 My intercessor is my friend as my eyes pour out tears to God; | 16:21 願人得與神辯白、如同人與朋友辯白一樣. 1...

Brother Osiris:奥西里斯(古埃及神话中司阴府之神) 兄弟

He bought it.|他相信了 | Brother Osiris.|奥西里斯(古埃及神话中司阴府之神) 兄弟 | Let me live to spit in his face|赐我活着并向他的脸上吐痰

Let my Stranger Lover meet me! In thy Valhall let him greet me:让我那陌生的求爱者与我相会!让他在奥丁神的英灵圣殿里向我致意

So I turn to Thor and Odin - They w... | Let my Stranger Lover meet me! In thy Valhall let him greet me!'让我那陌生的求爱者与我相会!让他在奥丁神的英灵圣殿里向我致意!" | The Flint (it is our Weapon) - t...

Not charioted by Bacchus and his pards:不用酒神的车辗和他的随从

Away! away! for I will fly to thee, 去吧!去吧!我要飞向你 | Not charioted by Bacchus and his pards, 不用酒神的车辗和他的随从 | But on the viewless wings of Poesy, 乘着诗歌无形的翅膀


Godspeed 成功的祝福 | Godward 向神的 | Godwards 向神


godspeed 成功的祝福 | godward 向神地 | godward 对神地


godspeed /成功的祝福/ | godward /向神地/对神地/ | godwit /黑尾豫/


Godward 向神的 | Godwards 向神 | godwit 黑尾豫