英语人>词典>汉英 : 吐蕃 的英文翻译,例句
吐蕃 的英文翻译、例句


Tibetan regime in ancient China
更多网络例句与吐蕃相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Ghost blowlamp of 4: Kunlun Shrine" originated from: Guge Kingdom, and its predecessor can be traced back to the Shang-Shung country, dynasty probably start from the 9th century, in a unified Tibetan plateau established after the collapse of the Tubo Dynasty, to 17 end of the century, before and after the 16 hereditary king.


It is very noticeable that none of the banners (including the group in New Delhi) has a cartouche for characters, even those that are in fact inscribed in Tibetan.


Mother love is extremely great, seeing her simple and honest mother can't keep myself from missing my dear mother.Her mother's fluent and sheer tibetan dialect of huarui makes me sigh for the land I was born and grew up. It seems as if the clop of tibetan heroes who protected the frontier several years ago can be heard here.


Tibet Shannan was first proposed by members of the clan known as "Bo" and six Yak department, the history of hair-Qiang .6 century, Shannan Yaron tribal leaders and has become a tribes leaders, known as the "ZAP", established themselves as "Bo" Slavery Dynasty unified the whole Songtsan Tsenpo .7 century Tibet, its capital logic Suo (today's Lhasa), in the Chinese language historical records called Tibetan .641, the Songtsan Gambo and Princess Tang Wencheng marriage, he called one Commandery West Sea Prince consort prince .710 Chi DZ-year Tsenpo praises, it is with the marriage of the Tang Princess Jincheng, in the political, economic, cultural and other fields have made great development.


All wear a tightly wrapped dhoti with the end falling from the waist to fill a narrow space between the legs. They wear a three-pronged golden tiara, with elongated halo behind and ring-lets of black hair falling behind the ears and over the shoulder, as in some of the other figures associated with the Tibetan period at Dunhuang.


Since the late Tang by the Tibetan culture, and so on, and "Song of the" pay to sing along with the drum skin gradually in the beach areas song popularity, Wushan encouraged by the rotation of the drum skin, Jing Fan, and other props are mostly followed the Tang, Song and Yuan period of possession Mongolia hunting, animal husbandry and religious customs.


Marshal ceremony okrug House shop on North Sichuan Tibetan areas of Gansu and the effective control of a strong central government with the Yuan Dynasty Tibetan areas of Gansu governance jurisdiction.


The relationship between Tang and Tufan can be divided into three stages: namely the friendly stage in the period of Qizongnongzan, the war and peace stage after the death of Qizongnongzan and period of Tufan's sending tribute to Tang after the division of Tufan Regime.


During this age, Bon's disciples not only apotheosized regalia, but also provided relevant servings for the regnal policy. According to the different politics and social demands of dynasty, Bon-po produced more complicated professional divisions of work. All those facts discussed above indicate that Bon-po had already developed into a mature national religion at the early time of the establishment of Tibet regime in ancient China.


During this age, Bons disciples not only apotheosized regalia, but also provided relevant servings for the regnal policy. According to the different politics and social demands of dynasty, Bon-po produced more complicated professional divisions of work. All those facts discussed above indicate that Bon-po had already developed into a mature national religion at the early time of the establishment of Tibet regime in ancient China.


更多网络解释与吐蕃相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


根据较普遍的说法,蕃是由古代藏族信奉的原始宗教--"本"(bon)音转而来;也有人认为,蕃意为农业,与卓(牧业)相对. 吐,多数人认为是汉语"大"的音转,是对吐蕃向唐朝自称"大蕃"而音译;也有解释为藏语"lho"(意为山南,


但在>首页的地图上,把"中国"(CATHAY)限在黄河与长江之间. 长江以南标为"秣羯"(MANJI)"吐蕃"(TIBET)的范围则是阿富汗以东、黄河以西、西马拉亚以北、阿尔泰以南.

Construction technology:营造技术

所以,要从历史资料谈佛教与建筑演变的关系,更要谈佛法(Buddhism)与建筑建筑设计(architecture design)及其营造技术(construction technology)可以加院落建筑群而已,并未提出古代南北丝路(Silk road)上或吐蕃西藏(Tibet)、天竺制的研究.

Kublai Khan:忽必烈

中世纪最伟大的旅行家马可.波罗(Marco Polo),曾于1275年到1295年在忽必烈(Kublai Khan)的宫廷中逗留过若干年. 他描述过吐蕃,其中有更可靠的信息. 虽然他污蔑西藏人是"盲目的信徒"、"大盗",以及"一个病态的人种",但他也客观地报道西藏人有自己的语言,


本文据此,认为"难磨"即藏文南字兴记之"南"(Nam)国或南部族,源于汉代以来西羌中的"卑湳"等羌(以上前人均有论述). 南部族在古藏文南字型往与吐蕃原始六族中的"董"(sDong)族联系在一起,故多弥可还原为"董弥"(sDongmi,即董......

Potala Palace:布达拉宫

[布达拉宫](Potala Palace)为吐蕃王朝藏王松赞干布于公元633年迁都拉萨时所建,后毁于战火,公元1645年,五世达赖喇嘛重建,其建筑依山而建,分为白宫及红宫两大部份,采土石木为结构,宫体主楼高117公尺,分13层楼,是历代达赖喇嘛之冬宫,


"吐蕃"名称用至宋辽时期(1111年)为止. 该地区划为'宣政院直辖'. 但在>首页的地图上,把"中国"(CATHAY)限在黄河与长江之间. 长江以南标为"秣羯"(MANJI)"吐蕃"(TIBET)的范围则是阿富汗以东、黄河以西、西马拉亚以北、阿尔泰以南.




吐蕃赞普赤松德赞时期应...[摘要]释迦牟尼 (SHAKYAMUNI)乔达摩.悉达多,佛教创始人,释迦意为"能",牟尼意为"仁",故称"能仁". 幼民悉达多. 出身无垢释迦王族. 庚申年四月初七诞生,少年精通...[摘要]密集金刚(GUHYASAMAJA)密集金刚是了解广大密续文献的关键,


"吐蕃"名称用至宋辽时期(1111年)为止. 该地区划为'宣政院直辖'. 但在<<东方游记>>首页的地图上,把"中国"(CATHAY)限在黄河与长江之间. 长江以南标为"秣羯"(MANJI)"吐蕃"(TIBET)的范围则是阿富汗以东、黄河以西、西马拉亚以北、阿尔泰以南.