英语人>词典>汉英 : 吐气的 的英文翻译,例句
吐气的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与吐气的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I must treat the transparent glass to aspirate gently .


Then I'll huff ,and I'll puff .And I'll blow your house down .


Then on the outbreath recognize that energy pours from the affected part of the body throughout your physical body and then out of the skin, as if filling the subtle bodies.


We describe herein a female with proven sarcoidosis stage I whose HRCT scan showed air trapping during expiration and lung biopsy via video-assisted thoracoscopy revealed air trapping-related emphysema and non-necrotizing granulomas with peribronchiolar compression and intrabronchiolar involvement.


The findings of the study : there were significance change of pulmonary function, shoulder function and postoperative pain in the six weeks of postthoracic surgery.

本研究之研究结果显示病人术后六周内的肺功能、肩功能和术后疼痛有显著的变化,用力吐气肺活量和第一秒用力呼气容积均在术后第一天降至最低,到术后六周可恢复为术前的86.8%(SD = 12.2)和87.7%(SD = 19.0)。

See the section below for making distinctions between "aspirated" voiceless sounds ,, and and "unaspirated" voiceless sounds ,, and .

&请参看以下部门之间作出区分声响&吐气&无声族,,和和&不吐气&无声的声响的,和& Listening to consonants:听辅音

As I breathe out, I release anything that is not light within me.


The geometry of the air spaces and fixed resonance chambers is "streamlined"; there is only one set of functional vocal cords; the vocal cords are mounted in the air tunnel in such a way that, when adducted, they can produce sound only on expiration, instead of allowing both inspiratory and expiratory voice; and the epiglottis has moved so far below the pharynx as to allow the air from the larynx to stream freely through both nasal and oral cavities.


Percent of chlorine dioxide is be egested in 72 hours. The half-life in mice blood plasma is 44 hours.


In the subtle gap between breaths, you are at your center.


更多网络解释与吐气的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aspirer tes soupirs:呼吸你吐出的气

Te faire mourir de rire 让你笑到不行 | Aspirer tes soupirs 呼吸你吐出的气 | M'enfermer tout le jour 天天闭门不出

belch: v.1:嗳气,打嗝 2.吐出,喷出,喷射

out-of-control: a.失控的 | belch: v.1.嗳气,打嗝 2.吐出,喷出,喷射 | character: n.(文艺作品)人物,角色,演员


茴香精油(Fennel)简述:止吐、抗痉孪、催情、利心脏、祛肠胃胀气利消化、利尿、化痰、催乳、杀虫、轻泻、杀寄生虫、助产、利肺、激励、利胃. 抗发炎、抗菌、解毒、祛痰、杀虫、使病理现象消退、利脾、促发汗. 具净化功能所以有效的排出皮肤组织只的废物,

Nurse Adele's office|is on the other side of the school...|AdeIe:护士的办公室在学校的另一侧

...and out.|...吐气 | Nurse Adele's office|is on the other side of the school...|AdeIe护士的办公室在学校的另一侧... | ...by the art wing.|艺术部那边


正是由于不断"悔过"这些深重"罪过"并意识到个人力量的渺小,邓恩在>这首诗开头便把自己想象为一个囚徒,通过诗中说话者向上帝直抒胸臆:仅仅依靠" 轻叩"(knock) "吐气"(breath)和"照射"(shine)这些通常的方式已经不能实现救赎,


expiration 截止 | expiratory 吐气的 | expiratory 呼气的


unaspirated 不送气 | unaspirated 不吐气 | unassailable 不容置疑的


unasnwerable /无法回答的/ | unaspirated /不送气/不吐气/ | unassailable /攻不破的/不容置疑的/无懈可击的/


aspidosamine 绵马胺 | aspirated 气音的 | aspiratedtoblowoffsteam 吐气