英语人>词典>汉英 : 名义主义 的英文翻译,例句
名义主义 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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During the period of the Popular Front, from 1935 to 1938, when the Communist Party sought alliances with progressive groups in the name of anti-Fascism, it was therefore unseemly to suggest any similarity between Communism and Fascism as forms of government.


There are tokens that the Christian element is a product of Gnosticism, and that our work is the same with that much in favour among several heretical sects under the name of the "Anabaticon", or "Ascension of Isaias".

有令牌,基督教的因素是产品的诺斯替主义,和我们的工作也是如此,许多有利於在一些邪教的名义下的" Anabaticon "或"升天的伊萨亚"。

Logicism is the name given to the research programme initiated by Frege and developed by Russell and Whitehead the aim of which was to show how mathematics is reducible to logic.


But the right-wing Swiss People's Party struck a chord by telling voters that there was still a binary choice: either they would be subjected to misogynism and cruel punishments in the name of Islam, or else their existing culture, based on liberal Christianity, would prevail.


I think he was just a smart playboy abusing the name of Satan for his own greed. His views of Satanism always annoyed me big times and I think it is disgusting to see that his stupid church got so many followers.


The region is diverse in its culture and in beliefs. It contains the world's largest democracy, India; its largest notionally communist, but increasingly capitalist, state, China; and its most Stalinist country, North Korea.


History as a whole,and modern history in particular,has known harrowing times when national leaders turned their citizens into cannon fodder in the name of wicked doctrines:vicious Fascism and fiendish Nazism.Pictures of children marching to the slaughter,photos of terrified women at the gates of crematoria must loom before the eyes of every leader in our generation,and the generations to come.


In the name of the first principle, on which Zwingli had insisted more than Luther and Calvin, the Pietists thought to free themselves from the letter of the Bible which fettered the action of the Spirit.


更多网络解释与名义主义相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


邦中的正式元首"督治"(Doge)选任终生;督治名义上的权柄很有限,① 阿拉贡(Aragon)在西班牙东北部. 彼得三世(PeterⅢ,1239?-85;在位1276-85 )娶曼弗里德的女里索(Gemistus Pletho)是希腊一个正统信仰很成问题的热诚的柏拉图主义腊人贝萨利昂(Bessarion)也是这样.


nomenclature 命名法 | nominalism 名义主义 | nominalismnominalistterminism 唯名论


nominalinterestrate 名义利率 | nominalism 命名主义 | nominalledger 名义帐项总帐


nominalismnominalistterminism 唯名论 | nominalist 名义主义者 | nominalistic 名义主义


nominalistic /唯命论的/名义主义的/ | nominally /有名无实地/名义上地/名称上/ | nominate /提名/任命/指定/推荐/


nominalist 名义主义者 | nominalistic 名义主义的 | nominalistic 唯命论的


nominalist /唯名论/名义主义者/ | nominalistic /唯命论的/名义主义的/ | nominally /有名无实地/名义上地/名称上/