英语人>词典>汉英 : 同卵双生 的英文翻译,例句
同卵双生 的英文翻译、例句


enzygotic twins · identical twin
更多网络例句与同卵双生相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In other words, identical twins were more likely to play withthe same strategy than fraternal twins.


In other words, identical twins were more likely to play with the same strategy than fraternal twins.


A haploid cell that results from the meiotic division of an oocyte and becomes a female gamete or an ovum .


Alice and I look very similar, because we are identical twins.


However,if we take two identical twins,chances are that they will be as intelligent as each other.


They walk among us in the form of identical twins: people who share exact sets of DNA.


And if identical twins are fully human, wouldn't cloned people be as well?


Siblings and dizygotic twins share only 50% of their segregating genes.


Of or relating to a twin or twins developed from the same fertilized ovum and having the same genetic makeup and closely similar appearance; monozygotic.


Biology Of or relating to a twin or twins developed from the same fertilized ovum and having the same genetic makeup and closely similar appearance; monozygotic.


更多网络解释与同卵双生相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fraternal twins:异卵双生

因而,同卵双生和异卵双生( fraternal twins)之间各种倾向的不同是由基因上的差别决定的. 斯佩克特指出,这项研究结果显示,同卵双生的性高潮的经历比异卵双生的经历更加相似. 而同卵双生与异卵双生之间的差别主要存在于基因上,

identical twins:同卵双生

为了找出什么因素对女性性高潮的影响最大,斯佩克特和他的同事对4000多名女性双胞胎进行了匿名的问卷调查,她们中有700对是同卵双生(identical twins),分享着同样的基因.

non-identical twins:非同卵双生 ,非同卵孪生,非同卵孪生儿

non-flowering plant 无花植物 | non-identical twins 非同卵双生 ,非同卵孪生,非同卵孪生儿 | non-living thing 非生物

non-identical twins:非同卵双生胎

non-icteric type 无黄疸型 | non-identical twins 非同卵双生胎 | non-identity operation 非一致演算

uniovular twin:同卵双生

单核细胞 uninclear cell;unincleate cell | 同卵双生 uniovular twin | 单相 uniphase

dizygotic twin:异卵双生

双胞胎妊娠中,异卵双生(dizygotic twin)占了三分之二,同卵双生(monozygotic twin)则占三分之一. (1) 发生率-同卵双生的发生率,与种族、年龄、遗传、产次及用性腺激素来治疗不孕症无多大关系,但异卵双生则与上述因素有关.

monozygotic twins:同卵双生

monoterpene 单萜 | monozygotic twins 同卵双生 | monsoon 季节风

monozygotic twin:同卵双生

双胞胎妊娠中,异卵双生(dizygotic twin)占了三分之二,同卵双生(monozygotic twin)则占三分之一. (1) 发生率-同卵双生的发生率,与种族、年龄、遗传、产次及用性腺激素来治疗不孕症无多大关系,但异卵双生则与上述因素有关. (2) 遗传-根据bulmer(1960)分析结果,认

monozygotic twin:单卵双生,同卵双生

monosomy 单体性 | monozygotic twin 单卵双生,同卵双生 | mosaic 嵌合体,同源嵌合体

monozygotic twin , MZ:同卵双生

先证者:proband | 同卵双生:monozygotic twin , MZ | 异卵(双卵)双生:dizygotic twin, DZ