英语人>词典>汉英 : 吉普斯 的英文翻译,例句
吉普斯 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与吉普斯相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Born in 1965 into the legendary family of gypsy violinists descended from Janos Bihari,"King of Gypsy Violinists", Roby Lakatos was introduced to music as a child and at age nine he made his public debut as first violin in a gypsy band.


In addition to the above Monti's "Csardas", the well-known Spanish composer Sarasate's "Gypsy Song", also known as "Gypsy," also used the basic structure of Csardas, but something more complex, the feelings of the performance of more diverse, the last still rough fanaticism "Friis" end of paragraphs.


Or walk amongst wildflowers on the Bogong High Plains in spring.


All four players appeared for United's first team during pre-season. Gibson, Simpson and Evans were heavily involved in the Club's South Africa tour, while Campbell scored the winning goal against Macclesfield at Moss Rose.


Research music rich gypsy music special characteristic like Gypsy scale, Csarads and Verbunkos, the music speed is divided quick and the slow two parts, respectively is Lassan and Friska, also rich Verbunkos unique rhythm figure like dotted note, imitates Cimbalom to knock the qin and the Trio timbre, Candenza, Lassan partial morendo recites the way, subject melody Sequence, Rubato and so on.


Originally, Strauss neither has very high expectation to him , model can as long as he appears on the stage of go and swaying , the band does not command to be able to perform the bend eye knowing well that as usual because of the technology is adept.On July 23 , 1853, build is long and thin , is growing jeep match long hair, have work black swallow-tailed coat white trousers , a pair of brown eye on with bright piercing eyes Joseph · Strauss dresses up and goes on the stage formally.


From the army to the local, I had driven American Ford Truck, American Jeep, Shanghai Tricar, the former Soviet Gasi 69, British Standa Car, Nanjing Gasi, Beijing Hongye middle-sized bus, China made bus, Japanese Toyota minibus and Beijing jeep.

从部队到地方,我开过美国福特卡车、美国吉普、上海三轮汽车、苏联嘎斯69 、英国斯坦达轿车、南京嘎斯、北京红叶中巴、国产大客车、日本丰田小巴、北京吉普。我从司机到调度、车管员、车队长、科长。

Hungarian music and gypsy music common characteristic Gypsy scale, Cimbalom, Csarads and Verbunkos.


Bushwalk Gippsland's coastal wilderness, hit the High Country slopes or explore the grand architecture of a Goldfields town.


The discrepancy was so great it has led military historian Max Hastings to wonder how in the world "could American and British industries produce a host of superb aircraft, an astonishing variety of radar equipment, the proximity fuse, the DUKW , the jeep yet still ask their armies to join battle against the Wehrmacht equipped with a range of tanks utterly inferior in armor and killing power?"


更多网络解释与吉普斯相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ARP ARAGIP:阿拉吉普 巴布亚新几内亚

ARO ARBOLETAS 阿巴勒塔斯 哥伦比亚 | ARP ARAGIP 阿拉吉普 巴布亚新几内亚 | ARR ALTO RIO SENGUERR 上里奥森格尔 阿根廷

ARP ARAGIP:阿?shy;吉普 巴布亚新几内亚

ARO ARBOLETAS 阿巴勒塔斯 哥伦比亚 | ARP ARAGIP 阿?shy;吉普 巴布亚新几内亚 | ARR ALTO RIO SENGUERR 上里奥?shy;格尔 阿根廷

Darron Gibson:达伦.汤玛斯.吉普森

14) ANDERSON 安德森.路易斯 | 15) DARRON GIBSON 达伦.汤玛斯.吉普森 | 16) PAUL SCHOLES 保罗.斯科尔斯




在国内,人们在很长一段时间里把 "吉普"(Jeep)作为大车身、高底盘、拥有良好越野能力的两箱汽车的代名词. 然而在国外,"Jeep"这个词不但代表戴姆勒-克莱斯勒集团旗下的杰出品牌,更是一个极具价值的注册商标. 今天,


奇 (美国) 吉普(JEEP) (美国) 普利茅斯 三菱 (日本) 现代汽车集团 现代 (韩国) 起亚 (韩国) 丰田-大发-日野集团 丰田 (日本) 雷克萨斯 (日本) 皇冠 (日本) 大发 (日本) 斯巴鲁(富士重工、SUBARU) (日本) 福特-美洲虎-沃尔沃-马自达-阿斯顿马丁-兰德罗孚集团 福特 (美国) 林肯 (美国) 水星 (美国) 沃尔沃Volvo (瑞典) 马自达

Rudyard Kipling:吉普林

吉普林(Rudyard Kipling)英国诗人,他也是一位出色的记者和小说家,著有畅销的儿童书>,曾荣获诺贝尔文学奖. 鲍尔斯(Paul Bowles)美国作家兼作曲家,著有>,其作品主要探讨现代人在文明与原始间的冲突.

scena e canto gitano:场景与吉普赛之歌 指挥

08 alboado阿尔伯拉达 | 09 scena e canto gitano场景与吉普赛之歌 指挥 | 10 fandango asturiano斯担夫尼卡交响乐团/阿尔伯特.里茨奥 指挥




Aegistus 埃吉斯托斯 | Aegyptus 埃吉普托斯 | Aella 埃拉